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3 hours ago, canuckster19 said:

I think there might be some truth in a theory going around that it hits smokers harder, I know from personal experience that Chinese and Italians smoke a lot, but here in Sweden for example, there haven't been that many deaths relative to infections and I think that might have to do with smoking being not very common here, it's actually considered very rude to smoke in public and there's a stigma attached to people who do it.


Anyways, my question is, how much do people in Japan smoke and is it acceptable in public places? Restaurant?

A ton of people smoke in Japan. It's pretty commonplace there in public places. I didn't see it much in restaurants though.

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36 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

We all know what is happening in Italy, 53 000 people have been fined for breaking the quarantine in the last 8-9 days.

Its a $222 ticket, I am afraid that we need more draconian measures.


When you are young you think nothing can happen to you as well as your brain has not fully developed yet.

In every war, 18 year old kids are the first ones to die because they have no fear.

They were eating gelato we need to shut places like that down aswell

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Here it is. You have to watch till the end though. The sense of entitlement is strong with this one. Not sure which link works.






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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Here it is. You have to watch till the end though. The sense of entitlement is strong with this one. Not sure which link works.





Embarrassed Shame GIF

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1 hour ago, CBH1926 said:

We all know what is happening in Italy, 53 000 people have been fined for breaking the quarantine in the last 8-9 days.

Its a $222 ticket, I am afraid that we need more draconian measures.


When you are young you think nothing can happen to you as well as your brain has not fully developed yet.

In every war, 18 year old kids are the first ones to die because they have no fear.

The Canadian government Must step up and close down the country other then essential goods. I totally agree with everyone that people should be taking this seriously..but until companies and public are mandated those who are off and at home are wasting their time essentially.(we're getting our time/effort wasted)


Edited by naslund.is.king
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China spent 2 months in lock down and now the only new cases they have are coming in from other countries. We need to do a complete lock down until the middle of May. After that slowly ramp up our economy but keep the Canadian border  closed until at least  the end of summer . 

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Just now, falcons said:

China spent 2 months in lock down and now the only new cases they have are coming in from other countries. We need to do a complete lock down until the middle of May. After that slowly ramp up our economy but keep the Canadian border  closed until at least  the end of summer . 

Agreed. The government and those still going about their normal life are wasting everyone elses time/ effort

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5 hours ago, samurai said:

The numbers are going up because they are doing more testing.  They will keep going up for the next little while.  Perhaps, in the next few weeks they will stabilize - this is what has happened in many parts of Asia.   The key issue is for hospitals not to be overtaxed to the point where they can no longer function.  People are staying home so now it is just a waiting game.   Remember close to 80% of people only end up showing minor symptoms.  The hospital collapsing is the concern. The bigger issue though is in the next few weeks many people are going to be out of money.  At some point people need to see a plan that involves getting back to life.  Where I am this is week 3 of gov't measures but we have not been locked down (places forced to close)d  like they have in Canada.   

You bring up a key point about people running out of money. I think we should of closed our borders sooner and gone all out with a lockdown. Limit the spread of this thing as fast as possible and that way people can start recovering money sooner then if you take partial measures and drag it out. 

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13 minutes ago, falcons said:

China spent 2 months in lock down and now the only new cases they have are coming in from other countries. We need to do a complete lock down until the middle of May. After that slowly ramp up our economy but keep the Canadian border  closed until at least  the end of summer . 

Self quarantine and social distancing is not going to work without enforcement.   Some people just don't care if they infect someone.   Look at those huge crowds at the White Rock Pier and Kits Beach.

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12 minutes ago, High and Inside said:

You bring up a key point about people running out of money. I think we should of closed our borders sooner and gone all out with a lockdown. Limit the spread of this thing as fast as possible and that way people can start recovering money sooner then if you take partial measures and drag it out. 

Agreed..  Korea and Japan were some of the second countries hit.  Started mid-feb even earlier.  They didn't lock things down but started taking serious precautions with some shutdowns - but not work. Now those countries have it stabilized.  Canada and other countries had more time to deal with it and make the right moves, they didn't, now everything is being shutdown like China has done.  Taiwan was far ahead of the game and the impact on them is negligible.  I agree Canada should have moved a lot harder and faster like Taiwan did.  Now is not the time, but people need to hold the gov't and the bureaucrats responsible for this rather than giving a pat on the back for what they are doing now.  They created the problem.  Again this was not inevitable or out of the blue.  If it was then why did Singapore and Taiwan get it so right.  If you read the reports out of Taiwan soon as they got wind of it they rolled into action.   

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40 minutes ago, falcons said:

China spent 2 months in lock down and now the only new cases they have are coming in from other countries. We need to do a complete lock down until the middle of May. After that slowly ramp up our economy but keep the Canadian border  closed until at least  the end of summer . 

Korea didn't have a lock down and they have it under control.  How much money do you think the average Canadian has in the bank?  Enough to live for 2 months?   In about 2 weeks we should have a better look at where things are.  Hopefully going in the right direction.   

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29 minutes ago, DonLever said:

Self quarantine and social distancing is not going to work without enforcement.   Some people just don't care if they infect someone.   Look at those huge crowds at the White Rock Pier and Kits Beach.

