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Olli Juolevi | #48 | D


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10 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Lol bruh i'm dying 

I work better first thing in the morning :P


But back to Juolevi.  From last year to this one


One of the biggest changes I've seen is how he's using his stick to not only protect the puck but dig the puck out of scrum abd finding an open pass/play from said scrum.


Where last year he'd shy away a bit this year he's head on.

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1 hour ago, The 5th Line said:

No the people who look stupid down the road are the ones who over hype our prospects.


This Big head Horvat guy is clearly a troll so I don't know why you would take his comments seriously anyways.  

i don't. lol. 

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23 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

people who say this always seem to look really stupid down the road. lmao. i don't understand why posters on these boards are so negative about our prospects. they're canuck prospects. let's offer them support and see what kind of players they can or cannot become. we have prospects like Gaudette who are making huge strides. not every prospect will be a top six player. personally. i'm excited about Juolevi. i think he's going to be a very good player for us when he makes the big club. imo. 

Not necessarily. Did detractors look stupid when Schroeder turned out to be a bust? How about Patrick White? Kassian? Nope. It happens all the time.


It must be nice to think that Juolevi will be a good prospect. But we can disagree! Its not that big of a deal. With Hutton on the team I see him as redundant. 

16 hours ago, WeneedLumme said:

My apologies. I thought you were a troll. But this post is so ridiculous that I may need to reconsider. Anyone who believes that they know the ceiling of an eighteen year old defensemen is more likely to be a simpleton. And I certainly hope that OJ doesn't turn into an Ehrhoff, who was good offensively but brutal defensively. I think OJ is probably already better defensively than Ehrhoff.

Not very nice words there, mate. Just because I disagree with you, I am no simpleton. I'm also not a troll this is effing ridiculous. 

16 hours ago, Warhippy said:

You've said that a few times now


So far the only thing you've marked in your time on this forum is your underwear.


If you can't get behind our prospects gtfo out of their threads.


The point of a prospect thread is to raise discussion about them, not put them on a pedestal and imagine that they are all going to be superstars. If you can't handle somebody disagreeing with you in the prospect's threads, then go back to your safe space, cry, curl up in the fetal position, cry some more, and  kindly gtfo of their threads.

Edit: You also said 'gtfo out'. That doesn't make sense and it might be a double negative in the sense that if i am getting out out, then i should get in the threads? Warhippy you think you are so perfect but you are so flawed it is hilarious. 

1 hour ago, The 5th Line said:

No the people who look stupid down the road are the ones who over hype our prospects.


This Big head Horvat guy is clearly a troll so I don't know why you would take his comments seriously anyways.  

I'm not a troll. You are basically saying what I am saying in that people over hype our prospects way too much.

1 hour ago, b3. said:

Lets cut out the "trolling" and attack/defensive comments.


If you have an issue with a post or poster, please report it or forward it to myself so it can be resolved.

I want to report Weneedlumme for name calling and Warhippy for being an overall not nice, narcissist guy 24/7. 

Edited by Horvats_Big_Head
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On 1/23/2017 at 0:31 PM, Horvats_Big_Head said:

Had a dream that we traded this guy.


Please be true


On 1/24/2017 at 0:01 AM, Horvats_Big_Head said:

Keep drinking the OJ koolaid. But make my words he won't be half the player Christian Ehrhoff became. 


50 minutes ago, Horvats_Big_Head said:


Not very nice words there, mate. Just because I disagree with you, I am no simpleton. I'm also not a troll this is effing ridiculous. 

The point of a prospect thread is to raise discussion about them, 

I'm not a troll. 




Such discussion.  Much wow, very info


Bottom line, you can't go 3 posts without either calling someone a troll or literally talking crap about any of our players or prospects.  Hoping they bust, get traded, run out of town.  


If you can capably talk hockey that's cool.  But your history doesn't show you can  I am going with B3 on this and will isimply call you out for obvious trolling.  This isn't an attack, more an eye opening for you.  You want discussion, discuss.  If you cannot or will not.  Simply leave off.


Some of us have hope for our prospects and the long term future of our team.  We don't hope or pray or get excited for failure from our prospects.  We're fans of our team and the players and staff within it.  They're like family to us.  We don't always like them but they're ours.


So if you don't like them or refuse to get behind them.  There's the door bud.  Head on over to Ehlers/Nylander/Tkachuk land.  This here is the Juolevi/Virtanen/Gaunce  CANUCKS  section and we love our boys here for good or ill.

Edited by Warhippy
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Posted in the other Jake threads. Applies here. 


