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If there was a gm award

Bo knows

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if there was a gm award I think banning would have to win it with what he has done with this team, I thought I would make this thread to praise him for getting where we are and making this team fun to watch again! It's my first post so don't kill me

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JETS GM should at least get a look. Picking up Perrault(sp) and trading Kane & Bogo for Myers & Stafford were boss level moves.

the Kane trade was genius for both sides. Without the trade the Jets would have missed the dance and the sabres wouldn't have ended up last overall.
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If you look at GM's who made moves most helpful to their team, I think Benning should be very much in the running for the award.

Vrbata - Leading goal scorer/PP scorer/GW scorer.
Miller - earned the team 59 of 90 points he played for.

Bonino/Sbisa - Both played a lot of ice time this season, are young, signed with the team medium term. was a great trade for the team overall.

Dorsett - won unsung hero award for team, was a great pickup for the team.

Got Sven, clendenning, and Vey, three very young players with lots of upside.

Forced willie's hand with Bo (which was a great success).

Signed Tanev for the long term during his prime.

Didn't make any knee jerk moves but made moves when needed (defensemen injuries half way through season)
Didn't trade a goalie when everyone thought he would, helped team continue to win.

He did so much this season that was underrated. In terms of a teams success, his moves were probably the best in the league, 2nd maybe only to Snow.

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I noticed the "NHL General Manager of the Year Award" is of the few awards that's named after someone.

Shouldn't it be named after a legendary GM or something.

Perhaps the "Lamoriello Award"?

You can't be serious. If it's going to be named after a GM it should be the Scotty Bowman Trophy. He's won pretty much everywhere he went, as a coach and GM.

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