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14 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

I don't understand it either. I've seen clear evidence that you can catch covid whether you are vaccinated or not. (Evidence NHL shutdown) There's also clear evidence it doesn't affect viral load, which was a surprise to me. So the bottom line is, if you don't take the vax, the risk is on yourself, not anyone else. I respect people's freedom of choice. Omicron is a breakthrough infection infecting the vaccinated. It won't be the last variant either. At some point the stupid vax passport will finally be impractical because of changing definitions of fully vaccinated, when said vax never provided sterilizing immunity and preventing disease to begin with. It might lower the risk of severe disease, and that's it.

The only point that makes sense is to not overwhelm healthcare. That can be done with better masks and ventilation, which sadly hasn't been done. Vaccinating another 10% wouldn't change this wave. Omicron infects the vaccinated as well. 

It might very well be that it infects the vaxxed/previously infected almost exclusively.

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I'm double jabbbed, so go easy on the hate. 

The part I don't understand is why there is so much hate against ant-vaxer's. I don't share the same view as the rest of you I guess. They aren't driving the wave we are seeing now. The variant is able to infect the vaccinated. They next variant will probably achieve 100% breakthrough and that vaccine will be worthless. Some of those people have legit reasons for not getting jabbed. If you want to make a difference, just stay home.

Mask's aren't relatively expensive. The filter fibers for N95 masks come right from BC, so there's no excuse.

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1 minute ago, gizmo2337 said:

I'm double jabbbed, so go easy on the hate. 

The part I don't understand is why there is so much hate against ant-vaxer's. I don't share the same view as the rest of you I guess. They aren't driving the wave we are seeing now. The variant is able to infect the vaccinated. They next variant will probably achieve 100% breakthrough and that vaccine will be worthless. Some of those people have legit reasons for not getting jabbed. If you want to make a difference, just stay home.

Mask's aren't relatively expensive. The filter fibers for N95 masks come right from BC, so there's no excuse.

If you can't see why people are frustrated with anti vaxxers then you're choosing not to see it.  It's clearly not about the vaccine for them, it's much more than that.


And they're not fuelling omicron, but delta is surging as well, and that's still the danger

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1 minute ago, gizmo2337 said:

I'm double jabbbed, so go easy on the hate. 

The part I don't understand is why there is so much hate against ant-vaxer's. I don't share the same view as the rest of you I guess. They aren't driving the wave we are seeing now. The variant is able to infect the vaccinated. They next variant will probably achieve 100% breakthrough and that vaccine will be worthless. Some of those people have legit reasons for not getting jabbed. If you want to make a difference, just stay home.

Mask's aren't relatively expensive. The filter fibers for N95 masks come right from BC, so there's no excuse.

no one is hating. I'm trying to figure out why you sympathize with the anti-vaxxers, and have a rational discussion about it.


Anti-vaxxers have been and currently are the ones straining our system. We're cancelling surgeries again because of them. Its just a fact, they are 70% of people in hospital. If they were vaxxed we wouldn't be cancelling surgeries.


If masks were the answer, anti-vaxxers wouldn't be taking up so many hospital resources. You can order an N95 right now on Amazon. The anti-vaxxers aren't wearing masks in large enough numbers, if they were the hospitalization numbers would look quite different.


But aside from all that, can you help me understand why you sympathize with them?


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5 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

I'm double jabbbed, so go easy on the hate. 

The part I don't understand is why there is so much hate against ant-vaxer's. I don't share the same view as the rest of you I guess. They aren't driving the wave we are seeing now. The variant is able to infect the vaccinated. They next variant will probably achieve 100% breakthrough and that vaccine will be worthless. Some of those people have legit reasons for not getting jabbed. If you want to make a difference, just stay home.

Mask's aren't relatively expensive. The filter fibers for N95 masks come right from BC, so there's no excuse.

Well, if they haven't figured out why so many of them are in an ICU, or the lesser of the two in hospital, why do you think?

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4 hours ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

I would agree with you except for one key detail you’ve got wrong. COVID spread from unvaccinated people is more likely than fully vaccinated. This is another study in the growing pile of evidence that has found the same result. We’re trying to stop the spreading of disease because everything’s all connected. We know if we lower the spread then we lower the number of people hospitalized and deaths that occur.




