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Miller wants to join a contender; possible new connection to Canucks?


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Haha...you're delusional TRR if you think that Miller as a UFA will sign for only one or two years at $3 to $5 Million?

Canuck fans will stop at nothing to keep the dream alive.

Forget 2011.

I know, stop the madness. How people think this team is still capable is ... well it's madness.

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Please god no, we don't need another mentally fragile goalie that has already peaked and is on his way down.


Look how good Lack was after missing a whole year due to injury. He's still young, and will likely be even better next year.

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Those proposals are all in good fun. Floridas GM has gone public about his willingness to trade the 1st overall choice and hes looking for quality defenders. A (fading)selke winner and a (inconsistent)top 4 dman plus a (pontential bust) top prospect in gaunce is the ideal trade for the canucks IMO. The excitement of picking 1st overall(canucks have never picked that high) and getting a top level talent alone is more than worth it.

As for burrows and shinkaruk. One is too old and increasingly injury prone while the other is too small and injury prone. They can have Schroeder too. Don't forget the canucks have to play those big and skilled California teams on a regular basis now.

Soderberg just finished a great rookie season with Boston playing on the third line. He's skilled and has ideal size. Benning needs to just go in and swoop him up for that 2nd line centre spot that kesler has failed at for the most part.

Burrows gaunce and a 16' 1st rounder to boston. Kesler edler shinkaruk to Florida. Yea that looks more realistic. Notice it's not the 2015 1st rounder so that still leaves the possibility of drafting Connor mcdavid if Benning decides to take two steps back to take 5 steps forward.

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Lebrun said on insider trading a few minutes ago that Anaheim & San Jose will not pursue Miller.

If he wants to play in the West Minnesota, Edmonton, Calgary & Winnipeg would probably be the only options. My guess is he might have some interest in going to Minny, but not to the others.

In the East PIT makes sense if they can move Fleury. Aside from him most of the other teams looking for goaltenders aren't contending.

Washington & Philly might be options, but Washington isn't exactly contending, though if they make so me moves they have potential to be a very good team again.

Philly I would wonder if they would be interesting in signing Miller after the Bryz fiasco. If its a short term deal they might have some interest. But at the same time, Steve Mason was really good for them so they might just want to stick with him.

PIT & Minny are the ones that make the most sense to me if both Miller & those teams would be interested.

PIT, Minny, and Philly make the most sense. I highly highly doubt what happened to Bryzgalov in Philly will have the same effect on Miller.
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Anyway back to miller, he's a good goalie. We've all seen his play in buffalo. But for whatever reason he didn't play well in St. Louis. I think he'll be wanting to prove his ability to whoever team signs him.

Since people are complaining on how our players are declining in production, we want to pick up a goalie that's declining in his stats too? Unless this is a cunning plan to get McDavid.

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I've always seen Miller as a very sullen person. I think he wouldn't be a good add to our dressing room even if he could play well on the ice. He isn't completely washed up but adding him would come at a cost more than just dollars and roster space.

I think he'll wind up in Minny, personally, or on the Island if Halak doesn't sign.

Edit: Speak of the devil.... I guess the Island is out. Miller might not have too many choices.

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Those proposals are all in good fun. Floridas GM has gone public about his willingness to trade the 1st overall choice and hes looking for quality defenders. A (fading)selke winner and a (inconsistent)top 4 dman plus a (pontential bust) top prospect in gaunce is the ideal trade for the canucks IMO. The excitement of picking 1st overall(canucks have never picked that high) and getting a top level talent alone is more than worth it.

As for burrows and shinkaruk. One is too old and increasingly injury prone while the other is too small and injury prone. They can have Schroeder too. Don't forget the canucks have to play those big and skilled California teams on a regular basis now.

Soderberg just finished a great rookie season with Boston playing on the third line. He's skilled and has ideal size. Benning needs to just go in and swoop him up for that 2nd line centre spot that kesler has failed at for the most part.

Burrows gaunce and a 16' 1st rounder to boston. Kesler edler shinkaruk to Florida. Yea that looks more realistic. Notice it's not the 2015 1st rounder so that still leaves the possibility of drafting Connor mcdavid if Benning decides to take two steps back to take 5 steps forward.

Ekblad is potential bust

McDavid is potential bust

Soderberg is a 3rf line center MAYBE a 2b center in his prime

Kesler Edler and Gaunce for a 1st overall is just crazy... Florida takes that deal so fast and runs to hills laughing at how good they just scored.

As for miller coming here. It just won't happen. We won't dish out the money or the term he will get in FA. Maybe he will go to Minny. They seem like the new big FA landing zone

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Sure would hate to be a GM trading 'tenders about now-there's no market. Keeping Schneids or Lu wouldn't have been the diff anyways. We NEEDED to get younger. People talk like our team's aging is a great sin..hey, people get old & cycles have to be accepted.

