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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

Why did he lose his confidence?  Did Willie D coach it out of him?

Coulda been the whiskey?


Mighta been the gin!


Or the three or four six packs, I don't know...


Coach Willie bag skates me, and I think I'm gonna die!


Telling me, oh me oh my. 


Get yer stuff...




Just kidding BTW... 

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9 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Coulda been the whiskey?


Mighta been the gin!


Or the three or four six packs, I don't know...


Coach Willie bag skates me, and I think I'm gonna die!


Telling me, oh me oh my. 


Get yer stuff...




Just kidding BTW... 

Jake is an Irish Rover's fan?  I thought he was a Belieber? :lol:

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13 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

Oh thank god Virtanen looks good in this 9 minute highlight video, I was starting to get worried.


I'm gonna create a montage of me going bar-down in my backyard and maybe CDC will sign me to an entry level.


It's no secret he is a good skater, he needs to work on all other aspects of the game.  Aspects that this video does not demonstrate whatsoever


HAHAHA. Can you pass my stickhandling compilation of me deking little red pylons along as well? See you guys in the big show!

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On 13/02/2017 at 2:18 AM, ihaveyuidonttouchme said:

time to bring Virtanen's life back again

had a great game just like the one i've posted some weeks ago

the only thing i'd want to see him do more is actually hitting the net...


oh and his regular linemates were Pelletier 23 and Kunyks 



Man AHL hockey is hard to watch sometimes. There werent many times i saw any of his linemates make a play to get him the puck. He was single handedly pushing the d back. His game looks predictable, he needs to switch it up sometimes, drive to the middle and create havoc or else he will be nothing more than a 3rd line player. But even then, i dont see him being an effective penalty killer. Soooo its kind of second or 4th line or bust. He does look improved though. 

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5 hours ago, Alflives said:

Jake is an Irish Rover's fan?  I thought he was a Belieber? :lol:

Cue Neil Diamond?  Ok, lets use Smash Mouth...  B)  To get things back on track.





FTR, I am a believer.  I remain of the opinion that there is a way to turn a draft pick with Jake's athleticism into a no brainer solid NHLér.  Its more a question of how much upside can we coax out of him, by getting back to prioritizing development, than whether he will make it?  Any comments of mine above, should be viewed as how to gain that upside, versus any impending sense of doom. Just my opinion.   

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On 2017-02-03 at 0:51 PM, Ihatetomatoes said:

If that size was mucle than sure it's great but he was just tubby, carrying around extra fat is completely useless.


Also i don't know why you think management wanted him to put on a bunch of weight.

Well you're right.


But, I'm suggesting that Jake himself thought that.

Kid as a teenager was throwing weight around in a way we haven't seen with this club in years. He was very excited to fill that role in Vancouver. He isn't even old enough to have had the opportunity to add mass before this, it was really a failed experiment from what I can tell. 


If we genuinely had a 230 lb muscular 20 year old that can out-skate just about anybody and shoot the puck, that's starting to sound a lot like Eric Lindros. 

But obviously Jake is not that player.

His lack of hockey sense is confusing, frustrating, etc. etc., but he will be an NHL player, and should quietly slot back into our lineup once bigger fish (Boeser, Juolevi, Demko, and maybe even Gaudette) start filling out our regular roster. Jake is not a smart kid, nor is he a leader. But he has the physical tools, immense speed, and a nice release. He will likely thrive as an under-the-radar player, and honestly all he's doing right now is setting himself up to be that kind of an underdog. It's frustrating, but he is not a 1st line player, and probably not even a 2nd line player, but he IS the kind of player you want on your team in order to be competitive with other deep rosters.


Like Ferraro said, he kind of IS the next Hansen. Can play anywhere in the lineup, and brings speed and a dash of puck skills. Jake is just bigger, meaner, and with a little less heart. He will be a Canuck for many years.



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20 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

Oh thank god Virtanen looks good in this 9 minute highlight video, I was starting to get worried.


I'm gonna create a montage of me going bar-down in my backyard and maybe CDC will sign me to an entry level.


It's no secret he is a good skater, he needs to work on all other aspects of the game.  Aspects that this video does not demonstrate whatsoever


" All you ever do is leave sarcastic remarks and complain about other people's complaining and it's getting old.  I'm not breaking any rules here so if you want to provide some real perspective or opinion on Jake and is play I'm all ears.  If not, beat it. "


Take some of your own advice there 5th.

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36 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:



I am clearly being ridiculed because of my unfavorable opinion of Jake and have been for close to 3 years now.  I give my opinion of how I think he plays and I get s*** on.  And nooo it's not because I'm being rude about it, It's because people don't like hearing that their cute little prospects are struggling.  Too many homers in here who are afraid to accept reality and are unwilling to have a reasonable, unbiased discussion.  Somebody uploads a highlight video of all the good things Jake did in 1 game in the last month and everybody wants to plan a parade.  It's just sad.  Watch a whole game for yourself and you will see how much he struggles.  I can scan through CDC and find plenty of people who are being sarcastic towards each other so let's not act like I am the only one..I can leave a serious comment and get the same reaction as one of my sarcastic comments so what's the difference?


Let's not get all sappy on each other now, and I don't need 5 other posters chiming in.  I'm busy watching the Comets game.


Will Jake get on the board tonight?   No better team to do it against than the baby leafs.  Amirite? 


On a line with Kunyk and Cassels 



Is it so wrong to get a little excited about some progress with our prospects?  Someone posts a highlight video of Jake playing a solid game, and feel the need to chime in and trash him because it's only a single game?