It does work without 'legal enforcement' ask Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore and so forth.   We are democracies aren't we. It takes a little while for people to adjust.  Social distancing along with 'non-reactivity',  meaning don't freak out on someone just because they aren't standing the correct distance from you.   People should just focus on themselves. That is how it works in Tokyo at least.

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5 hours ago, luckylager said:

This $&!# sucks.

It's been a long damn time, but I had a full blown stress freak out today, so bad I had wet $&!# coming out my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.


To start, my parents had been stranded on Maui (poor things right) trying to get home for the last couple weeks, and they were totally stressed out, but they finally flew home today. 

Problem is, I come down with a cold on Wednesday. A regular old cold. Coughing, sneezing, flemmy, only slightly reduced energy levels, no fever, but in good conscience I couldn't go pick them up from the airport because on the off chance I have a mild case of COVID, I really, really don't want to kill my parents.


Then my father in law is forced to stay at the hospital after his dialysis treatment today... why? No good &^@#ing reason. They just want him in the hospital because he's got kidney failure. Great &^@#ing plan. 

My wife is crushed. None of us can go visit him because I have a cold and really feel terrible about it. Like really &^@#ing awful. Emotional pain.

Wife and kids may not get to see the man on his deathbed. &^@#. And he's a good man. The world would be a better place if there were more like him. Dammit all. I'm a mess


I've been laid off, temporarily, 75% pay for 2 weeks but with no timeframe for return to work, leaves me 3 weeks holiday pay.. so there's that too.


The only thing keeping me sane right now is I bought all the lumber and supplies I need to build a new fence last weekend, right before $&!# hit fan. So I've been keeping myself, and the kids busy, to some extent.


I'm also really sad for my kids. My youngest especially. She can't just go off skateboarding and practice her social distancing. It's like a prison for her.

This $&!# sucks.


I wish good health and happy days to you and all yours. This $&!# will go away, but man, doesn't ever &^@#ing suck

Sorry dude...this thing sucks. I hope you and your family get through it fine!!

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Italy Coronavirus Lockdown 'Not Enough,' Says China, Healthcare Staff Stop Counting Bodies

Chinese medical experts are dispensing advice to Italy in the hopes of helping them deal with the coronavirus that has ravaged Italy the past few weeks. The first bit of advice was that the European country was “not strict enough” in their handling of the health crisis. It has gotten so bad in Italy that one nurse said they have stopped counting the bodies.


Milan, Italy, was the site of a press conference held on Thursday where Chinese Red Cross Vice President Sun Shuopeng said that conditions in Northern Italy are “..similar to what we experienced two months ago in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of COVID-19."


He continued, "In the city of Wuhan after one month since the adoption of the lockdown policy, we see a decreasing trend from the peak of the disease. Here in Milan, the hardest-hit area by COVID-19, there isn't a very strict lockdown: public transportation is still working, and people are still moving around, you're still having dinners and parties in the hotels and you're not wearing masks. We need every citizen to be involved in the fight of COVID-19 and follow this policy.”


Then he added that Italians should stop all “economic activities and cut the mobility of people” imploring that everyone should just remain at home.


At first glance, this is like a cat advising a dog to quit barking and wagging its tail to get fed but a deeper look reveals how the two cultures have been intertwined since the 13th-century travels of Marco Polo.


Marco Conti, in an October 2019 article posted on his Chinamultiservice (CMS) website, pointed out some commonalities between the two nations:


  • They both have similar views on what Conti called “The Family Concept” with the respect of elders and kids living at home until they marry.
  • The importance of food in each culture. Meals are a family event and an important setting for businesses and friendships.
  • Having an “inner circle” of friends in personal and business interactions is key in each culture.
  • Each culture brags of amazing and ancient histories, if Rome formed western culture, China was the primary sculpture of eastern or Asian culture.

Conti also picked out two main differences. The Chinese are known for their competitiveness, drive to succeed and work ethic that far exceeds western cultures. Italy has what most of China lacks: the amazing ability to enjoy themselves that includes knowing how to dress, dine, the art of romance and a love of socializing.


China is also run by a strict authoritarian Communist regime that stresses sameness in behavior and severe consequences for those that don’t “fall into line”. Italy is a free democratic republic but as the death count rises, they may have to adopt a Chinese philosophy for a while until the pandemic runs its course.




If the Chinese are saying the Italians are not doing enough to stem the tide. What would they say about the measures we have taken?

Edited by nuckin_futz
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2 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

We all know what is happening in Italy, 53 000 people have been fined for breaking the quarantine in the last 8-9 days.

Its a $222 ticket, I am afraid that we need more draconian measures.


When you are young you think nothing can happen to you as well as your brain has not fully developed yet.

In every war, 18 year old kids are the first ones to die because they have no fear.

young, old, this nonchalant attitude extends across the age spectrum. Their manager is old school and insists they come in so the receptionist girls at my work still "have to" show up at the office meanwhile the other 75 workers are now remote. Oh, and up until the border was closed - the small office across the border was still required to make their weekly trip north despite WA getting lit up with the virus. 

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