This entire argument is a gigantic circle jerk. It actually mimics US politics right now. On the left you have all the self righteous "real fans" who only say positive things about prospects and refuse to criticize. The Prospect Justice Warriors. On the right you have the people who decide they aren't as satisfied with certain prospects. The left (PJW's) berates the right whenever the right speaks, so much so that no debate can take place because the left only wants to talk about their narrative. This is how Trump got elected people.


Because of this, I'm done talking about Jake for now. I'll wait til after the season at the earliest to even mention his name again. I'v made my opinion, so we will see who is right in the end. Same with OJ. I'm done because if I'm just going to get flamed and accumulate a bunch of minuses for my opinion, then it is not worth it. You guys can all live in your fairytale thread. I'm sorry if I come off as harsh but we all love this team and want it to succeed in the end.


Although I am agreeing to lay off Jake and Olli, this does not mean I will lay off everyone. Clearly these 3 threads (Jake's 2 and Olli's 1) are a tender spot for CDC at the moment. 

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23 minutes ago, Horvats_Big_Head said:

Because of this, I'm done talking about Jake for now.


Although I am agreeing to lay off Jake and Olli, this does not mean I will lay off everyone. Clearly these 3 threads (Jake's 2 and Olli's 1) are a tender spot for CDC at the moment. 

So then we'll have even more berating and trolling of the other prospects, maybe additional overflow into management and coaching.  Until you make the block list, not sure if that's a net positive or not.

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2 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

So then we'll have even more berating and trolling of the other prospects, maybe additional overflow into management and coaching.  Until you make the block list, not sure if that's a net positive or not.


He's certainly heading that way. 'X-player sucks' or similar, adds very little to the forum/discussion. 

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There often seems to be an understanding by trolls like Big Head that criticism = being negative and writing off the prospect. Where as, I think for a lot of us our criticism stems from discussing what needs to be improved upon and not necessarily writing off the prospect entirely. That is the difference between "constructive criticism" and just out right being negative. 


For instance, Juolevi from what I have seen still has a lot of room to grow. What we would like to see from him is to take over games and dictate the play more, but we are not really seeing that yet. He has been able to take advantage of the offensive opportunities while they have been there, but he has yet to really make those opportunities for himself. I find myself saying "oh that was a good smart play," not "wow did you see that move!" when I watch his highlights. I would liken his offensive instincts right now to be similar to the former Alex Edler (circa 2009-2011) - he could get hard shots on net and make cross ice passes when he sees them, but he never really dictated the offensive push like a Drew Doughty or Duncan Keith would. I think it would be a mistake if we brought him up next season before he can develop this side of his game more. Give him another shot at the World Juniors as well and see if can redeem himself along with the rest of his team. 

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1 hour ago, Horvats_Big_Head said:

Posted in the other Jake threads. Applies here. 


This entire argument is a gigantic circle jerk. It actually mimics US politics right now. On the left you have all the self righteous "real fans" who only say positive things about prospects and refuse to criticize. The Prospect Justice Warriors. On the right you have the people who decide they aren't as satisfied with certain prospects. The left (PJW's) berates the right whenever the right speaks, so much so that no debate can take place because the left only wants to talk about their narrative. This is how Trump got elected people.


Because of this, I'm done talking about Jake for now. I'll wait til after the season at the earliest to even mention his name again. I'v made my opinion, so we will see who is right in the end. Same with OJ. I'm done because if I'm just going to get flamed and accumulate a bunch of minuses for my opinion, then it is not worth it. You guys can all live in your fairytale thread. I'm sorry if I come off as harsh but we all love this team and want it to succeed in the end.


Although I am agreeing to lay off Jake and Olli, this does not mean I will lay off everyone. Clearly these 3 threads (Jake's 2 and Olli's 1) are a tender spot for CDC at the moment. 


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3 hours ago, Gooseberries said:

You can clearly see the problem in this thread. It's one thing to have an opinion that others may not agree with, it's another thing to state that opinion every time this thread is bumped. I, like most others visit prospect threads regularly for progress updates and discussions, not to see HBH sit here and state his opinion over and over again while belittling other prospects and canucks scouting staff claiming he could do a better job without even making an attempt to prove so. 


Maybe you can do something to fix said problem? Its either the 100s of users who visit this thread regularly without issues or its the guy with the negative rep score. 


Also before anyone thinks that I'm singling HBH out because I don't share his opinion, DeNiro's view of OJ is similar to HBH. However he goes about it the right way.

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