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[Signing] Canucks sign Micheal Ferland

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2 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Ferland sounds excited to join the Canucks, and says he's met with Benning etc. and is looking forward to playing with PEEDERSON and BOZER. That's how he pronounced their names lol 


I noticed Johnston (the Province) has already started his negative commentary on this signing, saying Ferland is a 3rd line player who might get a shot with Bo's line. Then he went on about Ferland's previous concussion. Canucks can never have anything nice. 


It sounds to me like the Canucks brass already talked with Ferland about playing with Pettersson and Boeser, and I think it makes sense. Not sure who Ferland played with in CAR lat year, but he produced 40 points in 71 games. Not bad at all. He'll get more playing with #40 and #6. 

I think if Canucks brass had talked to him about playing with Pettersson and Boeser, maybe he would know how to pronounce their names lol


He's probably just listing a couple of the star players that he knows on the team. Just like everyone is excited to play with McDavid, but never do. Ferland has a chance to play on the line, but he's going to have to battle Miller amongst others who are all vying for that premium spot.

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4 minutes ago, Me_ said:

Perhaps Ferland can accidentally on purpose  run over Eriksson in practice and get him on LTIR

From a cap perspective, the Canucks need the $950,000 each that a buried Eriksson and Schaller provides.  But imagine if Boeser signed for $7.0M and $6.0M could be charged against Eriksson's LTIR?  That would be sweet.  So a well-placed collision between Eriksson and the zamboni might be the best thing that could happen at training camp.  Maybe Eriksson could play a little ball hockey with Sami Salo this summer.


Assuming a line up as follows, with Eriksson and Schaller buried in Utica, and Boeser at $7.0M cap hit:


Ferland -- Pettersson -- Boeser

Pearson -- Horvat -- Miller

Baertschi -- Sutter -- Virtanen

Leivo (in place of Roussel's $3M cap hit) -- Beagle -- Gaudette

Motte (13th forward)


Edler -- Tanev

Hughes -- Myers

Benn -- Stecher

Fattenberg -- Biega




would give the Canucks a 23 man roster with a cap hit $58K under $81.5M limit.


A Loui on LTIR opens up some possibilities...so maybe a well-timed Ferland run at Loui in training camp is just what the doctor ordered (JK - I don't wish harm on anyone, except for Brad Marchand).

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11 hours ago, luckylager said:

OK, put roles aside. Baer is a reliable 200ft player with good offensive upside. No reason to sell him short really.

I think his creativity and awareness with the puck will be needed in the middle six and he'll be playing in the middle six unless he's traded.


I agree - I 'm not selling him short - if you read the post you're responding to I think he has a reasonable chance of outcompeting Pearson.

But the point is this - I think Pearson and Ferland probably have an edge for those 2nd line winger spots in the present.

And when you get down to it, Roussel is a better 3 LW than he is - and Virtanen better suited to a physical, shutdown role.

Baertschi is a great luxury to have as a legit top6 - who may be 7 on the depth chart of skilled forwards presently - and with injuries, will be needed if the team intends to compete.   It's not long ago that the complaints around here were - 'the team has only 3 top 6 forwards'...I think they have 7,, possibly more now.

I think you're splitting hairs though.   It's no secret that Baertschi played 26 games last year - his talent is undeniable - his health, uncertain.

Edited by oldnews
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8 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Ferland sounds excited to join the Canucks, and says he's met with Benning etc. and is looking forward to playing with PEEDERSON and BOZER. That's how he pronounced their names lol 


I noticed Johnston (the Province) has already started his negative commentary on this signing, saying Ferland is a 3rd line player who might get a shot with Bo's line. Then he went on about Ferland's previous concussion. Canucks can never have anything nice. 


It sounds to me like the Canucks brass already talked with Ferland about playing with Pettersson and Boeser, and I think it makes sense. Not sure who Ferland played with in CAR lat year, but he produced 40 points in 71 games. Not bad at all. He'll get more playing with #40 and #6. 

He could get career high just by playing with #40 and #6. 

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51 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Woo, Podz, Tree, Woo, AG, OJ and Hogs  should replace most of Edler, Benn, Tanev, Pearson, Sutter and Bear in as few as two seasons from now (ok the start of the one after that).   It’s a good thing too because likely both EP and Hughes will command as much as 16-20 million.  Out is around 25 million.  All the guys I’ve listed will be 1-3 at the time, which is an additional 7-15 million likely. Soooo on the high side we will need 35 (not happening) on the low side 23, right around with what we will have.  Good thing the NEXT year EP is gone, and the Luongo cap hit.  As we will definitely need the additional 9 million to sort things out and fill a hole or two.  


