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[Botchford] Kesler gave a list of 6 (revisited)

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Gillis, Linden and Benning have all indicated having talked to or going to talk with Kesler about his future with the Canucks. What would prompt that other than a request for a trade. This can be traced back to Sochi when he was talking over there. Freidman even mentioned it on a HNIC.

Whether he is traded now or during the season impacts the Canucks now as it might make a dif on the Coach they select and might impact their draft strategy in June. Benning strikes me as someone who will cut to the chase and will know what he wants to do after talking to Kesler.

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If Kesler didn't want to be traded Benning and Linden wouldn't be saying they will have to talk to him about his future, they would just simply say that they aren't going to trade him. They want teams to know that he is still available and they are willing to trade him. I would be surprised if he is still a Canuck after the draft.

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Gillis, Linden and Benning have all indicated having talked to or going to talk with Kesler about his future with the Canucks. What would prompt that other than a request for a trade. This can be traced back to Sochi when he was talking over there. Freidman even mentioned it on a HNIC.

Whether he is traded now or during the season impacts the Canucks now as it might make a dif on the Coach they select and might impact their draft strategy in June. Benning strikes me as someone who will cut to the chase and will know what he wants to do after talking to Kesler.

Rumours about a request for a trade? And it all stems from that one tweet from Rene Lavoie saying Kesler had asked for a trade prior to the season starting (he corrected the time frame later, but not that Kesler had asked for a trade), which prompted all the rumours and teams to call to check on Kesler's availability. Just saying....

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I think we're reading that differently. What I get from your part of the post is your impression is that Kesler has again requested a trade since the management change and that it's all but a given he will be moved. Warhippy's reply further suggests that impression means his trade value will be reduced and we'll be lucky to get much of anything for him.

Here's how I took it: he'd talked about a trade earlier in the season and is very much involved with speaking to the new management. Even Overhardt didn't confirm anything more than that, that Kesler had asked for a trade and has already met with Linden with another meeting coming up with Benning.

The 6th point (2nd paragraph from the quote) from Friedman's 30 thoughts is all opinion or restating past rumours. Kesler has stated he wants to stay, which Bieksa confirmed, so him being open to a trade can certainly depend on the direction of the team and the forces that led to the trade request in the first place.

There's a big gap between putting up his list of teams he'd accept a trade to and demanding a trade. Only the latter would force the Canucks hand and have any significant affect on Kesler's value.

I won't get into the specifics of how it can be (and can't with the board rules) that he's approached the team about a trade but doesn't want one but I very much feel he isn't forcing a trade at this point. There's a good possibility he stays if A. we don't get good value in trade offers or B. Linden and Benning want him to stay and Kesler agrees.

I'm a bit confused by your post, but that's ok. Been a long day :)

Friedman, LeBrun, Botchford, Lavoie, Mckenzie have all stated Kesler requested a trade (Freidman reiterated it in his collumn). I don't think he re-requested a trade with the new regime, I think the request was always on the table (just as Luongos was). Kesler denied the trade request, as did Bieksa. So whys Kesler agent talking on the record about "what it would take to change Keslers mind"? And why would all of these hockey insiders say that he has requested a trade - as fact.

Linden and Benning have been very open about talking to Kesler about his future plans with this team. If there was nothing there, why didn't they specifically talk about talking to the Sedins, or Bieksa, or any other Canuck?

I don't know how anyone could think he didn't request a trade. Prob the same people who think Luongo didn't request a trade. And because I believe that, I can't see how they want to keep him. He doesn't want to be here, why would they want him here. Time to make the trade IMO.

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Rumours about a request for a trade? And it all stems from that one tweet from Rene Lavoie saying Kesler had asked for a trade prior to the season starting (he corrected the time frame later, but not that Kesler had asked for a trade), which prompted all the rumours and teams to call to check on Kesler's availability. Just saying....

Really? One tweet..... That is it?

Benning and Linden haven't stated they need to talk to anyone else about staying......

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Anyone who actually buys what Botchford says is moronic. So many CDC posters are tools that Lalji and Bitchford manipulate to get traffic and traction. These media types know how absolutely gullible the average sports fan is.

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CBC has unfortunately been a bit loosey goosey with their reporting recently.

