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[PGT] Canucks @ Coyotes

-Vintage Canuck-

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10 minutes ago, hearditall said:

that's with a 9 game losing streak...

and losing arguably our two best players, at least to that point.

and having a horrble shooting percentage, not a great sv%, and "regression to the mean" on the way lol.

and getting less than we need from Baertschi combined with a very slow start from Eriksson.

and very little scoring from the blueline.

and losing a few bottom 6 as well - including perhaps our best forechecker in Dorsett, while Virtanen appears to have re-injured his shoulder and/or needs more time in the A.


Anyway, things could be worse, but the team imo is not as bad a projected by the majority, particularly the 'analysts'.


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14 minutes ago, oldnews said:

and losing arguably our two best players, at least to that point.

and having a horrble shooting percentage, not a great sv%, and "regression to the mean" on the way lol.

and getting less than we need from Baertschi combined with a very slow start from Eriksson.

and very little scoring from the blueline.

and losing a few bottom 6 as well - including perhaps our best forechecker in Dorsett, while Virtanen appears to have re-injured his shoulder and/or needs more time in the A.


Anyway, things could be worse, but the team imo is not as bad a projected by the majority, particularly the 'analysts'.



It would have been almost statistically impossible to be as bad as many of the analysts suggested. I mean, 65 points is full on meltdown territory. No way this team was going to be THAT bad. 

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35 minutes ago, oldnews said:

and losing arguably our two best players, at least to that point.

and having a horrble shooting percentage, not a great sv%, and "regression to the mean" on the way lol.

and getting less than we need from Baertschi combined with a very slow start from Eriksson.

and very little scoring from the blueline.

and losing a few bottom 6 as well - including perhaps our best forechecker in Dorsett, while Virtanen appears to have re-injured his shoulder and/or needs more time in the A.


Anyway, things could be worse, but the team imo is not as bad a projected by the majority, particularly the 'analysts'.


I've said the same thing from summertime. 

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29 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:


It would have been almost statistically impossible to be as bad as many of the analysts suggested. I mean, 65 points is full on meltdown territory. No way this team was going to be THAT bad. 

I'd think it were trolling for the most part, but some of it actually seems to be odds makers.

In those cases I think they may have been listening to and relying too strongly on some pretty weak 'analytics'.  Who knows?  I think for this team to truly be that bad they'd have to lose Tanev for the whole season, Hansen along with him, and take out another top 4 and another top 6 long term- and even then, their youth are not as green as last year, so chances are might still exceed those extremely low projections.


I think the following must have been assumed:

1) Sutter is a decent third line shutdown center with very little upside

2)  Gudbranson is a average third pairing blueliner that 'bleeds shots'.

3) The Sedins are going to decline hard,

4) Sbisa sucks - he's one of the worst defensemen in the league.

5) Marcus Granlund is a 4th line plug.

6) Loui Eriksson will be Vrbata season 2 V2.0

7) Larsen, Tryamkin, Stecher, Pedan will all be inconsequential

8) Burrows is a washed up 4th liner at best.

9) Horvat's -30whatever is relevent and indicative of something.


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35 minutes ago, LaBamba said:


What you say is what you are.

I have a better avatar. 


Ok I'll give u the avatar, I'm sure u need that stick toy where u are.

I'll take the compliment on the 1st part seeing that I've told U what & who I am and we all know what & where u are/live...

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10 minutes ago, oldnews said:

I'd think it were trolling for the most part, but some of it actually seems to be odds makers.

In those cases I think they may have been listening to and relying too strongly on some pretty weak 'analytics'.  Who knows?  I think for this team to truly be that bad they'd have to lose Tanev for the whole season, Hansen along with him, and take out another top 4 and another top 6 long term- and even then, their youth are not as green as last year, so chances are might still exceed those extremely low projections.


I think the following must have been assumed:

1) Sutter is a decent third line shutdown center with very little upside

2)  Gudbranson is a average third pairing blueliner that 'bleeds shots'.

3) The Sedins are going to decline hard,

4) Sbisa sucks - he's one of the worst defensemen in the league.

5) Marcus Granlund is a 4th line plug.

6) Loui Eriksson will be Vrbata season 2 V2.0

7) Larsen, Tryamkin, Stecher, Pedan will all be inconsequential

8) Burrows is a washed up 4th liner at best

9) Horvat's -30whatever is relevent



Pretty much all of those assumptions were part of the thought (using it loosely) process that was used.