I am starting to hate LEs contract.  

In 3 years, LE's contract will be finished, but I would think it could easily be bought out the year before, if need be.  Add that to your calculated 25m and voila!  There's 31m + whatever salary cap increases.  Thankfully, there are no NMCs, so any player can be traded at any time, if required.

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44 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

This is exactly right and it’s easy to see. Although you still see a lot of posters on this board with the belief that the focus hasn’t changed and the plan has been the same since day one.  

No, we see it as part of the evolution of the plan.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Ferland   Petey     Brock

Miller      BO         Pearson

Leivo     Sutter     Virtanen

Motte     Beagle   MacEwen


Roussel (LTIR)


I'm sorry but there is no room for Baertschi anymore.  He's not a 4th line player and we have guys we can call up like Gaudette plus maybe Goldobin to fill in for injuries.  We also have Roussel who will be back in December.  I like Jake on the 3rd line as he adds more truculence which is what we need and Leivo is also a big body.  I like the look of our top 9 right now.  We got some big bodies and lots of skill as well.


Baertschi hopefully can be traded for a pick at full salary, if we have to retain so be it.  Eriksson will be the bigger problem.  Other than those two contracts we are actually quite fine.  We have lots of young guys on the way as the cupboard is full now.  I like our D too, some big bodies added there too.


We are going to be a difficult team to play against next year.  Just like Jim Benning has always envisioned.  We all know now he was the one who created that Boston team that was big and nasty.  Chiarelli was just a side show.  

Agreed. Other than injury replacement I do not see him breaking into that top 6. Ideally JB can move him for a pick. Baer does have serious talent but does that reside in a 3rd line role? He could surprise and come out strong in October. I honestly have to see Miller and Ferland play to see how this shakes out. There is always a market for players after the first 15 - 20 games.  Does Pearson start as strong as he finished? 

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11 hours ago, MikeBossy said:

It's funny - here in Edmonton even though he is a $6 million dollar anchor they love Lucic - every game if he makes a hit or gets in a scrum they all cheer "Looch". I am in no way comparing him to Ferland - just agreeing with your point that fans in Vancouver (like most NHL cities) appreciate the players who leave it all on the ice, stick up for their team mates and like you said "Wear their hearts on their sleeves". I also think this rubs off on other players on the team. 

I'm glad to hear that.  I'm not a Looch guy - but I'm also not a hater - I don't like to see guys get piled on / scapegoated because they're unable to live up to past expectations.  Kudos to Edmonton fans that still "Looch" him in spite of the contract - I'm pretty sure if he could still score 30 goals, he would be.   And in the end, Edmonton's problems run way deeper than one bad contract.  Even on the other end of the spectrum, with a team like Toronto that was winning (in the regular season) - they pile on Zaitsev, their hardest minutes defenseman - as if he was their problem, when realistically they had no third pairing and no fourth line - that. like Edmonton's failures, is on management, not the one player fans perceive to not  be pulling their weight.


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I'm curious how Flames fans are reacting to Ferland signing here. It sounds like he was a great team mate, the players loved him, and the Flames were wanting to get him back.  


I'm so glad Benning has brought in bigger, tougher players, who can play. Last year seeing Pettersson getting body-slammed with no pushback gave me a sick feeling. Here we go again. But now, Pettersson and Boeser will have a gritty winger with them, and more pushback throughout the lineup. Canucks are going to be so fun to watch this year.

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3 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Agreed. Other than injury replacement I do not see him breaking into that top 6. Ideally JB can move him for a pick. Baer does have serious talent but does that reside in a 3rd line role? He could surprise and come out strong in October. I honestly have to see Miller and Ferland play to see how this shakes out. There is always a market for players after the first 15 - 20 games.  Does Pearson start as strong as he finished? 

Agree he's the most likely player on the block just due to sheer numbers, injury history, contract etc. But I'd not be at ALL surprised to see him beat out Pearson for 2LW if he indeed is still here. That line could theoretically use someone with some playmaking ability and that's far more Baer than Pearson.

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3 hours ago, Monty said:

Just like the Roussel signing, I really like Ferland. Sandpaper guys who can chip in offensively are incredibly needed for a balanced lineup. Yes, there’s definitely risk because of the style of play, but every team needs guys like him. The key is to not pay them too much. And $3.5M is a great contract, even if he ends up playing 60ish games due to wear and tear.


In fact, players like Ferland/Roussel are guys I’d consider to start putting into the same category as goalies (and what the NBA can do), which is managing their schedule/workload so they don’t play every game of the season. Acknowledging that their style will wear on them for not only the season, but their quality of life long term. Playing them less so they don’t get injured (which is likely during the season) will ensure you get the most of them for the end of the season and playoffs.

