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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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1 minute ago, ajhockey said:

Usually, once a player hit's the big time, their thread in the prospects section dies out, never to be seen again. Since Jake was sent back down, it was revived, and thus we had two threads. For the last few months while Virtanen was in Utica though, the prospects one had a lot more discussion than this one.

Maybe in the future it might be better to just move the thread from the prospects forum to this one once a player has graduated to being a full time player. Usually it should be obvious when a player has proven that he is belongs permanently in the NHL.

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Just my opinion but the player discussion and prospects sub forums might as well be one combined sub forum. Any time a player gets sent up or down, we'll just end up having separate discussions on the same topic in separate threads. And with each player only getting one topic, is it really necessary to divide the small number of topics into different sub forums?

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Virtanen is looking much more comfortable and confident down in the A.  



He is going on instincts not 2nd guessing himself.  I think this time down is going to be very good for him.  He could be an impact player at the nhl if he can keep this up.  He is so fast up the ice. it really pushes d-men back.

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17 minutes ago, Rush17 said:





Where has this JAKE VIRTANEN BEEN? Holy crap lol.  that is impressive to make those edges after stealing the puck.  I am blown away.  Anyone who says we should trade him because hes bad needs to see this. wow lol.

just needing to be patient with Jake. I think that's what most here have been saying all this time. the kid needs some development time. glad he's playing so much more better. quick strides and hopefully his offense comes along. 

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In the Comets game highlights videos, I'm seeing Virtanen frequently be around the offensive pressure. He's steadily improving and I believe probably also forming a bond with the Utica team. If the Comets can catch the Ice Caps and move into a playoff spot, I'd love to see Jake play in those high pressure games with them.

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9 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

What a beautiful skater he is.  Wow 

His skating kind of reminds me of how Grabner skates.  He's not very prone when trying to skate fast (Raymond and Etem lean forward a lot when going fast).  

Give higher maneuverability and makes you appear slower than you really are, thus maybe why we are seeing lots of JV catching defenders off-balance.  

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18 hours ago, Alflives said:

Is Green going to say negative stuff?  What if JB is trying to trade Jake?  It's Jake's character, or lack there of, that was at issue, so JB wouldn't want Green saying anything but good things about Jake's new off ice habits, right?

He can always imply things.  

Like saying how JV is a "work-in-progress", "making extra needed adjustments to life as a professional", or "need to pay extra focus on his food choices".  

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2 hours ago, RetroCanuck said:

I like the way JV skates and drives the play. Unfortunately he's looking like a one man show right now and needs to use his line mates. Good to see him playing well and hope he can pot a few goals and more assists before the end of the year.

reinforcements coming next year. hopefully that gives Jake more offensive opportunities. and hopefully he continues to grow in his game and make more offensive strides. his defensive game isn't bad. 

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1 year before I was born.  



Would Claude Lemieux be a good Virtanen comp?  Goalies were so terrible back then. I feel bad for the modern players who have a harder time scoring.  Crosby is probably better then a good portion of the guys in front of him.  But the way we compare points is so silly.  Hopefully goal scoring opens up in the years to come.


Virt is big, bullish, can hit like a truck, can skate like the wind and has a wicked shot.  I could be wrong maybe older members can correct me.  But the highlights I have seen of him show what Virtanen could be like.  



Edited by Rush17
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4 hours ago, Rush17 said:

1 year before I was born.  



Would Claude Lemieux be a good Virtanen comp?  Goalies were so terrible back then. I feel bad for the modern players who have a harder time scoring.  Crosby is probably better then a good portion of the guys in front of him.  But the way we compare points is so silly.  Hopefully goal scoring opens up in the years to come.


Virt is big, bullish, can hit like a truck, can skate like the wind and has a wicked shot.  I could be wrong maybe older members can correct me.  But the highlights I have seen of him show what Virtanen could be like.  



Can't compare them.


Lemieux didn't have high end skill, but had an intensity and work rate that we can only dream that Jake will eventually show us. He showed up when it mattered most... The playoffs. There's a case to be made that he should be in the hall of fame simply based on his playoff achievements. 


Jake on the other hand has all the tools to become an impact player in this league some day, but unless he can show the same grit and intensity night in night out, he'll only be a fringe NHL'er.

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12 minutes ago, Where'd Luongo? said:

Virtanen is struggling yes, but I feel like he would have more points than Megna, Chaput, and Skille if he would have been left on the Canucks and given their opportunity. Did he deserve it? No, but I think he is better than they are.

Yep I agree, I think Virtanen needed to get away from his hometown and learn how to be an adult and pro. although he hasn't put up a lot of points down in Utica you can see he's becoming a better overall player. It will be interesting to see how he comes to camp. In shape or not? Competitive or not? It will be interesting to see

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