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[Signing] Tyler Myers to Vancouver

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1 minute ago, 18W-40C-6W said:

Tryamkin still follows the Canucks has said he’s open to coming back, and his agent most recently said he wants him to come back (I’m sure selfish financial motivations play a part there lol, as he gets a % of the salary). That being said, Tryamkin’s agent said he’s open as well and that he’d want to sit down w mgmt and know his role. The recent interview sounded like a lot of “detailed” discussions where occurring. I think in reality he will be here post his season in Russia - March 2020

Yeah I heard him on 1040 last week. I did not get a warm fuzzy from it though. Felt more like posturing when they asked him a percentage and he replied with "50/50." He also said that playing time and his role will be a factor, but Greener makes his guys earn their ice time. Willie D just had his faves and if you were not one of them, you were screwed. I am sure Greener would expect Tram to be a lot more physical than he was in his time here. Still hopeful he comes back again, but he has not exactly blown up the K either. 

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If we sign Myers, I would try hard for Ristolainen. 



Hutton (if resigned) or Stetcher

Conditional 2020 2nd round pick (if we give up 2020 first then pick moved to 2021) 


The third pairing would be made up of two of:


Stetcher (Trade dependant)

Hutton (Trade dependant)

Schenn (If resigned)



Woo (If he surprises) 



Edler - Ristolainen

Hughes - Myers

Jouelvi - Woo 


Myers signing would be great, adding Ristolainen to the mix would be over the top. 

Edited by Doogie
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7 minutes ago, Doogie said:

If we sign Myers, I would try hard for Ristolainen. 



Hutton (if resigned) or Stetcher

Conditional 2019 2nd round pick (if we give up 2019 first then pick moved to 2020) 


Edler - Ristolainen

Hughes - Myers 


Now this would be a great top 4; size, speed and skill, what more could you ask for. The third pairing would be made up of two of:


Stetcher (Trade dependant)

Hutton (Trade dependant)

Schenn (If resigned)



Woo (If he surprises) 


Myers signing would be great, adding Ristolainen to the mix would be over the top. 

After the Miller trade we really lack the assets to acquire someone of his skill level. Guys like JV and Baer do not hold the value to others that we tend to give them. BUF is not a cap strapped team and should be a player in FA (if anyone actually wants to go there) so the only way I can see them letting him go is if Risto wants out. I think that was more contingent on the picks we had pre-draft along with the trade for Barrie. 

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10 minutes ago, Odjick29willkillyou said:

Yeah I heard him on 1040 last week. I did not get a warm fuzzy from it though. Felt more like posturing when they asked him a percentage and he replied with "50/50." He also said that playing time and his role will be a factor, but Greener makes his guys earn their ice time. Willie D just had his faves and if you were not one of them, you were screwed. I am sure Greener would expect Tram to be a lot more physical than he was in his time here. Still hopeful he comes back again, but he has not exactly blown up the K either. 

I missed that. How has his English come along?

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58 minutes ago, Odd. said:

This has bad signing written all over it. 

It's interesting - how often you see these doom-gloom one-liners....


But hiow often is it followed up with "here's why".


I welcome any of you people warning against Myers to actually qualify why he will be a 'bad signing'.

I'm not talking about assuming it will be 7 or 8 years and 'predicting' decline.


I'm talking about an actual player evaluation, myths of being a '3rd pairing' or 'liability' aside. 

If you - or anyone else - can show he's a 'liability', 'only a 3rd pairing' guy - etc - please have at it and enlighten us.


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4 minutes ago, oldnews said:

It's interesting - how often you see these doom-gloom one-liners....


But hiow often is it followed up with "here's why".


I welcome any of you people warning against Myers to actually qualify why he will be a 'bad signing'.

I'm not talking about assuming it will be 7 or 8 years and 'predicting' decline.


I'm talking about an actual player evaluation, myths of being a '3rd pairing' or 'liability' aside. 

If you - or anyone else - can show he's a 'liability', 'only a 3rd pairing' guy - etc - please have at it and enlighten us.


Because I said so

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8 minutes ago, oldnews said:

It's interesting - how often you see these doom-gloom one-liners....


