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3 hours ago, Canucks Curse said:

anyone else sick of this JD burke guy, especially when it comes to trolling the Judd/canucks drafting issue? this guy is as slimy as they come and I would be much happier if I never heard from this dude again, everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie, everything that goes in is a &i%!

Amen!  The man likes the sound of his own voice.

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15 hours ago, Crabcakes said:

Amen!  The man likes the sound of his own voice.

I'd caution those that tend towards Trumpism ie all media is fake. Sports journalists are generally reluctant to publish the things they hear for  fear to retribution by clubs or players etc. They have press passes and circulate amongst a sports fraternity. In this case many of the facts published have been paralleled by other more conservative journalists and backed up by quotes from NHL scouts on the inside. Burke seems willing to speak out, balancing his opportunity to become a accepted journalist to the possibility he will be shunned by the sports fraternity. It's a risk he taking. Frankly I grow tired of the journalists that talk a lot but say nothing. Burke seems to have pushed others into be more forth coming. Regretfully many fans have prejudices  and are unwilling to accept facts they " don't like " 

Edited by Fred65
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3 hours ago, aGENT said:

It's not a simple matter of 'fake news'. It's a matter of taking a few threads of what is quite likely true information and spinning it in to overly dramatized click bait. I haven't seen anyone arguing that there's no difference of opinion/ill fit between Judd and the Canucks or that Judd is certainly staying vs likely leaving, as is being reported. 


Our local media, and especially a few usual suspects, have a track history of doing just that thing. They also have a track record of simply quoting one and other in an attempt to lend credence to said fabrications/dramatizations.



Here's the part you conveniently miss. On two occasions other NHL scouts have passed comment of the Brackett situation. They have no affinity with the media or dog in the fight. I hope you're not telling folks that the other teams scouts have a desire to fabricate/dramatize the story. I have no reason to doubt their word and I seriously doubt you have reason to doubt their word. Both scouts stated that Brackett punched above his weight and did better than others in the same place. It's good enough for me unless you can find some one in a similar position to repudiate their word. Sadly the one time Aquaman should step in and tell these two to sort their difference out, seems like Aquilini is missing in action.

Edited by Fred65
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6 hours ago, Fred65 said:

I'd caution those that tend towards Trumpism ie all media is fake. Sports journalists are generally reluctant to publish the things they hear for  fear to retribution by clubs or players etc. They have press passes and circulate amongst a sports fraternity. In this case many of the facts published have been paralleled by other more conservative journalists and backed up by quotes from NHL scouts on the inside. Burke seems willing to speak out, balancing his opportunity to become a accepted journalist to the possibility he will be shunned by the sports fraternity. It's a risk he taking. Frankly I grow tired of the journalists that talk a lot but say nothing. Burke seems to have pushed others into be more forth coming. Regretfully many fans have prejudices  and are unwilling to accept facts they " don't like " 

A lot of fandom is about "faith", this faith is rarely evidence based. Trump supporters often act exactly like sports fans, except the object of their fandom is Donald Trump. Therefore any information unflattering to Trump is quickly shot down as fake news. Also since the aforementioned faith was never based on any evidence, it cannot be damaged by evidence either. By making blanket accusations of all media as biased institutions, one (hypocritically) never has to admit to their own bias. As they say ignorance is bliss. 


Botchford (RIP) didn't shy away from asking the hard-hitting questions no matter how many people hated him on here. And I am glad for that because journalists should not be writing fluff pieces but questioning the words and actions of those in positions of power. With that said I am just not a fan of Burke, something about him rubs me the wrong way. IMac does hold some credibility with me, I don't think he would be "fabricating", "making it up", "lying", "dramatizing" etc.

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On 5/15/2020 at 2:03 PM, Squamfan said:


Confirmed Ollie was Benning guy. So he are letting a guy go who selected Petty but want to give control to guy who select that bust in 2016?

So who was Brackeet's 1st recommendation in 2016? Most likely Tkachuk.


If he recommended McAvoy, then there's something to be said about Brackett's ability to identify talent. But if it was Tkachuk, 99% of CDC could have done the same.


EP at 5th overall was a great pick.

Hughes at 7th overall was a no brainer since Hughes was rated higher.

Pod at 10th is also no brainer, he was rated as a top 3 pick at one point.


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13 minutes ago, khay said:

So who was Brackeet's 1st recommendation in 2016? Most likely Tkachuk.


