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Olli Juolevi | #48 | D


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18 minutes ago, Qwags said:

Juolevi seems to be the anti-Virtanen. All the brains, none of the strength...yet. Strength can be gained. Brains can't.

Brains can be trained...


Lots of evidence supports it.


You just like a naturalist narrative.


More thinking, less prejudice plz.

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3 hours ago, stawns said:

nope, it is almost a certainty that he returns to London and then a year in Utica after that.......imo


3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Totally agree. Canucks are not going anywhere for a couple of years. No need to hurry Joulevi. A year in Utica will start his pro career without the Vancouver BS from media and fans.

Don't be too certain.  All the comments and signs from management so far (as well as insider rumblings from the HW) are to give him a good shot this Fall at making the team.  I think going back to junior is their B plan.  I could see them sheltering him with Gudbranson on the third pairing, and rolling with some combination of Edler, Tanev, Hutton, Sbisa, Tryamkin, and Stecher up front... yes, which means at least one will be moved.

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4 hours ago, J.R. said:

He'd be at worst 3rd D on all but maybe a few NHL teams with incredibly deep D.


That said, I agree Tanev is easier to move and likely has higher trade value. I also think we can afford to lose him more at this point as we have more ready guys capable of playing right D top 4 minutes/situations. 


No kidding. If Juolevi has a GREAT summer, gets bigger, earns a spot at camp AND we make enough moves to make space for him, he's almost certainly starting out on the 3rd pair to shelter him.


Only way that happens is with trades/injury. There's no room for a 9 game tryout without them.

I agree that Juolevi might not be a first pairing guy just yet. But thats why I put him beside Tanev, to shelter him and add a Veteran presence back there. And if you want to look at a rookie playing top line minutes and doing it well. Look no farther then our own team and our little engine that could, Stetcher. He's been doing really well considering his size and theres no reason to think Juolevi can't do the same with his hockey IQ. I really see our D being shaken up next year and a balanced D corp will be needed with all of our young players.


Juolevi-Tanev......... The shut down Vet teaching Juolevi how its done.

Sbisa-Gudbranson............Two big tough guys that can shut down others top lines.

Tryamkin-Stetcher..........Two younger guys that are going to grow up together on our team and be a force in the future.


Its not a cup winning D yet just due to inexperience but it has the potential to be extremely solid in a few years.


Plus we want to play kids next year and get another high draft pick. Trading Edler and hutton will help do that.

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7 minutes ago, RetroCanuck said:

I agree that Juolevi might not be a first pairing guy just yet. But thats why I put him beside Tanev, to shelter him and add a Veteran presence back there. And if you want to look at a rookie playing top line minutes and doing it well. Look no farther then our own team and our little engine that could, Stetcher. He's been doing really well considering his size and theres no reason to think Juolevi can't do the same with his hockey IQ. I really see our D being shaken up next year and a balanced D corp will be needed with all of our young players.


Juolevi-Tanev......... The shut down Vet teaching Juolevi how its done.

Sbisa-Gudbranson............Two big tough guys that can shut down others top lines.

Tryamkin-Stetcher..........Two younger guys that are going to grow up together on our team and be a force in the future.


Its not a cup winning D yet just due to inexperience but it has the potential to be extremely solid in a few years.


Plus we want to play kids next year and get another high draft pick. Trading Edler and hutton will help do that.

*Stecher also has 4 years on Juolevi.


IMO, you're getting ahead of yourself.

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I honestly wouldn't mind if he spend another year in Junior. He would be playing for the London Knights, an organization with great reputation of player development. It is much difficult for a defenceman to play well at the NHL level and the last thing we want to do is hamper his development. He is smart, with great hockey sense and he can see the ice very well and he can potentially be the best defenseman this franchise ever had and would not want to ruin it for him. Because next year is likely another dumpster year up in Vancouver with a lot of losing and if Miller doesn't resigns we will lose a lot more games and it really hampers the confidence of a young player espcial defenseman if we give up lots of goals. Let him develop, take his time, and then when his NHL ready, we bring him up and he could be both physically and mentally ready for the NHL.

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6 minutes ago, Stelar said:

The longer OJ is developing the longer we have to listen to MT comparisons.  I want him here next year damn it :frantic:



Best point so far by a country mile... Bring him up JB, bring him up.

Edited by Mr.53
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6 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Totally agree. Canucks are not going anywhere for a couple of years. No need to hurry Joulevi. A year in Utica will start his pro career without the Vancouver BS from media and fans.


I noticed Tanev took a hard hit again last night and missed a shift or two. Came back and finished the game. I have a uneasy feeling about his long term durability not just in regular season but particularly in playoffs where he would be targeted. Benning has to deal a d-man before the Vegas draft, just say'in.

