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Benning trying to get to "common ground" with Boeser

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30 minutes ago, YummyCakeFace said:

Seems to be only two options here.  Either 7 mill per isn’t enough or the term doesn’t jive.  If 7 mill isn’t enough,  I find that confusing because that’s more than great value for a slow skating scorer that can’t stay healthy in a fast skating/transition league.  Otherwise, he’s betting on himself.   If term is the issue, it proves Boeser wants to leave at the soonest opportunity if the 6 at 7 rumour is true. If he wants 4 at 7,  he wants to leave.  If that’s the case,  move him for value ASAP if you trust Benning to get appropriate value. 

No it doesn't mean he automatically wants to leave when the contract is up. He wants to sign another contract for more money; the cap will most likely go up significantly by that time

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1 hour ago, YummyCakeFace said:

Seems to be only two options here.  Either 7 mill per isn’t enough or the term doesn’t jive.  If 7 mill isn’t enough,  I find that confusing because that’s more than great value for a slow skating scorer that can’t stay healthy in a fast skating/transition league.  Otherwise, he’s betting on himself.   If term is the issue, it proves Boeser wants to leave at the soonest opportunity if the 6 at 7 rumour is true. If he wants 4 at 7,  he wants to leave.  If that’s the case,  move him for value ASAP if you trust Benning to get appropriate value. 

Not necessarily... he just want to be in control of his next contract. Just to ensure he won't be lowballed or traded against his will.

The possibilities are many... Maybe it represent NTC, maybe the final year ala Meier, lots of possibilities... but of course maybe you're right and he want to go down south if the opportunity presents itself. 


I highly doubt that the main draw is him wanting to go back south, as nothing seems to have indicated this, and he just doesn't seem to have that sort of personality, and so far its still only a rumour. Time will tell though. Hopefully it will be resolved soonest.

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Just a side note but Marner said he wanted to get a deal done to be with the guys at camp. He had more leverage as the team point leader and realized the importance of signing and being at camp.


I hope Brock wants to be with his teammates, especially his new winger flanking the other side and wants to start building chemistry asap. Not to be sour, but if Brock wants a high cap hit north of 7m but not want to go into a longer deal then I am fine with him holding out. Would he be missed sure, But this year we have JT Miller and ferland joining the roster both will add enough scoring to make up for Brock and it might give Jake an opportunity to get a look in the top 6 which I would like to see what he can do with offensive players- could be the 3rd wheel that gets points!

Edited by Canuckster86
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20 hours ago, coolboarder said:

If Boeser had an injury woes in last two years and I am not satisfied that he is even worth $42 million offered by Benning.  if Boeser wants 4 years and that would put him one year before his UFA and he then can dictate his demands if he is proven player for the Canucks in 4 years but for 7 years is too much of a risk.  What if he flopped and we'd be stuck with him?  I mean, this team, overall, is not even good to begin with and Boeser is a part of that issue as well.  He is not a great skater but has a very elite wrist shots but opponents has figured him out and he struggled last season but still post a respectable number.   Best to offer him short-term contract with understanding that if he posts an elite number, then he would be offered much better contract than 42 million dollars if I were Benning.  

I agree, four years is best but my guess his agent wants the Timo Meir special with the big payday in the last year to make the qualifying offer stupid. If it’s 4 years flat at an aav of 6.5 that’s fine and let him prove he’s worth the big raise down the road. That’s 4 years with Petey, if he believes in himself he should take that in a second. 

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3 minutes ago, Blackberries said:

I can't believe the amount of people dragging Brock in this thread while hes at home with a sick father. Ever think that maybe this negotiation is to ensure some financial stability for his family more than anything?


Some fans can’t see the person behind the player.


They immediately just jump on them and call them greedy any time negotiations go long.


Any one in his position making a big decision like this would take their time too.

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7 minutes ago, Blackberries said:

I can't believe the amount of people dragging Brock in this thread while hes at home with a sick father. Ever think that maybe this negotiation is to ensure some financial stability for his family more than anything?

People can be frustrated at how slowly the process has played out, but they shouldn't be angry at Boeser yet. Not when he and his camp could have been so much more melodramatic.