Nice read and logic that isn't used enough

The Second could have sat on back to backs and had more in the tank. But players want to play.

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2 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I'm curious how Flames fans are reacting to Ferland signing here. It sounds like he was a great team mate, the players loved him, and the Flames were wanting to get him back.  


I'm so glad Benning has brought in bigger, tougher players, who can play. Last year seeing Pettersson getting body-slammed with no pushback gave me a sick feeling. Here we go again. But now, Pettersson and Boeser will have a gritty winger with them, and more pushback throughout the lineup. Canucks are going to be so fun to watch this year.

I felt the pain. And was furious when the players went to the bench to watch the replay

Wimps looking for a way out. No more.

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34 minutes ago, bigbadcanucks said:

Starting?  What has taken you so long?


In all seriousness, I love the Ferland signing.  Hopefully he can stay healthy and be the wrecking ball with the ability to pitch in with a 20-20 for foreseeable future.  The Canucks have all the makings of a rabid wolf pack.  Just the sort of team I love watching. 


Getting closer to being the Big Bad Canucks.  Too bad that cap space won't permit it, but an Adam McQuaid signing would have rounded out an uber phenomenal off-season for JB (not sure what I would call it if JB was able to shed the Loui contract...I would probably lose my mind with joy).

I’ve mentioned a one year for McQuaid a few times... one of the best fighters left in the league when he does fight and tough as nails and big body.  That would be absolutely sick.  We’d become the big bad Canucks of old.   For fun look at the size of the early nineties teams defense.    Sandlak (House)....Even the WCE teams had some toughness to them when Brashear was pounding virtually everyone he fought.  


I also giggle at the though of Tree coming back.  Hughes size doesn’t matter much anymore.  

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5 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I'm curious how Flames fans are reacting to Ferland signing here. It sounds like he was a great team mate, the players loved him, and the Flames were wanting to get him back. 


Over at calgary puck and hf calgary the majority seem to like ferland and dont like that he ended up playing with a rival they dont particularly like.


im looking forward to how the the team handles guys like Kadri (now in our division) and other pests whose job it is to get under the top line's skin.  They are much better equipped to handle this now than they were a year ago where everyone lost their $hit if Gudbranson didnt go nuclear...they can put a tough/pushback type player on each line.




Edited by Darius
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5 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I'm curious how Flames fans are reacting to Ferland signing here. It sounds like he was a great team mate, the players loved him, and the Flames were wanting to get him back.  


Curious if the rumour that Flames offered more AAV and same term is true.   I don't have a legitimate source but am hearing it more and more.   

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1 hour ago, nuck-lifer said:

Here are points totals of last years players being possibly replaced by this years, at least to start

Baer, Sutter or another player may be gone so this is as of now.

This can be up for debate but it just goes to show the production increase that we hope to get this year with the offensive depth added.


2018-19- points before acquisitions

Granlund- 22

Gaudette- 12- may start in AHL

Schaller- 10

Leipsic- 5



Gudbranson- 10

Pouliot- 12


Total- 91




2018-19 replacement player points past year

Miller- 47

Pearson- 27

Ferland- 40

Leivo- 18


Myers- 31

Hughes- 35 projected.-  he had 3 point in 5 games so had to tail this projection back somewhat as certain don't expect 50 points

Benn- 22


Total - 220




Good work. This would be awesome.

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8 hours ago, filthycanuck said:

You sure about that? Schaller brings absolutely nothing to the team other than 1.9 million cap hit, any team would just fill that role internally with a fraction of the cost, same with Leivo. No one wanted to to trade for Granlund last season and he's much more accomplished than those 2. This isn't nhl 19. Teams have to actually WANT your players. You must be one of those guys proposing Ballard, Raymond and a 2nd for Ovechkin trades


So Jake hasn't learned enough from like I mentioned, the Sedins, as well as Burrows, Dorsett, Rousell,? How many more babysitters does he need exactly? Sorry, as much I question some of Jim's moves over the years, I don't think he's in the business of putting up a daycare for lil ol Jake



Who is moving Schaller or Leivo for a 5th or 6th or some project you can put in the minors “Raymond Ballard and a 2nd”? You hyperbolic responses are nonsense and simply trying to put words in my mouth to support your position.


seems you don’t understand how players develop. You mentioned burrows, how long did Burr take to develop into an integral piece of the Canucks? Or are you not old enough to have been around to see that? 


If you think players don’t learn from others (when they themselves are still young and developing as players) who’ve been in the league longer, play the same style, and been effective at it, you certainly don’t understand hockey let alone sport 

Edited by 18W-40C-6W
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