If we come out of the expansion having only lost Sbisa, we'd be one of the more fortunate teams in the NHL. This isn't because I'm slamming Sbisa as a player but because we'd be losing relatively less than most of the other teams. 


3 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:


Don't be too certain.  All the comments and signs from management so far (as well as insider rumblings from the HW) are to give him a good shot this Fall at making the team.  I think going back to junior is their B plan.  I could see them sheltering him with Gudbranson on the third pairing, and rolling with some combination of Edler, Tanev, Hutton, Sbisa, Tryamkin, and Stecher up front... yes, which means at least one will be moved.

Given how well Gudbranson "sheltered" Hutton at the beginning of the year, I'd hope they didn't use him for that role again. Statistically, he has no business sheltering a rookie. I'm hoping (if Juo makes it) that he ends up with a guy like Tanev or Edler. 

Edited by guntrix
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21 minutes ago, guntrix said:

Given how well Gudbranson "sheltered" Hutton at the beginning of the year, I'd hope they didn't use him for that role again. Statistically, he has no business sheltering a rookie. I'm hoping (if Juo makes it) that he ends up with a guy like Tanev or Edler. 

We'll see how Erik does coming in healthy and with a new contract this next season.

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1 hour ago, guntrix said:

If we come out of the expansion having only lost Sbisa, we'd be one of the more fortunate teams in the NHL. This isn't because I'm slamming Sbisa as a player but because we'd be losing relatively less than most of the other teams. 


Given how well Gudbranson "sheltered" Hutton at the beginning of the year, I'd hope they didn't use him for that role again. Statistically, he has no business sheltering a rookie. I'm hoping (if Juo makes it) that he ends up with a guy like Tanev or Edler. 

Gudbranson was playing with a bad wrist the entire season.  


Juolevi will get eaten alive playing with one of our "soft" d-men.  I don't want to see Oli getting stretchered off the ice and on his way to having a concussion-riddled career because we brought him up too early.

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15 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Gudbranson was playing with a bad wrist the entire season.  


Juolevi will get eaten alive playing with one of our "soft" d-men.  I don't want to see Oli getting stretchered off the ice and on his way to having a concussion-riddled career because we brought him up too early.

Guddy played statistically the same as he did his previous few seasons... but I don't want to turn this into a Guddy discussion. 


I agree that Olli is better off developing in the minors. 

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3 hours ago, ruilin96 said:

I honestly could careless if Tkachuk scores 20+ goals and 50+ points next year while Juolevi spends another year in junior. They are two different types of players playing at two different positions and defenceman take some more time to be NHL ready.


That being said, if Juolevi show up to camp super ready and have a strong training camp we should give him his 9 games and we go from there.

I like ur train of thought.  I didn't read the rest of your post though lol. time management X_X


but if I'm trying to manage my time why am I here? that is the real question? why do I continue to type !!!! LOL

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7 hours ago, Mr.53 said:

Best point so far by a country mile... Bring him up JB, bring him up.

I wouldn't be totally against it as long as he fills out a tad. We are gonna suck anyways. He might as well get the extra year learning from the vets. 

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55 minutes ago, flickyoursedin said:

We have enough d signed on for next year even if we trade a guy. No point in rushing a kid into an already crowded d corps.

I agree that Juolevi might not be in the NHL next year but I don't think the Knights are going to benefit him anymore. So its the Canucks or Europe.


Personally I think Canucks because there is room for him if he can prove himself.

Benning will trade a D this summer for an offensive forward, if he doesn't he will have failed, especially with all his talk of doing so. Plus the expansion draft in which it looks quite possible that Sbisa gets taken unless he or another Vet D are traded. So assuming that one will be traded this summer, how do you see our D corps shaping up next summer?

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24 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

Yeah because he absolutely dominated the league this year right?  I'd rather a player spend an extra year in Junior rather than get tossed in to a pro league when they are not ready, cough cough Jake Virtanen AND Jared McCann.  Do you really want to watch that happen again?


Plenty of players go back to Junior for their draft +2 season.  Strome gets like 3 points a game and he still got sent back for another year of junior.


Juolevi does have similarities to Tanev, and unfortunately like Tanev he also takes an absolute beating from opposing forwards in his own end.  I'm scared to see what grown men might do to him.  When McCann played for us It was always scary watching him take a hit.     

I think both of you are right to an extent - he's not ready to play in the NHL but at the same time, I'm not overt confident in London's development of defenders. Some teams are good at developing defensemen, other teams are known for developing forwards... for London, it's the latter. 


Personally,  I hope he gets sent to a competitive yet less physical European league where his size will not be as much of a detriment/hazard. 

Edited by guntrix
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