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Watched Fuller House. Don't know why. I was curious after reading some reviews.


It - it was bad, in all the ways it was in the 80s/90s, but I almost liked it. There were moments where it seemed to be so subtly laughing at me. It just walked that line, and knowing now what Saget's comedic roots are like, I could not tell if it was intentional. Maybe the best example, or at least the best moment imo: Uncle Joey is left to tend to the baby while everyone else goes to a party. He pulls out his stuffed moose hand puppet and starts aping around for the baby in its crib. There's a series of back and forth shots : camera from the POV of the baby looking up at this creepy moose thing talking down, then long still shots from the puppet's POV where the baby just looks terrified. Then eventually the baby starts to cry. And the laugh track kicks in. Seriously wtf?


Too Many Cooks / 10

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On 04/03/2016 at 7:50 PM, Hugor Hill said:

Yeah that was good... the camera quality was no good but it was a good movie.


I picked it up based on your reco BTW. Thanks.

Great movie. I would recommend Primer or Time Lapse to anyone who enjoyed coherence.

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On March 5, 2016 at 2:06 PM, Down by the River said:

Season 4 House of Cards: 4/10


Feel like the show was too heavily influenced by Breaking Bad et al.'s emphasis on the anti-hero or the protagonist that slowly transforms into the antagonist. In House of Cards, you ultimately don't like anyone, don't root for anyone, and thus consequences to the characters carry no emotional impact.


Robin Wright seemed responsible for directing a large number of the episodes. I feel like her directing episodes is analogous to her character demanding things that she has not experience in and has yet to earn. 

I enjoyed this season, a hell of a lot more than season 3. Probably give it a 7/10. Not great like seasons 1 and 2, but still watchable.

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the wolfpack: ???/10 - another meaningless documentary. vaguely interesting in that "haha, look at that woman's hair" sorta way


watched a couple of really old tod browning horror/thriller movies:


the devil-doll: 6.5/10: the worst i've seen from Browning


unholy three: 7.5/10: not as good as Dracula or Freaks, but certainly entertaining and odd. i love Lon Chaney

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Sisters - Not good and not worth watching/10


Really like Fey and Poehler is "ok", but this was yet another comedy that follows the new trend (thank you Bridesmaids) of the "Isn't it funny to watch women being vulgar?" films.


Just because the words "tw*t", "*c*nt", "bl*wj*b", etc are spoken, that doesn't make it funny. Just cheap laughs. No different here. It's unfortunate that Fey and Poehler wasted their talents here.

Edited by Monty
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Started watching Better Call Saul. Being my favourite character from Breaking Bad, I'm surprised I put it off this long.


Through the first episode, I wasn't too sure what to think. Kind of went around in circles, and was a bit slow. But right from the beginning of episode 2 it takes off. Loving every minute of it now.

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Started re-watching The Wonder Years, haven't seen that show since I was a kid.


It's even better with age, there's a whole new layer to enjoy after you've gone through your adolescence.



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Melancholia: 6.5/10


Contrary to some, I really did think Kirsten Dunst gave a great performance. However, I thought the movie was confused about what it wanted to be, and you saw this through characters that would at times act in ways that were not consistent with the manner in which von Trier had set them up. The stable sister becomes suddenly unstable, which I get was done to try and contrast her with the unstable sister that suddenly becomes stable, but just because depressed people act calm in a crisis does not mean that stable people become panicked. 


Also, it was as if von Trier couldn't decide if he wanted this to be a sci-fi movie or simply a movie about depression. The bean counting was terribly out of place. I appreciate a director that wants to do something different, but sometimes different just for the sake of different becomes self-indulgent.

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1 hour ago, falcon45ca said:

Started re-watching The Wonder Years, haven't seen that show since I was a kid.


It's even better with age, there's a whole new layer to enjoy after you've gone through your adolescence.



Madeline (Julie condra)


'Nuff said.

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Hobbit - 5 Armies


Uggghh / 10


The first two, while not as good as LOTR were passable, entertaining even. I think I rated the first one somewhere around 7 or 8, the second 6 or 7.


This just seemed devoid of ANY soul. It was like a big CGI orgy for the sake of  it. It pains me to write that about anything based on Tolkien's work but holy @#$% what a festering deuce of otherwise worthless CGI.


I suppose if I have to give it a number... probably 4.5/10 and that's merely for the technical achievement/eye/ear candy and pity for one of our greatest writers fine work.


Seriously, did anyone have ANY sort of emotional response to this?

