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[Report] Canucks re-assign Brendan Gaunce

-Vintage Canuck-

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Gaunce.  22 years old.  even player in the league playing 4th line duties with questionable mates.  They could be trusted in almost any situation


I think he did amazingly well considering the season we're having and this can only be good for his development.  Now he can go back and start doing the little things again in utica like offensive play and taking more chances on the play.


The guy did everything he needed and did it well.  Can't wait to have him back next season

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10 minutes ago, 250Integra said:

Looks like we'll have Skille-Chaput-Megna or Reid Boucher in the line up.

Why did they even bother claiming Boucher??? :huh:


If it is Hutton coming back we will have Larsen, Biega and Boucher sitting in the press box and our nose up against the cap!

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2 minutes ago, RWMc1 said:

Waiver exempt!!


He plays his role well.   He wasn't there primarily to score.


He'll be back!!!!

This more than anything else. Dependable guy, always working hard. Hope he goes down and starts putting up some points and get that side of his game going. 


With our injuries to D constantly, it makes sense to send down a forward that we can't lose to waivers. 


Good luck Gaunce!

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