Now maybe omicron is different then prior strains and is equally infectious. We don’t know that, but if the data bares this out then maybe we should lift restrictions on the unvaxxed because other methods would help slow the spread more (such as masking and social distancing). However, we aren’t at that point yet. I honestly think it’s unfair for the unvaccinated to complain. They’ve made a choice and these are the consequences just like what comes with every other potential decision a person makes. So let’s look at what a very small, very loud minority are wailing about infringing on their freedom.


- Can’t work in federal public service, federally regulated industries or healthcare

- Can’t travel on planes, boats or interprovincial trains

- Can’t go to some post secondary schools, public events, sports games or go into restaurants/bars

- Can’t go to parties (just implemented)


Can you get a job? Yes

Can you drive anywhere within Canada? Yes

Can you get an education? Yes

Can you get alcohol, takeout or delivery? Yes

Can you leave your home? Yes


I shudder imagining what they’d think living during war when people made real sacrifices without complaint. Anything metal was donated. There were weekly rations: 1 cup Sugar, 4 oz Butter, 2 oz Tea, 8 oz Coffee, 24 oz Meat. Alcohol, clothing, rubber, fuel and paper were severely restricted for 5 years. Even if you had a ration card there was no guarantee you could find the item. These minor restrictions in comparison are why some believe their freedom has been taken, but in reality they don’t have a clue. The only thing they’ve lost is some access to the extras in life.

During the Blitz, people lost everything, their jobs, homes, lives. People crowded bomb shelters and underground train stations during the bombing. Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses were working around the clock. In the daytime people had to pick up the pieces, and sort through the rubble to try and rebuild. Depending which country you lived in, and who invaded you. Things were worse. You could be executed because you had a different religion, different background. Or because some cruel bastard just had a bad day. 

Not to mention other unspeakables like rape, torture, gassings. People in Vietnam built tunnels and shelters everywhere. And both sides committed atrocities. 

As Breaker Morant said "The tragedy of war is these are normal men, put in abnormal conditions." 

Edited by Ghostsof1915
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17 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Doctor Bonnie confirming in her presser (Dec 24) that Omicron is presenting with mild to no symptoms in the vast majority of vaccinated people.  Thank you science!  


The cases are high, but new hospitalizations and ICU are staying flat.  I wish they had more information on each new hospitalization, if they are vaccinated or not, and which variant they have.  As I type this Ontario has 9600 new cases today.  But people in critical care is down 5.  Things could be a lot lot worse.  

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3 minutes ago, BCNeil said:

The cases are high, but new hospitalizations and ICU are staying flat.  I wish they had more information on each new hospitalization, if they are vaccinated or not, and which variant they have.  As I type this Ontario has 9600 new cases today.  But people in critical care is down 5.  Things could be a lot lot worse.  

Yup.  There is definitely a decoupling between number of cases and serious (hospitalizations) disease.  We need to protect our healthcare workers, and stay home if presenting with cold and flu symptoms.  

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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Yup.  There is definitely a decoupling between number of cases and serious (hospitalizations) disease.  We need to protect our healthcare workers, and stay home if presenting with cold and flu symptoms.  

Here is the graph for the last 3 weeks, with the 7 day average feature off.  


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32 minutes ago, BCNeil said:

The cases are high, but new hospitalizations and ICU are staying flat.  I wish they had more information on each new hospitalization, if they are vaccinated or not, and which variant they have.  As I type this Ontario has 9600 new cases today.  But people in critical care is down 5.  Things could be a lot lot worse.  

It'll be interesting to watch because delta is still surging and that's where the biggest danger still is

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2 hours ago, gizmo2337 said:

I'm double jabbbed, so go easy on the hate. 

The part I don't understand is why there is so much hate against ant-vaxer's. I don't share the same view as the rest of you I guess. They aren't driving the wave we are seeing now. The variant is able to infect the vaccinated. They next variant will probably achieve 100% breakthrough and that vaccine will be worthless. Some of those people have legit reasons for not getting jabbed. If you want to make a difference, just stay home.

Mask's aren't relatively expensive. The filter fibers for N95 masks come right from BC, so there's no excuse.

One of our customers in Nanaimo make the filters for the masks. They have been quite the essential business in all of this. 

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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

Doctor Bonnie confirming in her presser (Dec 24) that Omicron is presenting with mild to no symptoms in the vast majority of vaccinated people.  Thank you science!  


here's a bit more on the presser: https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/different-game-henry-omicron-breakthrough-reinfection


interesting that re-infection appears to be more common in people that have been infected before. 

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