If he recommended McAvoy, then there's something to be said about Brackett's ability to identify talent. But if it was Tkachuk, 99% of CDC could have done the same.

That draft is an interesting one. Because piecing together some tidbits, the Canucks had PLD fairly high on their draft board. I think the draft board probably had Matthews, Laine, PLD as the top 3. Unfortunately Kekalainen grabbed PLD at 3 sending Puljujarvi tumbling to 4 where Edmonton grabbed him. I have read that Chiarelli was looking at taking a defenseman at #4 until Puljujarvi fell to them. I think at that point Benning didn't see too many home run players to pick, we hadn't drafted D in the first round in years. Tkachuk also ended up as better than expected. While he was a safe pick, his upside was questionable as he was playing on the same line in junior with Marner & Dvorak. I don't believe Benning should be crucified for going off the board to take Juolevi, injuries played a big factor as well.

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4 hours ago, Fred65 said:

Here's the part you conveniently miss. On two occasions other NHL scouts have passed comment of the Brackett situation. They have no affinity with the media or dog in the fight. I hope you're not telling folks that the other teams scouts have a desire to fabricate/dramatize the story. I have no reason to doubt their word and I seriously doubt you have reason to doubt their word. Both scouts stated that Brackett punched above his weight and did better than others in the same place. It's good enough for me unless you can find some one in a similar position to repudiate their word. Sadly the one time Aquaman should step in and tell these two to sort their difference out, seems like Aquilini is missing in action.

Your reading comprehension seems off again Fred. 


Nobody is denying there's a likely disconnect between Judd and the Canucks. Likewise nobody is suggesting he's a poor scout. We're taking issue with the overly melodramatic spin.


Edited by aGENT
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. IMac does hold some credibility with me, I don't think he would be "fabricating", "making it up", "lying", "dramatizing" etc.

Certainly IMac has credibility as does Ryan Kennedy of THN, been writing about hockey and the NHL for a long time. Both cite NHL scouts.


As to sensationalizing the rift between Brackett and Benning I don't give a darn. What I do give a darn about is the fact that at long long last we, the Canucks,  got something right at last ….. amateur scouting and wouldn't you know it we're going to throw it all away because of a  spat. Every decent company has differences of opinion, it's healthy, you get over it and carry on! I don't like one this bit. Benning needs to have a serious talk with Brackett and at the same time remember what he was employed to do ….. to be a GM and if this is how he handles disputes, putting himself ahead of the team I'm not impressed, it's not what a manager does IMO. 

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10 hours ago, Fred65 said:

I'd caution those that tend towards Trumpism ie all media is fake. Sports journalists are generally reluctant to publish the things they hear for  fear to retribution by clubs or players etc. They have press passes and circulate amongst a sports fraternity. In this case many of the facts published have been paralleled by other more conservative journalists and backed up by quotes from NHL scouts on the inside. Burke seems willing to speak out, balancing his opportunity to become a accepted journalist to the possibility he will be shunned by the sports fraternity. It's a risk he taking. Frankly I grow tired of the journalists that talk a lot but say nothing. Burke seems to have pushed others into be more forth coming. Regretfully many fans have prejudices  and are unwilling to accept facts they " don't like " 

 Fred, you have been had by a slick talker.  Burke is all about self promotion.  That's what many in the media are about these days.  It's a shrinking profession.  I use that term loosely since so many who pass themselves off as journalists are nothing of the kind.  

Edited by Crabcakes
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38 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

Certainly IMac has credibility as does Ryan Kennedy of THN, been writing about hockey and the NHL for a long time. Both cite NHL scouts.


As to sensationalizing the rift between Brackett and Benning I don't give a darn. What I do give a darn about is the fact that at long long last we, the Canucks,  got something right at last ….. amateur scouting and wouldn't you know it we're going to throw it all away because of a  spat. Every decent company has differences of opinion, it's healthy, you get over it and carry on! I don't like one this bit. Benning needs to have a serious talk with Brackett and at the same time remember what he was employed to do ….. to be a GM and if this is how he handles disputes, putting himself ahead of the team I'm not impressed, it's not what a manager does IMO. 

Fred, is it possible you are able to back up your allegations that Jim has somehow been remiss in his communications with JBrack? Who might the fly on the wall be? As well, you seem quite sure Jim has put his own interests ahead of the team's. Do you have the names of the NHL scouts or others who have divulged this incendiary bit of intel? 

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