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Trevor Linden Interview TSN1040- January 30


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Just now, chilliwiggins said:

Vanek sounds like he will be gone.

Linden contradicted Bennings interview on the 26th about trying to get a hold of the SEDINS agent.     Something very strange there. 

Never said extension to Benning, worked around it.  said he was a hard worker     To me I still don't see him here next season as GM  

Trevor did say there is no easy way to rebuild.  It’s the draft and develop.  That’s good news.  

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Linden has a great level of fan support behind him.  He is the best option in the 48 year history of the team to hold the role he holds. He has grown with experience.  He could benefit from more public definition of his role so people understand it better.


I think he will be the guy who guides us to a cup. He came damn close in 94. He is the guy you want to count on. Especially when the chips are down.

Great stuff to come. Just watch.






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Wow 1040 guys deserve to have no job..


Ron McLean giving it to Buttman is one thing, these weirdos on 1040 are another. 


The questions regarding timeframe of competition are among the stupidest I've heard. If Trevor didn't realize he's talking to the fans, he hangs up. I wanna know why guys like Price and Sekerass are our conduit.

I'm not a 1040 vs 650 guy, but there's a difference.. If 1040 can ask the tough, thoughtless questions, ok.. I'd actually like to hear how Linden and Co. respond. whereas, 650 just wants par and to live.


EDIT: I liked the question re: Goldobin. 



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Couple of things sound like positives for JB.


TL thinks he's done a good job, they've spoken about an extension and "what that would look like", is rebuilding through the draft and development (JB is a draft... and develop guy). Good stuff.


Tram. So he won't be back next year, no biggie, he'll come around. We hold his rights until 2021(?). 


Trev, the team can't actually rebuild and form a new identity with the twins still around. Set em free. They owe us nothing and I don't believe the organization owes them anything either.

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1 minute ago, N7Nucks said:

I don't know why people keep asking about and bringing up Tryamkin. He has a contract. The reason he didn't come here sooner, a contract. Why do people refuse to see that he's not coming back while he has a contract? Geez

I'm wearing my Tryamkin jersey on Sat!

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27 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

I don't know why people keep asking about and bringing up Tryamkin. He has a contract. The reason he didn't come here sooner, a contract. Why do people refuse to see that he's not coming back while he has a contract? Geez

Good post


Tryamkin himself says he will play his contract out, and if the fit is right, he would consider coming back, but that's a bridge they will cross when it comes.

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7 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:

Ya he said he did a good job twice, (past tense).

He didn't say anything about an extension.  He said we had discussions.  about what? he did not say.

Also said we liked parts of the season.

I get a total different read on that

Also the sedin agent phone call seems real odd.

Guess we have selective hearing.


For opposite reasons. 

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