Read the comments here and tell me that Leafs fans aren't still pissed at Marner even though he signed a new contract yesterday:


Edited by Brad Marchand
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47 minutes ago, Blackberries said:

I can't believe the amount of people dragging Brock in this thread while hes at home with a sick father. Ever think that maybe this negotiation is to ensure some financial stability for his family more than anything?


I actually think most have been pretty level headed and kept the focus on numbers and term and not personal.


They saved all the irrational vitriol for Virtanen for some stupid reason.

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36 minutes ago, stawns said:

I actually think most have been pretty level headed and kept the focus on numbers and term and not personal.


They saved all the irrational vitriol for Virtanen for some stupid reason.

Yup jakes in camp sure his in the dog house atleast his here and showing what he can do , Brock on the other ....wonder if his wrist is 100%... Even bigger how's his skating....what happens if he stayed the same size when he was slow last season and didn't slim down.... More questions around Brock right now then Jake 

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So tell me this:  playing devils advocate....


If Meyers  is 6 m per season, how is Boeser only worth 7?


beagle gets a sweet deal - 3m.   Sutter is 4.5....   LE is 6m


seems like Boeser should be in the 9-10 m range or more based on the value of those other players and what they bring to the table.


so...  have we spent on the support and now can’t sign the core?  This impass is a really bad sign imho





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On 9/13/2019 at 10:50 PM, YummyCakeFace said:

Seems to be only two options here.  Either 7 mill per isn’t enough or the term doesn’t jive.  If 7 mill isn’t enough,  I find that confusing because that’s more than great value for a slow skating scorer that can’t stay healthy in a fast skating/transition league.  Otherwise, he’s betting on himself.   If term is the issue, it proves Boeser wants to leave at the soonest opportunity if the 6 at 7 rumour is true. If he wants 4 at 7,  he wants to leave.  If that’s the case,  move him for value ASAP if you trust Benning to get appropriate value. 

Boeser wanting a shorter deal isnt necessarily mean he wants to leave. It more than likely means he's betting on himself and that he thinks he'll be worth a lot more than 7m when he has UFA status looming. To be honest, if I was him I'd want a shorter contract too. Id be confident in myself and I'd take advantage of the salary cap continuously going up, especially with the Seattle expansion, and subsequently star players contracts going up continuously as well. 

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23 minutes ago, canucksnihilist said:

So tell me this:  playing devils advocate....


If Meyers  is 6 m per season, how is Boeser only worth 7?


beagle gets a sweet deal - 3m.   Sutter is 4.5....   LE is 6m


seems like Boeser should be in the 9-10 m range or more based on the value of those other players and what they bring to the table.


so...  have we spent on the support and now can’t sign the core?  This impass is a really bad sign imho





Boeser is an RFA, he doesn't have as much leverage.


RFA's generally always get paid less than UFA's

Edited by Grape
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10 hours ago, Blackberries said:

I can't believe the amount of people dragging Brock in this thread while hes at home with a sick father. Ever think that maybe this negotiation is to ensure some financial stability for his family more than anything?


Being home with your ill father is more important dont get me wrong. But he can still do that while be signed to a contract, he has not signed a contract. Look at Big Buff he has taken a personal leave from the Jets, a team is not going to deny a player a personal leave especially for someone in Brock's situation. To say he hasn't signed his contract because of his dad is false, Brock still had time to enjoy his summer and do things he wanted outside of being by his dad's side. So he has had time to talk to his agent and the Canucks, fine common ground and get a deal done before it went into training camp

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8 hours ago, canucksnihilist said:

So tell me this:  playing devils advocate....


If Meyers  is 6 m per season, how is Boeser only worth 7?


beagle gets a sweet deal - 3m.   Sutter is 4.5....   LE is 6m


seems like Boeser should be in the 9-10 m range or more based on the value of those other players and what they bring to the table.


so...  have we spent on the support and now can’t sign the core?  This impass is a really bad sign imho






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It is a business so it is what it is and no point getting emotional about it. Even from a business viewpoint, it is hard to see the benefits of holding out at this point. Even on a six year deal Brock will still be 28 years old and set to sign another sizable contract. He has only played two half seasons...not much justification for a huge, huge pay day.


If he is stuck on three years then he should accept the going rate for RFAs.

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