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Monday Oct 31st Practice Update

Ossi Vaananen

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Just now, DeNiro said:


Original timeline was 4 weeks I believe.


Should put him at around two weeks away as long as there's no setbacks.

Thought I heard December or January now. But I could be wrong, still recovering from Saturday night. :blink:

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3 hours ago, yogolol said:

Really don't want to see stecher lose his spot, hes been our best defenceman since he joined the team

No offence to Stecher but, If he is our best defenceman then this is going to be a really long year.

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1 hour ago, oldnews said:

I like the mix alot.

I think it provides a lot of options depending on the opponent.

Stecher can play with Edler, Sbisa, possibly Tryamkin.

Sbisa can play with Larsen, Stecher, and if they opt to have a heavy shutdown third pairing, I think Sbisa Tryamkin could be a nasty pair to play against.

Biega is also serviceable and Pedan may get there if he continues to evolve his lateral movement.

No doubt we'll get a chance to see more variations as the season progresses, but Stecher's emergence has really afforded them some luxuries imo, and his waiver ineligibility doesn't hurt either.

Things are lining up very nicely for next year (and then there's Juolevi on the way).


All that plus Boeser and maybe another good pick by Benning and I'm really looking forward to this team. I've resigned myself to this just being a weird year. Hey a miracle playoff run would be great for the kids, but if not with whats coming I'm OK playing the lotto again. 

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14 minutes ago, smokes said:

No offence to Stecher but, If he is our best defenceman then this is going to be a really long year.


Him and and Juolevi with 20 more pounds on him will be a great top paring for us sooner than later. 

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As rubbish as they are on the ice as players, I think Burrows and Dorsett bring a lot to this team's mentality and locker-room and having them back will be a huge boost. No coincidence we go on a losing streak as soon as they're injured. As for Rodin, it's desperate hoping that he saves this team but that extra skill will be a massive boost to our top-6 while Eriksson is still finding his game.

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8 minutes ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

As rubbish as they are on the ice as players, I think Burrows and Dorsett bring a lot to this team's mentality and locker-room and having them back will be a huge boost. No coincidence we go on a losing streak as soon as they're injured. As for Rodin, it's desperate hoping that he saves this team but that extra skill will be a massive boost to our top-6 while Eriksson is still finding his game.


Those two lead the way for our forecheck. Without a strong forecheck this team can't sustain pressure, as we've seen.


That's why I'm thinking Hansen with the Sedins should be a good move, at least till Eriksson gets going offensively. The Sedins can't engage the cycle if they don't have someone get in and retrieve the puck first. 

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53 minutes ago, smokes said:

No offence to Stecher but, If he is our best defenceman then this is going to be a really long year.

I will probably be getting a Stecher jersey at some point this year, but I find myself agreeing with the above statement. As much as I love Troy's game, I think some of the other things our other D-men have done is not being appreciated enough here. Imho, Hutton, Gudbranson, Tanev and Edler all bring more to the table right now.

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4 hours ago, hearditall said:

Sedin  Sedin  Hansen

Baer  Horvat  Eriksson

Granlund Sutter Virtanen

Dorsett  Gaunce  Lebate



Edler Stecher

Huttom Gubranson

Tryamkin Tanev

Sbisa Larsson


This is the way I would roll. Only way that makes sense if we want to keep moving forward for this season.

Set it & leave it... 

I like that .  I probably like Sbisa more than most people ,  but this makes the most sense to me when I combine the immediate needs of the team with the needs of the future .  

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3 hours ago, WhoseTruckWasIt said:

Stecher made plenty of mistakes out there.  The American league is still going to help him.  I don't think penciling a rookie in for 20 mins for the whole season is prudent.



How about you point out specific examples of these mistakes? 

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3 hours ago, oldnews said:

Given you haven't seen Tryamkin play an NHL game in 7 months I'd say you're talking through your hat - and insulting Sbisa.

Whatever happened to earning a role/spot.  Tryamkin hasn't done so.  Until he does, Sbisa is a 3rd pairing guy on this team imo.

IMO what Sbisa has done, is lose his spot in the lineup...


Him and Tryamkin were equally effective last year I thought, but Sbisa has shown no improvement

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12 minutes ago, Alflives said:



How about you point out specific examples of these mistakes? 

There are maybe 2, while the rest have made countless. Hutton has been horrible. Sbisa is trending downward and Larsen is the invisible man for Halloween.

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1 hour ago, S'all Good Man said:


All that plus Boeser and maybe another good pick by Benning and I'm really looking forward to this team. I've resigned myself to this just being a weird year. Hey a miracle playoff run would be great for the kids, but if not with whats coming I'm OK playing the lotto again. 

It's no mystery really.  The kids aren't quite there yet.  And the veterans are getting long in the tooth and there aren't enough of them to sustain high performance.  Ericksson and Sutter are the only ones close to their prime up front.  The defense and goal is a little different and we can hope for better results.


I was thinking today, a week ago they were 4-0, now they're 4-4-1.  This team is a lot closer to an 82 point team than a 164 point team.  I'm hoping they're closer to a 90 point team.  They were slumping for a couple of games.  I think the Washington game was a decent effort but Wash is one of the best in the league and we would have to get them on an off night to win.


The kids will get there.  I've said for a long time, as long as the producing players aren't all the same age, the team can be sustainable.  In other words, they would't hit a cap crunch (or less likely to) and have to dismantle the team like Chicago and Boston have had to do.  This is why I think it's really important what Benning has done by bringing in guys like Sutter (27), Baertschi(24), Gudbranson (24), Rodin (25), Larsen (26), Stecher (22) together with drafted players like Gaunce (22), Horvat (21), Hutton (22), Virtanen (20), Boeser (19)


oops:  Granlund (23)



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18 minutes ago, 'NucK™ said:

IMO what Sbisa has done, is lose his spot in the lineup...


Him and Tryamkin were equally effective last year I thought, but Sbisa has shown no improvement

Didn't I hear someone say that Sbisa and Tryamkin were paired up in practice?


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