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[PGT] St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks | Aug. 21, 2020 | Canucks win series 4-2

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36 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

I'm sure everything has already been said....I just wanted to post an observation:


Over the course of these playoffs, (as well as much of the regular season) the Lottery line has sometimes frustrated me by passing up good shooting opportunities in favor of trying to make the extra "perfect" pass that sets up a tap in....


...but every once in a while, we see it result in a goal like Stecher's from last night.....


Pure magic and I'd bet that Hank and Dan were thinking "that's how it's done" when they saw it.

Sedinery... sheer poetry... how fitting they made that play as the final nail in the Blues coffin...

Edited by spook007
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Huge blow to those that wanted Green and JB fired.

Also to those that wanted Sutter, Beagle, Boeser, Tanev, Stetch and Virtanen gone. 


Big thanks to those that kept their frustrations within and let the professionals do their jobs. 


Fan board should be more about support than unwarranted slanders/ criticisms after every loss lol. 

I was utterly embarrassed at how Ray Ferraro talked about this fanbase. 


On a positive note, I am so excited to see 2nd round playoff hockey for the first time in like ten years. 

Round 2 is another jump and I hope the boys grow with it. 

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42 minutes ago, peaches5 said:

I am not ignoring chemistry. I am concerned with Tanev's ability to say healthy. If you look at the course of his career he plays around 55 games.. Same boat with Sutter, these past years, he can't stay healthy. Bringing in a guy who is light years better than them both and is more durability is not going to hurt the team even if by fluke he gets injured cause odds are Tanev and Sutter will miss 30 games next year each. WIth Toffoli we don't really know the impact he has on the team. The sample size is too small.

Signing Tanev to 5m will be a mistake in my eyes. Gaudette has to be that 3rd line centre so Sutter should be the out man out. We are still a young team and you have to let guys like Gaudette grow. It's either Sutter or Beagle and I prefer Beagle.

actually Tanev was healthy all this season, he and Hughes were awesome all season, and Gaudette was awful as a centre all year, if we didn't have Beagle, Sutter, tanev in these playoffs, no way we would have beat the blues so handily.

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12 hours ago, iceman64 said:

To show exactly how NOT smart the media is, saying that Binning was "struggling" was utter stupidity, all 4 goals were the type that were next to impossible to stop, especially the Troy's off the post and in and a sick howitzer off Brock's stick...  any goalie in the nhl could not have stopped that shot, reminds me of how Loungo was treated when our D sucked ass....  

 on our side, if Markstrom keeps it up, wow... 

Yeah, the Blues were channeling the Oilers D on Stech's goal.  And it is a complete joy to see rewards from strong forechecking with all those tipped passes and takeaways that it leads to, including the first two goals.


Binkie didn't have much of a chance.


But I'd like to think Marky would have stopped two of the first three B)



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10 hours ago, drdeath said:

I'm too busy liking Pina Coladas



I don't mind "I'm still standing" but I think THIS should be our goal song, our Chelsea's Dagger.   Players seem to love it too.  And it is the kind of song that could drive another team batty hearing it over and over


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4 minutes ago, kilgore said:


I don't mind "I'm still standing" but I think THIS should be our goal song, our Chelsea's Dagger.   Players seem to love it too.  And it is the kind of song that could drive another team batty hearing it over and over


What is our goal song right now?


I only hear "I'm still Standing" after the games. Is it the goal song too? I probably miss it as I am usually cheering too much. 

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Also gotta give a shoutout to Captain Bo...who put the team on his back just when they needed him to and got them over the hump.  No I in team but there's one in warrior.  


I hate picking individual efforts out....but he showed why he is the captain of this team at the exact time he needed to.

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Just now, bishopshodan said:

What is our goal song right now?


I only hear "I'm still Standing" after the games. Is it the goal song too? I probably miss it as I am usually cheering too much. 

I have no idea either...curious....

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2 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

I also thought that Gaudette looked good on RW and brought some added energy


Something to think about


Boeser, Virtanen, Gaudette, Podkolzin, McEwen, Lind...................Toffoli?.......that is a very young, and talented collection, outside of Toffoli's age.

Will also be playing on Bennings mind, when looking at contract for next year...

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1 hour ago, debluvscanucks said:

You're ignoring one thing....chemistry.


Tanev's played a HUGE role for Quinn....kept things nailed down so Quinn could slide in and do his stuff.  Sutter too, in the leadership he brings.  TT isn't as securely rooted but, don't get me wrong, this team also "works" because the guys all buy in to one another.  Egos are in check and they're super strong as a unit.  Sometimes you pull a guy called "Dad" (well, apparently Tequila too) and it can change the face of that.  As with the crowd noise...sure...a team will have to adapt and good ones will.  But if you don't have to go there, do you? 


Don't fix it when it ain't broke.  Down the road, sure...but I don't like these conversations right now.  We're in this thing...the guys who got us there deserve more respect in my mind.  I ain't passing on them just yet.


Maybe the proposals is a better spot for that discussion anyway?  AP is still the enemy to me.  

Chemistry absolutely matters.  It's almost unthinkable to get rid of Tanev from that point of view.  We are, however, weakest at RD so if we could somehow clear enough cap to go after Pietrangelo, I'd be all over it.  Would mean foregoing Toffoli, getting Loui off the books, probably moving Sutter.  That would secure some spots for young players already on the roster and make us a stronger team without going down a completely ruthless New England Patriots roster surgery.  Getting rid of Loui's contract is going to be a major challenge though.

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12 minutes ago, EddieVedder said:

I agree.  A lot of people on these boards, and almost every host on these useless talk radio sports shows (beyond useless) have no idea how important veteran leadership is when youre in the playoffs.  There are people on these boards who seem to think you can win with a bunch of 22 year olds.  You cant.  Its never happened and it will never happen.  You need foot soldiers who have been there and played hard minutes in crucial situations to make any kind of push.   We've seen it since day 1 how Beagle, Sutter, Roussel are literally taking the fight to the opposing team.  I am so impressed with Sutter right now who has been fighting and clawing his way to the net every shift to make something happen.  Our young guys are feeding off that.  I feel like this should be a learning lesson to everyone on the board that this is why we sign players like Beagle and Roussel, and keep players like Sutter, Tanev, Edler past their 20's.  If our kids can't learn from them, who will they learn from?  



Well said.

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