Edited by J.R.
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Mistress America 7/10



This started off badly. It felt like an immature 80's movie, soundtrack included about people I wouldn't and couldn't care about. Almost turned it off.


But as unlikable (at least to me) as the Brooke character especially is initially, she, Tracy and the movie begin to grow on you until the substance sneaks up on you. 


I don't know how much I agree withe the genre classification of 'Comedy' for it as most of the laughing I did was either of the awkward or 'laughing at, not with' variety. And even those moments didn't occur often enough IMO to classify it as such. But as interesting character drama about two very different but similarly 'lost while finding their way' young women with some humorous moments, it's pretty decent and if nothing else, interesting.


And the two female leads are exceedingly well acted.

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8 minutes ago, J.R. said:

Hobbit - 5 Armies


Uggghh / 10


The first two, while not as good as LOTR were passable, entertaining even. I think I rated the first one somewhere around 7 or 8, the second 6 or 7.


This just seemed devoid of ANY soul. It was like a big CGI orgy for the sake of  it. It pains me to write that about anything based on Tolkien's work but holy @#$% what a festering deuce of otherwise worthless CGI.


I suppose if I have to give it a number... probably 4.5/10 and that's merely for the technical achievement/eye/ear candy and pity for one of our greatest writers fine work.


Seriously, did anyone have ANY sort of emotional response to this?

I felt hollow after watching all of them.


The LOTR films, all 3, occupy my favorite films of all time (I count them as one film). And while I understood going in that The Hobbit is a much lighter read, and therefore, a much lighter film, you nailed it perfectly. No soul whatsoever.


Usually if I find enough fault in a film, I'll go into what bothered me about it and where, I believe, the filmmaker and writers went wrong. But it's just easier to say here that Jackson and Co. dropped the ball in every area possible. Some enjoyable parts, for example the bit with Gollum; but the majority of the films felt like a chore to get through. Which, whenever I think about it, is quite depressing considering how much I love LOTR.

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14 minutes ago, J.R. said:

Hobbit - 5 Armies


Uggghh / 10


The first two, while not as good as LOTR were passable, entertaining even. I think I rated the first one somewhere around 7 or 8, the second 6 or 7.


This just seemed devoid of ANY soul. It was like a big CGI orgy for the sake of  it. It pains me to write that about anything based on Tolkien's work but holy @#$% what a festering deuce of otherwise worthless CGI.


I suppose if I have to give it a number... probably 4.5/10 and that's merely for the technical achievement/eye/ear candy and pity for one of our greatest writers fine work.


Seriously, did anyone have ANY sort of emotional response to this?

I gave the first one an uggh and fell asleep during the second one.

No urgency whatsoever to watch the third............or give the second one another try.  lol

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15 hours ago, D-Money said:

Started watching Better Call Saul. Being my favourite character from Breaking Bad, I'm surprised I put it off this long.


Through the first episode, I wasn't too sure what to think. Kind of went around in circles, and was a bit slow. But right from the beginning of episode 2 it takes off. Loving every minute of it now.

I need to watch it as well.  Bob Odenkirk was hilarious on Mr.Show and I try to watch whatever he does.

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2 hours ago, Monty said:

I felt hollow after watching all of them.


The LOTR films, all 3, occupy my favorite films of all time (I count them as one film). And while I understood going in that The Hobbit is a much lighter read, and therefore, a much lighter film, you nailed it perfectly. No soul whatsoever.


Usually if I find enough fault in a film, I'll go into what bothered me about it and where, I believe, the filmmaker and writers went wrong. But it's just easier to say here that Jackson and Co. dropped the ball in every area possible. Some enjoyable parts, for example the bit with Gollum; but the majority of the films felt like a chore to get through. Which, whenever I think about it, is quite depressing considering how much I love LOTR.

It was like watching someone play a video game. 

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Victor Frankenstein - 3.5/10


The style of the film was alright, and Daniel Radcliffe was the only bright spot as far as acting performances go, as he was given the most interesting character to work with as Igor. Even though James McAvoy was certainly giving it his best effort, even his character was not enough to keep one interested for long lengths of time. This just came down to bad writing.




Amy - 2/10


Very disappointed that this received Best Documentary. I don't put any stock into the Academy Awards, but after seeing a few of the Docs this year, particularly Winter on Fire, finding out this was considered by those in the industry to be the "Best of the Best" is quite sad.


The girl can sing. But because she was a user, an alcoholic, and bulimic, her story was an interesting one to tell. Well, not really.

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