First they parroted a Trotz rumour based off of one Twitter account, which has already been proven wrong since Trotz hasn't announced he's off the market yet. Then they said Kesler requested a trade, which was true, back when we had Gillis and Torts. However there's no indication that he's re-requested a trade (or even requested one in the first place, he could simply have been approached by MG).

I'm still seeing a lot of smoke but it's downwind of the media all crowded around an ember that they are fanning furiously.

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Anyone who actually buys what Botchford says is moronic. So many CDC posters are tools that Lalji and Bitchford manipulate to get traffic and traction. These media types know how absolutely gullible the average sports fan is.

Very well said. Don't have any respect for either and both are all about their egos. Doesn't Farhan have some high school football to coach?

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If Kesler didn't want to be traded Benning and Linden wouldn't be saying they will have to talk to him about his future, they would just simply say that they aren't going to trade him. They want teams to know that he is still available and they are willing to trade him. I would be surprised if he is still a Canuck after the draft.

Agreed but before that , GMs were bidding on him. Who does that unless the player agrees to be traded? Rumour is one thing, but when insiders like GMs are openly bidding on a player, we are past the waiving stage.

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Rumours about a request for a trade? And it all stems from that one tweet from Rene Lavoie saying Kesler had asked for a trade prior to the season starting (he corrected the time frame later, but not that Kesler had asked for a trade), which prompted all the rumours and teams to call to check on Kesler's availability. Just saying....

I would imagine that if someone asks for a trade and really wants out, they would provide more than 6 teams on their list.


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CBC has unfortunately been a bit loosey goosey with their reporting recently.

First they parroted a Trotz rumour based off of one Twitter account, which has already been proven wrong since Trotz hasn't announced he's off the market yet. Then they said Kesler requested a trade, which was true, back when we had Gillis and Torts. However there's no indication that he's re-requested a trade (or even requested one in the first place, he could simply have been approached by MG).

I'm still seeing a lot of smoke but it's downwind of the media all crowded around an ember that they are fanning furiously.

trotz was officially named coach in washington yesterday.

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Anyone who actually buys what Botchford says is moronic. So many CDC posters are tools that Lalji and Bitchford manipulate to get traffic and traction. These media types know how absolutely gullible the average sports fan is.

I guess the fans should come on CDC and listen to guys with names like 'philip blunt' instead of listening to guys that actually have access to the teams locker room. I am not saying Botch is 100% credible but he is better than most of the garbage in here.

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I'm a bit confused by your post, but that's ok. Been a long day :)

Friedman, LeBrun, Botchford, Lavoie, Mckenzie have all stated Kesler requested a trade (Freidman reiterated it in his collumn). I don't think he re-requested a trade with the new regime, I think the request was always on the table (just as Luongos was). Kesler denied the trade request, as did Bieksa. So whys Kesler agent talking on the record about "what it would take to change Keslers mind"? And why would all of these hockey insiders say that he has requested a trade - as fact.

Linden and Benning have been very open about talking to Kesler about his future plans with this team. If there was nothing there, why didn't they specifically talk about talking to the Sedins, or Bieksa, or any other Canuck?

I don't know how anyone could think he didn't request a trade. Prob the same people who think Luongo didn't request a trade. And because I believe that, I can't see how they want to keep him. He doesn't want to be here, why would they want him here. Time to make the trade IMO.

But that's just it, he wouldn't go on record for anything about what it'd take to change Kesler's mind. From the qupte you posted earlier:

Here's what Overhardt would not address: What it would take to change Kesler's mind.

And they didn't specifically talk about talking to the Sedins, Bieksa, etc. because no one asked specifically about whether or not they'd be staying and there hasn't been a rumour about them wanting a trade this past year.

Don't read so much into such a small thing.

It's a bit of semantics about whether he did or didn't request a trade, but suffice it to say it may not be him that wants out, nor the team that wants to trade him. As he's said, it's not that he doesn't want to be here.

Really? One tweet..... That is it?

Benning and Linden haven't stated they need to talk to anyone else about staying......

The only other separate source for him wanting a move that I've seen is the Sochi rumours. I've heard more to say that he doesn't want to move (but a deal might still happen) than anything saying he's definitely requesting a deal out of Van.