But hiow often is it followed up with "here's why".


I welcome any of you people warning against Myers to actually qualify why he will be a 'bad signing'.

I'm not talking about assuming it will be 7 or 8 years and 'predicting' decline.


I'm talking about an actual player evaluation, myths of being a '3rd pairing' or 'liability' aside. 

If you - or anyone else - can show he's a 'liability', 'only a 3rd pairing' guy - etc - please have at it and enlighten us.


Burkie is pretty high on Myers. And he didn't even use the word truculent. 

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1 hour ago, aGENT said:

Who? Edler will be expiring and on an NMC. We just theoretically signed Barrie, and Myers one year before him so neither of them. Tryamkin is just coming back and won't hurt in helping Podkolzin feel comfortable/get him over plus brings some much needed size. Never mind we wouldn't be trading him until he actually gets some games played if we were to move him at all. Juolevi's going to be a top 4 staple in a few years as long as he can get/stay healthy....


This is another reason I wouldn't hate us targeting Stralman over Myers actually. It could quite possibly allow us to retain Stecher, whom I like very much and I think would go through 10 brick walls for his home town club.

Where do you see Tryamkin fitting in?..a bottom pairing D.?..I have this suspicion that his legend is bigger than his actual play on the ice.

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22 minutes ago, oldnews said:

It's interesting - how often you see these doom-gloom one-liners....


But hiow often is it followed up with "here's why".


I welcome any of you people warning against Myers to actually qualify why he will be a 'bad signing'.

I'm not talking about assuming it will be 7 or 8 years and 'predicting' decline.


I'm talking about an actual player evaluation, myths of being a '3rd pairing' or 'liability' aside. 

If you - or anyone else - can show he's a 'liability', 'only a 3rd pairing' guy - etc - please have at it and enlighten us.


Well that is a lot of work.  But here goes:


Tyler Myers sucks because Jim Benning signed Loui Eriksson.  Also, I once tried to ride a bike and fell off.  How did that work out?  It's just a bad deal.

Edited by Borvat
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4 minutes ago, Honky Cat said:

Where do you see Tryamkin fitting in?..a bottom pairing D.?..I have this suspicion that his legend is bigger than his actual play on the ice.

So how exactly is assuming he doesn't fit in any different than assuming he will fit in? They're kind of the same really if you think about it. They're assumptions in the end with the only difference being one is positive and the other is negative.

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9 minutes ago, Honky Cat said:

Where do you see Tryamkin fitting in?..a bottom pairing D.?..I have this suspicion that his legend is bigger than his actual play on the ice.

Yeah, 3rd pair but I'd imagine a relatively decent spread of minutes.


2 hours ago, aGENT said:

Sadly, I think if we are to sign Barrie after signing Myers this season and especially if Tryamkin comes back...Stecher's probably traded for other assets :unsure:


In 2nd year:

Edler, Barrie

Hughes, Myers

Juolevi, Tryamkin


Rathbone, Woo, Rafferty etc


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2 minutes ago, The Lock said:

So how exactly is assuming he doesn't fit in any different than assuming he will fit in? They're kind of the same really if you think about it. They're assumptions in the end with the only difference being one is positive and the other is negative.

Not really assuming anything, but in his time here I couldn't grasp if he was a 2nd pairing or 3rd?..His deployment while here was erratic.


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8 minutes ago, Honky Cat said:

Where do you see Tryamkin fitting in?..a bottom pairing D.?..I have this suspicion that his legend is bigger than his actual play on the ice.

A good alternative to 'legend' or "suspicion' is observing his on-ice performance and outcomes.


Great skater for his size.

Tremendous wingspan  - that he uses.

Intimidating physical presence - hits often, and hurts people.  Not necessarily 'mean', but also plays with passion and pushes back.

Huge, heavy shot.

The limiting factor in his rookie season here - a young, lack of conditioning (not uncommon for huge, young guys).  That is correctible over time with fitness development - if you're going to have a limitation, if that is one that can be overcome with work, then great.


There is no point attempting to put a ceiling on Tryamkin - his actual play on the ice was some solid conditioning away from being a massive upgrade to this blueline -and he's had a couple years to further develop.

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