If you want to have an opinion about him fine.  But you sit on this high horse where you claim all of your criticism is well deserved, backed by facts, and that you are above sarcasm, and then you go and post things like you did above.   I'll admit, some of (in fact a lot of) the flaws you mention in Jake's game are 100% true, but no one wants to come to this forum and see your constant crapping on our 20 year old prospect.


Everyone knows he's struggling, but your "Oh thank god Virtanen looks good in this 9 minute highlight video, I was starting to get worried." sarcasm isn't anything but an obvious troll.

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7 hours ago, KKnight said:

Man AHL hockey is hard to watch sometimes. There werent many times i saw any of his linemates make a play to get him the puck. He was single handedly pushing the d back. His game looks predictable, he needs to switch it up sometimes, drive to the middle and create havoc or else he will be nothing more than a 3rd line player. But even then, i dont see him being an effective penalty killer. Soooo its kind of second or 4th line or bust. He does look improved though. 

Why would Jake not be an effective PKer?  


It seems like he has good defence numbers, can back skate better than most d men.  He can also create turnovers at a decent rate and if he does get the pick, he can counter attack quickly.  He has shown to not be completely wasted in a defensive role. 


Maybe we should get Jake and Subban to switch positions!!!   ;) 


It it would be a likely role for him, that and being a 3rd line winger as his floor, provided that he improves his fitness. 


Jake will always be a complimentary player on offence. He has to improve his once feared shot, become more physical and when he is in the o zone, to be a net presence.  


He will never be a solo offensive driver, but he could compliment a smaller shifty skilled player really well. Think of Ronning when he had Momesso and Sandlack as wingers. They made a decent line, Ronning for a lot more space due to the size of his wingers.


Obviously I hope Jake is better than Momesso and Sandlack, but I do hope we have a Ronning in our prospect pool somewhere.  

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7 minutes ago, Eastcoast meets Westcoast said:

Why would Jake not be an effective PKer?  


It seems like he has good defence numbers, can back skate better than most d men.  He can also create turnovers at a decent rate and if he does get the pick, he can counter attack quickly.  He has shown to not be completely wasted in a defensive role. 


Maybe we should get Jake and Subban to switch positions!!!   ;) 


It it would be a likely role for him, that and being a 3rd line winger as his floor, provided that he improves his fitness. 


Jake will always be a complimentary player on offence. He has to improve his once feared shot, become more physical and when he is in the o zone, to be a net presence.  


He will never be a solo offensive driver, but he could compliment a smaller shifty skilled player really well. Think of Ronning when he had Momesso and Sandlack as wingers. They made a decent line, Ronning for a lot more space due to the size of his wingers.


Obviously I hope Jake is better than Momesso and Sandlack, but I do hope we have a Ronning in our prospect pool somewhere.  

Ill settle for Jake being as good as Momesso but I somehow doubt it at this point...Momesso had almost 350 points in over 700 games..pretty good 3rd-4th liner who could scrap and bring the sandpaper.

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16 minutes ago, Eastcoast meets Westcoast said:

Why would Jake not be an effective PKer?  


It seems like he has good defence numbers, can back skate better than most d men.  He can also create turnovers at a decent rate and if he does get the pick, he can counter attack quickly.  He has shown to not be completely wasted in a defensive role. 


Maybe we should get Jake and Subban to switch positions!!!   ;) 


It it would be a likely role for him, that and being a 3rd line winger as his floor, provided that he improves his fitness. 


Jake will always be a complimentary player on offence. He has to improve his once feared shot, become more physical and when he is in the o zone, to be a net presence.  


He will never be a solo offensive driver, but he could compliment a smaller shifty skilled player really well. Think of Ronning when he had Momesso and Sandlack as wingers. They made a decent line, Ronning for a lot more space due to the size of his wingers.


Obviously I hope Jake is better than Momesso and Sandlack, but I do hope we have a Ronning in our prospect pool somewhere.  

His attention to detail is lacking most times and i have not seen him once risk his body for a block. I see him as a scoring winger that has game breaking ability, but that has yet to be seen. Im really gunning for him. We all know he has the tools, the commitment to being a pro is up to him. 

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20 minutes ago, ShakyWalton said:

Ill settle for Jake being as good as Momesso but I somehow doubt it at this point...Momesso had almost 350 points in over 700 games..pretty good 3rd-4th liner who could scrap and bring the sandpaper.

At this point maybe...  Still hope for more for a 6th OA pick. 

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10 minutes ago, KKnight said:

His attention to detail is lacking most times and i have not seen him once risk his body for a block. I see him as a scoring winger that has game breaking ability, but that has yet to be seen. Im really gunning for him. We all know he has the tools, the commitment to being a pro is up to him. 

He has the tools and I am pulling for him too. I haven't seen him block a shot yet.  He could have it in him when he gets sent down next season at the start of camp.  That NHL pay check is a big motivation.  

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So far, Virtanen with an assist but has been invisible overall.


edit: nvm it was Cassels, from Pedan and Labate. 


I'm surprised at how little ice time Virtanen is getting. I think he had maybe 4-5 shifts in second period. OR i just couldn't notice him.

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30 minutes ago, funkyfresh said:

So far, Virtanen with an assist but has been invisible overall.


edit: nvm it was Cassels, from Pedan and Labate. 


I'm surprised at how little ice time Virtanen is getting. I think he had maybe 4-5 shifts in second period. OR i just couldn't notice him.

Nope, it's been changed to Virtanen. Kunyk got the goal



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2 hours ago, funkyfresh said:

So far, Virtanen with an assist but has been invisible overall.


edit: nvm it was Cassels, from Pedan and Labate. 


I'm surprised at how little ice time Virtanen is getting. I think he had maybe 4-5 shifts in second period. OR i just couldn't notice him.

Evened out your post. You weren't even bashing the guy and got minused. Quite sad really. 

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