The problem I had with the so called analysts prognostications is that they were doing so based on our full healthy lineup and probably a reasonable and normal amount of injuries. They genuinely thought the Canucks were that bad.


For the Canucks to be that bad it would definitely take considerable injuries to key players. And we kind of had some crazy injuries last year and STILL weren't that bad. 


It it felt like wishful thinking more than anything. 


Even without the emergence of Stecher and Tryamkin and a re-emergence of Sbisa on D, solid steps forward for Bo, a return to form of Sutter, etc I find it impossible to connect the dots on how bad they really thought we could be. 


The leafs TRIED to suck all year long and what did they end up with for points???


The bright spot for me is that we are trolling them now even through a really bad and unlucky stretch we are still better than they thought.

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Burrows the catalyst yet again, great forecheck on the first goal got Sven back in the goal column, then the hockey gods rewarded him with a softy goal later on. 


I think I am having just as much fun watching Burr be an integral part of this team as I am watching Bo, Stetch and Trymak


Hopefully Sven and Loui start to hit a hot streak, if so I think we can be in decent shape before the Torantaahhh game! 

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5 hours ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

When you realize Bo is the teams leading goal scorer B):wub:




When you realize Sbisa is the teams leading dman point producer :blink::mellow:


Sbisa gets too much criticism on here. Last year he wasn't that great, but he was a young defenseman and they hit their peak at 29 on average, not at 26. He's got a long way to go and this year he's vastly improved his game.


If he continues the trajectory he's on and makes the amount of improvement between 2015-2016 season every year going forward we stole the Kesler trade especially with the added bonus of Sutter who continues to improve every game. I'm very impressed with Sbisa's obvious work ethic and his progress in his development he's done. He doesn't deserve the hate he gets.

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3 hours ago, oldnews said:

and losing arguably our two best players, at least to that point.

and having a horrble shooting percentage, not a great sv%, and "regression to the mean" on the way lol.

and getting less than we need from Baertschi combined with a very slow start from Eriksson.

and very little scoring from the blueline.

and losing a few bottom 6 as well - including perhaps our best forechecker in Dorsett, while Virtanen appears to have re-injured his shoulder and/or needs more time in the A.


Anyway, things could be worse, but the team imo is not as bad a projected by the majority, particularly the 'analysts'.




I imagine you writing the above all in one breath. ;)  Nice summary of the woes of the first quater season. Let's hope that some of that gets better moving forward. 

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5 hours ago, pluralsight said:

Nikita "The Human Eraser" Tryamkin with another 5 hits tonight. This puts him 7th overall in the league in hits per game with 3.6 (amongst all skaters with 10 or more games played this season)! 


Tryamkin jumping off the bike, and into the game, seems to have been a turning point for us?


5 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

Get them often here in Japan, but they don't let me vote...


Your reputation will proceed you there. Ooooh, what a big stiff they'll think...  :lol:

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6 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:





Your reputation will proceed you there. Ooooh, what a big stiff they'll think...  :lol:

To come clean, Surfer, it's the oldest, tired cliche every gaijin(who's been here a while) will hear, and/or utter, some time, or udder. Some newbie will tell you of a hilarious lesson/mtg, where some manager/exec-type will start discussing next wknd's upcoming, "big erection"(the old l & r pronounciation hang up)..if there's more than one foreigner present, the obvious challenge being not to emit a peep, or squirt of a laugh. You're sposed to act interested in local politics, whilst visualizing Gawd-knows-what!


It was a lot more congenial & spontaneous, back in the day. Seems more easygoing laughs were available - must be the 'state of today'(?, unsure), or maybe just cos' EVERYTHING seemed funny in my 20's...

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32 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

To come clean, Surfer, it's the oldest, tired cliche every gaijin(who's been here a while) will hear, and/or utter, some time, or udder. Some newbie will tell you of a hilarious lesson/mtg, where some manager/exec-type will start discussing next wknd's upcoming, "big erection"(the old l & r pronounciation hang up)..if there's more than one foreigner present, the obvious challenge being not to emit a peep, or squirt of a laugh. You're sposed to act interested in local politics, whilst visualizing Gawd-knows-what!


It was a lot more congenial & spontaneous, back in the day. Seems more easygoing laughs were available - must be the 'state of today'(?, unsure), or maybe just cos' EVERYTHING seemed funny in my 20's...

No need to canvass I guess...

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