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(Report) NHL spoke to the Canucks about Gudbranson threatening Martin


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5 minutes ago, coastal1 said:

The game has never been healthier than it is now. Not even close. The players have never been as fast, as strong and as skilled as now. The revenues have never been as high as they are now. Bettman has done a masterful job and that is why he is now essentially commisioner for life!

Bettman doesn't care or know anything about the game.  Never has never will.  All he is interested in is securing the holy grail of a huge US network deal like the other 3 pro leagues enjoy.  The NHL despite it's increased revenue is a distant forth.   Higher revenues absolutely on grossly inflated prices.  If you think this is the golden age of hockey you must have just come on as a fan.  

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3 minutes ago, Bo053 said:

Or the ref, who was literally right beside him while he was yelling that.

Refs walk down hallways to team dressing rooms? I mean, I know that they take one for the team in the owners lounge, but I didn't think that they commiserated with players after the game.

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9 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Agreed. It is not the most effective method. Was Gudbranson deployed at the same time as Kadri after the hit?

Lucic is in a class all his own when it comes to buffoonery. Although the reason he's been on three teams in three years has been because he is coveted, not because of his rampant jackassery. Why didn't the league speak to the Bruins about Lucic though?

The Canucks and Bruins had a line brawl in Boston, the year after the Stanley Cup Final. Who's not following.....

You don't think Kadri is going to get slammed by Gudbranson and Tryamkin every chance they get? Dorsett won't attempt a nice hit and a scrap?

Same union, not brotherhood. Can't say quite a few players across the league have treated the Sedins like brothers. Another hole blown in that theory.

I don't think another line brawl happens, but Marner and Matthews may want to keep their heads up.

That spear was pretty sad. Would've rather Burrows facewash him. What's with all the butt-tapping, hair pulling talk?

I think Gudbrandson as mad because Martin went after Stecher and there was no chance for retaliation because Martin was tossed. Goody isnt going after Kadri, that will be Dorsett, Bo, Burrows, Gaunce etc. someone more his size. I dont expect Dorsett to go after Martin either, that has to be Tree, Goody or Pedan

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1 minute ago, Einstein said:

I think Gudbrandson as mad because Martin went after Stecher and there was no chance for retaliation because Martin was tossed. Goody isnt going after Kadri, that will be Dorsett, Bo, Burrows, Gaunce etc. someone more his size. I dont expect Dorsett to go after Martin either, that has to be Tree, Goody or Pedan

Totally. Just wanted coastal1 to realize why things didn't break down the way he suggested. Gudbranson was pissed for the same reason Miller was. Martin was a cowardly turd going after a kid who he had 60 lbs. and 4 inches on.


While I'd love to see Kadri get pummeled by Tryamkin, I think Dorsett will do the honors and will be too much for Kadri's gutless ass to manage.

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1 hour ago, The Weasel said:

But the thing is that the league is biased. It doesn't matter if a canucks throws an identical hit. We will get suspended for it. 

Yeah but then, that would show the entire hockey world how biased they are. It will be on the news, people will analyze it and the league will be criticized.


I don't know if that's something that the league wants to deal with.


Just a clean blind side hits to the shoulder. I know that it's hard to do but that's all we need to do be doing for our revenge. We don't even have to fight Martin unless he comes looking for a fight.


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Just now, luckylager said:

Hopefully JB and Guddy just don't give a f***. If Guddy challenges and Martin accepts, how is that across the line?


I'm hoping someone inexpected just wrecks that goof though, that'd be awesome

Good question. What is crossing the line? A sanctioned fight that both combatants drop gloves to, shouldn't be an issue.


I'd love to see Stecher just KO him with an unexpected uppercut. One can dream.

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Just now, PhillipBlunt said:

Good question. What is crossing the line? A sanctioned fight that both combatants drop gloves to, shouldn't be an issue.


I'd love to see Stecher just KO him with an unexpected uppercut. One can dream.


Prefer  to see Daniel  Sedin  do the Bure to Churla Elbow move to Kadri....

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2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Good question. What is crossing the line? A sanctioned fight that both combatants drop gloves to, shouldn't be an issue.


I'd love to see Stecher just KO him with an unexpected uppercut. One can dream.

i think jumping him( the darren mccarty)

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A defensive defenseman that can't contribute offensively is awesome all itself. The fact that he can utter threats while walking into his dressing room like a tough guy is just an absolute bonus. Why settle it on the ice? Can't wait to resign him to a huge lucrative contract. 

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3 minutes ago, khay said:

Yeah but then, that would show the entire hockey world how biased they are. It will be on the news, people will analyze it and the league will be criticized.


I don't know if that's something that the league wants to deal with.


Just a clean blind side hits to the shoulder. I know that it's hard to do but that's all we need to do be doing for our revenge. We don't even have to fight Martin unless he comes looking for a fight.


The centre of the entire hockey world is in Toronto. And any mention of league bias is always quashed by the correlation that the team/player mentioning it are suffering from a case of sour grapes. The media manipulation at play with the fact that most major sports media outlets are based out of the East, trumps reality every time.

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