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Status Updates posted by c00kies

  1. Wanted to make grilled cheese sandwiches, but realized the bread was moldy. Then I went to make KD (only one week expired) and was waiting for my water to boil...it was about 20 minutes later (I had also dumped some water) that I realized the element was only semi-working and didn't get hot enough...

    1. Jam126


      Oh, poor you... :(

  2. Can anybody see this?

    1. thejazz97


      Yes. Yes we can.

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles
    3. c00kies


      WOOO!!!! lol


      Slowly getting used to this site again :P

  3. I'm gonna go as you for Halloween so I can finally get in your pants.

  4. Damn Buffalo has a good Powerplay.

  5. I'm skull out of my bored.

  6. Dallas has two goals, Niemi has two assists lol.

    1. Odd.


      seguin better get his arse ready, niemi's gonna outscore him this year am i doin it right

  7. I can count by twos and tie my shoes. I can count by fours and point out whores. I can count by sixes and please the misses. I can count by eights and...

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      tickle my mates.

    2. c00kies


      For the right price.

    3. Mr. Ambien

      Mr. Ambien

      master the bates

  8. Yes he McCANN!!!!!!!

  9. I had a dream where I was watching the Canucks game on T.V. and they were losing, then out of nowhere I was taking a faceoff with ~5 seconds left and we scored. I have no idea who we were playing, but I think it's a sign that I'm ready for hockey season.

  10. The Stanley Cup is won and lost in the pre-season, so no slacking!!!

    1. TheRussianRocket.


      Agreed, so the Canucks better not lose any games! :@

    2. Green Building
    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      We already lost it cuz the Oilers won. Oilers 2016 champs

  11. Bombers lost this game when they named Brohm starter.

  12. Does anyone know what "WWW TFR VINO" is? I'm with RBC bank and it made two withdrawals equaling $700...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. c00kies


      Thanks though :)

    3. Dazzle


      You need to contact your bank. That's potentially a suspicious transfer.

    4. Edlerberry


      its an e-transfer

  13. This is a status.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PrideInThisTeam


      This. Is. Sparta!

    3. Gstank29


      This is my status now!

    4. Fox Mulder

      Fox Mulder

      This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.

  14. Flash is pissing me off. Why can't we just use HTML5? Lazy bums :P

  15. Well, I learned a lesson today...don't tell a girl that she smells different awake.

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      or address her by the wrong name and congratulate her for being pregnant when she's really just fat.

    2. Phil_314


      next time, tell her she smells unique. people like it when you notice their individuality.

  16. I feel so bad that I'm not excited about our 2015 draft class.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      drink a dozen beers....you'll feel more excited.......oh yah...

    2. BanTSN


      As long as the fans are entertained, it doesn't matter who the draft picks are.

  17. What channel is the draft on? I have a feeling I'm going to miss it because it'll be on SN.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. c00kies


      What stations are those? I'm in Winnipeg with a local service.

    3. Gstank29



    4. c00kies


      I don't get SN :(

  18. Leafs trade McKegg...cue the rebuild.

  19. No longer unemployed!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. c00kies
    3. Phil_314


      Cookie monster is not a job.

      Just kidding :^P congrats! What's your new role?

    4. c00kies


      A filing job with the Federal government. I interviewed for it in January, but couldn't get on right away with school so I thought it would be a no go.

  20. bring back Ehrhoff and Hodgson :P

    1. LeanBeef


      and MacGregor Sharp

    2. g_bassi13


      Don't lump Ehrhoff with Hodgson, lol. The German could actually be useful to us,

    3. c00kies


      Hodgson was useful when he was on the Canucks (not in Buffalo though), so maybe he'd be useful again :P

  21. Damn!!! Such a deflating goal in O.T. :(

    1. Webster6


      It was a pretty wide open game since neither team have ever played each other before. I expect the Comets to adjust well and tighten things up instead of letting the Monarch's speed run wild.

    2. c00kies


      Yeah, it was a really tough game for the Comets, but now they know what they are facing.

  22. Kesler versus AV Cup Final?

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      Nucks win by proxy.

    2. thejazz97


      Kesler vs. Garrison?

    3. Time Lord

      Time Lord

      James Sheppard vs Kyle Cumiskey?

  23. Ryan Kesler hurts me. Why couldn't he play like crap so that I didn't feel even worse about the trade :(

    1. Gstank29


      because Bonino, Sbisa, McCann

    2. Mike Vanderhoek

      Mike Vanderhoek

      who cares how he plays, he's not a Canuck...trade shouldn't hurt anyone lol...received two nhl pieces and a top young prospect, poor us lol

    3. jstewboy


      I'm happy to see him succeeding in Anaheim. I'm sure when McCann starts to produce in the NHL and proves to be a feisty C similar to Kesler, your butt won't hurt so bad about it.

  24. I like how Lui always wanted to be like Grant Fuhr, but Crawford is a lot more like Fuhr; can give up 4 goals, but make the key saves to win.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      lol, makes no sense, Canucks need to score to be a fair comparison

    3. WilliesStache14


      Fuhr also played on a team that could easily go score 5 or 6 if he let in 4. Luongo didn't

    4. c00kies


      That may be true, but even when we did there were games he just couldn't hold his own. Any time he gave up 4 he would give up 6, 7, or 8 goals. One of those games was a must win game 6 against Chicago when we did have the offense, but he was giving up yucky goals.

  25. So I just downloaded Firefox. What should I do (aside from pipelining) to speed it up?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. c00kies


      Right now FF seems a bit slower, but the videos seem to play much better.



      chrome eats laptop battery

    4. jstewboy


      If you have 14 tabs open in any browser your battery will get eaten.

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