Agreed but before that , GMs were bidding on him. Who does that unless the player agrees to be traded? Rumour is one thing, but when insiders like GMs are openly bidding on a player, we are past the waiving stage.

Any good GM who wants a player like Kesler should have been picking up the phone and calling Gillis (or Linden/Benning now) when the rumour came out about Kesler requesting a trade. That doesn't mean the rumour was true, just that they're now calling in case it is.

I would imagine that if someone asks for a trade and really wants out, they would provide more than 6 teams on their list.

:huh: Not necessarily.

I mean, if they want out at all costs they might have to end up expanding a list, but even in that case it doesn't mean they wouldn't control their destiny as much as they could early on. Look at the Luongo situation, where it was rumoured he actually blocked deals to anyone but Florida in the beginning leading to him firing his agent after it all fell through when they couldn't move for him.

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Fair trade value coming from a guy who has utterly loathed Ryan Kesler for his entire career.

Well apparently, some people might not think that's even enough of a return.

In reality, Kesler won't fetch us anything more than that.

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But that's just it, he wouldn't go on record for anything about what it'd take to change Kesler's mind. From the qupte you posted earlier:

And they didn't specifically talk about talking to the Sedins, Bieksa, etc. because no one asked specifically about whether or not they'd be staying and there hasn't been a rumour about them wanting a trade this past year.

Don't read so much into such a small thing.

It's a bit of semantics about whether he did or didn't request a trade, but suffice it to say it may not be him that wants out, nor the team that wants to trade him. As he's said, it's not that he doesn't want to be here.

Friedman was saying "what it would take to change his mind ...... to stay in Vancouver". Meaning, he doesn't want to be here.

Even regardless of what Friedman posted, every other hockey insider has said Kesler asked for a trade. Every single one. Not sure why people are even debating it at this point.

Why did Kesler deny it? Who knows. Prob cause he's not guaranteed to be moved, and he doesn't want to be booed in his own arena (like Luongo did). Or get horassed by fans on the street who are angry he requested a trade. Or cause he came up through the pro ranks with most guys on his current team and doesn't want to offend them.

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Friedman was saying "what it would take to change his mind ...... to stay in Vancouver". Meaning, he doesn't want to be here.

Even regardless of what Friedman posted, every other hockey insider has said Kesler asked for a trade. Every single one. Not sure why people are even debating it at this point.

Why did Kesler deny it? Who knows. Prob cause he's not guaranteed to be moved, and he doesn't want to be booed in his own arena (like Luongo did). Or get horassed by fans on the street who are angry he requested a trade. Or cause he came up through the pro ranks with most guys on his current team and doesn't want to offend them.

Or he was told to not acknowledge it by the organization as based on the recent experience with another star on this team, other teams knowing that you want out doesn't make it easier to move you, it makes it tougher.

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Friedman was saying "what it would take to change his mind ...... to stay in Vancouver". Meaning, he doesn't want to be here.


That's a bit leading as well, and you're reading into it. I can see that as why would Overhardt want to address something that isn't true?

I don't think we need to debate the possibility of a trade, but how much it's being forced if at all is absolutely in question. Don't read too much into things is all I'm saying.

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Friedman was saying "what it would take to change his mind ...... to stay in Vancouver". Meaning, he doesn't want to be here.

Even regardless of what Friedman posted, every other hockey insider has said Kesler asked for a trade. Every single one. Not sure why people are even debating it at this point.

Why did Kesler deny it? Who knows. Prob cause he's not guaranteed to be moved, and he doesn't want to be booed in his own arena (like Luongo did). Or get horassed by fans on the street who are angry he requested a trade. Or cause he came up through the pro ranks with most guys on his current team and doesn't want to offend them.

Every hockey "insider" has piggybacked off of the first tweet.

Kesler, agent, teammates have all said he didnt ask for a trade, as douchey as some hockey players can be, I doubt kesler would let teammates speak definitively on his behalf and deny he asked for a trade if he actually had asked, only makes himself and teammates look like fools if . I would not doubt that that Gillis approached him to see if he was open to a trade. hence the list, after all gillis was fighting for his job. explains why other gms were calling, even gillis is not dumb enough to waste other gms time by talking offers if he hadnt of asked kesler first if he was open to trades and to what teams. But even then there is a big difference between asking for a trade and being open to one.

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