I'm glad we've got FOUR young guys with potential. Melanson's tutelage could pay off beautifully here. Personally rather excited about our young crop of GT's. If Matthias & Horvat hold up their end, there's some nice young Cdn size/skill to get it rolling, & it's a fine bonus.

Hellno to Miller. Should our younger gt's be not quite ready, it's a higher draft choice to enjoy.

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Can anyone explain how so many of our players all at one time did so poorly last year. IMHO the Canucks have talent. It got lost in a bad way with Tortorella at the helm. Talent just does not get lost, especially the talent of so many playerts all at once.

The team will make the playoffs next year. That talent will again appear with the right coach and a different and healthy competitive team attitude.

Our GM didn't make any neccesary trades in the last 3 years and our team now sucks. Our team is seriously lacking talent up front and the right mix of personel on defence, two rookie goaltenders and we finished exactly where we should have.

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Here's another NO vote for Miller. My wife won't like it, cuz she thinks he's cute, but she still has Kesler (so far) to drool over.

I'm not 100% ready to stick a fork in the Sedins/Burrows top line. They might be done, but last year was a weird one for them. Get them focused on offensive-end minutes again and have Burrows put a freak injury year behind him, and amazing things could return for this team.

Perhaps a vet backup to mentor Lack, but at a much lower price tag than what Miller would get. We need the play-making D and a big tough D-man to knock people around, and some strong offensive help on the second line. That will make for a better season.

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PIT, Minny, and Philly make the most sense. I highly highly doubt what happened to Bryzgalov in Philly will have the same effect on Miller.

I think Philly sticks with Mason.

With the goaltending issues they have had over the years, no sense fixing something that isn't broken.

Minny & PIT make the most sense for me, but the Pens would need to find a way to move Fleury first.

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sorry but this is ridiculous, "miller time" in vancouver.

but on the topic of goaltending in yvr i would like to see a veteran in a backup capacity to help with the development of eddie lack. we can ill afford to do what edmonton did with dubnyk by leaving him hanging out to dry, he needed the assurances of a vet behind him to get thru difficult times not another minor leaguer or uproven net minder behind him creating more pressure to rise above the situation...

i think eddie is worth going forward with providing we have a veteran to step in when called upon!

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I can see Colorado being a good fit for him, but i sure as heck dont want him here. He's way over rated IMO.... wet dream for me would be Cam Ward.

Varlamov is a Vezina finalist. What makes you think they want another Goalie?

I'd take Miller for cheap. Puts us in the playoff hunt and gives Lack another year to develop. Don't want him thrown into the fire this early. Although help up front is more pressing. Our goal scoring woes is quite embarassing.

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Being a playoff team next season is being optimistic unless we make some big changes.

Squeaking into the playoffs, sure. But actually doing something when we get there is another story.

Too many moves need to be made to realistically expect it to happen in one season. Therefore preparing our young players should be the number 1 goal next season. That includes making sure Lack isn't being thrown into the fire too soon.

Miller likely isn't the right fit here, but I think a veteran goalie could be very helpful for Lack.

This is what I fail to understand. What is the point of squeaking into the playoffs all to get blown away in the first round or get a cheap thrill as the underdog who went to 7 games..........all to pay the very heavy price for that week and a half of thrill by then drafting 15-to 19?

Take the thrills from Oct to Dec, start to tank in Jan and land in the top 5 in April to score a franchise pick in June.

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Those proposals are all in good fun. Floridas GM has gone public about his willingness to trade the 1st overall choice and hes looking for quality defenders. A (fading)selke winner and a (inconsistent)top 4 dman plus a (pontential bust) top prospect in gaunce is the ideal trade for the canucks IMO. The excitement of picking 1st overall(canucks have never picked that high) and getting a top level talent alone is more than worth it.

As for burrows and shinkaruk. One is too old and increasingly injury prone while the other is too small and injury prone. They can have Schroeder too. Don't forget the canucks have to play those big and skilled California teams on a regular basis now.

Soderberg just finished a great rookie season with Boston playing on the third line. He's skilled and has ideal size. Benning needs to just go in and swoop him up for that 2nd line centre spot that kesler has failed at for the most part.

Burrows gaunce and a 16' 1st rounder to boston. Kesler edler shinkaruk to Florida. Yea that looks more realistic. Notice it's not the 2015 1st rounder so that still leaves the possibility of drafting Connor mcdavid if Benning decides to take two steps back to take 5 steps forward.

You are entitled to your opinion

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