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Status Updates posted by SpinDrive

  1. Got my first official interview tomorrow. Kinda nervous. Any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      look them in the eye...don't let them see your fear or indifference....

    3. HK Phooey

      HK Phooey

      Be yourself. Be honest. Have fun with it. If you have the technical skills, the rest is about you, the person. Go and shine.

    4. TimberWolf


      Show some cleavage

  2. There are conflicting reports, who got the fifth in the Kassian deal?

    1. TimberWolf
    2. Baer.


      LeBrun made a mistake and didn't notice until it was too late.

  3. Would anyone like a free Diancie in Pokemon X or Y?

  4. My puppy sure likes to poop on the carpet...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Plum


      Time for you to poop on it.

    3. ChenWei91


      i agree with this.

    4. MANGO


      are they salary dumps

  5. Getting a dog. Any advice?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Newsflash


      Best site bar none. Read as many articles as you can.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      don't get a irish setter...dumb dogs....labs are best....my favorite is the golden lab...usually mongrels make the best pets.....if your afraid of getting beat up, get a doberman.....stay away from yappy little dogs...

    4. SpinDrive


      I'm getting a pug joe. And thanks for that site Newsflash, it's got some awesome info.

  6. I have my Driving test today for my N and I can't sleep. Probably not a good sign.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. goalie13


      BC has a graduated licensing program where learners get an L to display on their vehicle and new drivers get an N. After they get some experience (and another test, I think) they can drop the N.

    3. SpinDrive


      Yay I got it! Even though I didn't read these until I got home, thanks for all the advice lol.

    4. Scottish⑦Canuck
  7. I wonder if there will be a lockout mode in NHL 13.

    1. Honeydews
    2. DollarAndADream


      Yeah, then we can kill time on a virtual CDC on the game.

    3. NightHawkSniper


      Poor seasonticketholders

  8. Hah awesome sig, although it would be better if it was magikarp vs metapod, what an epic battle.

  9. I won't be impressed with technology until I can download food.

    1. Scheiderfanforlife


      I dunno performing heart operations with a robot is impressive to me

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      yeah but instant food by your command now that would be imoressive :)

    3. Scheiderfanforlife


      ^Fair enough wont be long im sure technology takes leaps and bounds daily

  10. Decided to get in touch with my feminine side today.......Made myself a sandwich.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Apricot


      What kind of sandwich?

      Did it have lettuce? Tomato? Cheese?

    3. Mr. Anderson

      Mr. Anderson

      I just had some of your sandwich, now I want some pie.

    4. SpinDrive


      I don't like tomatoes or pie, sorry bros.

  11. Wisdom teeth are out and all I can think about right now is OH GOOD GOD WTF IS GOING ON IN MY MOUTH

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Try Again

      Try Again

      haha good one joe

    3. Darkstar


      Eat your meds on time and you'll be fine. If not, it'll hurt like a b*tch.

    4. Canuckette_84


      I couldn't eat proper food for a week after mine were pulled. Have fun starving!

  12. What is wrong with you?

    1. CanucksBen
    2. SpinDrive


      Pretty much everything.

    3. Master 112

      Master 112

      Pretty much everything for me, too.

  13. Ovechkin used to be the best player in the world, until he took an arrow in the knee.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SpinDrive


      @Bangs you overuse Bangs into basically everything you do, so who are you to talk?

    3. Try Again
    4. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      26 games into the season and Jannik Hansen has more goals than him. yeah, he's finished.

  14. I'm super lazy today. Which is like lazy but I'm also wearing a cape.

    1. Shift-4


      So not too lazy to put on a cape then?

    2. SpinDrive


      It was already on, since my childhood of course.

  15. Cory Schneider with back to back hat tricks. Me thinks he's going for the Richard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Try Again
    3. Armada


      Damn you beat me to it..

    4. Tigs


      Corey Schneider for MVP!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Getting my wisdom teeth removed in early December. Any advice?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. joe of the north

      joe of the north

      seek alternate wisdom while you still can...no, not cdc......

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i lived off meal replacement drinks for the first couple of days then moved on to warm soup and the occasional yogurt. i had all 4 of mine removed a few years ago and it sucked. all they gave me were a couple advils and were like see ya

    4. SpinDrive


      Yea I'm going for the knockout treatment, also getting all four removed.

  17. There is no angry way to say "Bubbles"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. joe of the north

      joe of the north

      i'll knock those filthy bubbles, right out of your hair, if you don't have supper on the tables, five minutes ago...ain't you got no learnin?

    3. Heretic


      Blistering Bubbles!!!!

    4. SpinDrive


      Nope Joe, I ain't got no learning. Also good luck with my hair.

  18. This just in: Crosby got a haircut, it looked good. More to come.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. goalie13


      How long will that keep him out of the lineup?

    3. Phil_314



      you mean how much quicker can he climb up the scoring race now that there's decreased amounts of resistance!

    4. Try Again

      Try Again

      less flow, less goals ;)

  19. Bros before hoes, because gardening's fun, but it's not worth losing a friend.

  20. Could've at least capitalized "hossa".

  21. For Halloween I'm going to write life on a plain white T-shirt and hand out lemons to people.

    1. Shift-4


      I will stand behind you with tequila and salt :D

  22. Stupid youtube, stop filling my sub box with videos I've already watched!

    1. ChenWei91


      Youtube is so fudged up right now :(

  23. I miss my PS1. I might dig it out soon if I can find it.

    1. Mr. Anderson

      Mr. Anderson

      You don't have a ps3?

    2. ChenWei91


      I miss my N64. I might dig it out soon; if I can find it.

    3. g_bassi13
  24. Insomnia the day before my midterm. Perfect.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SpinDrive


      Or spend it on CDC...

    3. ChenWei91


      Insomnia ftw!

    4. -DLC-


      Brain's on overtime, hey Spin?

      I couldn't sleep last night either...not sure why.

      Good luck today. :)

  25. 10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bobe Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now we have no Jobs, no Hope, and no Cash. I just hope Kevin Bacon doesn't go.

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