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21 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

The absolute stupidity is simply mind-blowing with these people. I don't even mind staying home most of the time anymore. I don't want to be anywhere near people that are this clueless and dangerously dense.

SO to summarize.  And again i need to know if this is the case


You are possibly or potentially advocating against vaccinated immunity correct?  Regardless of the medical expertise in overwhelming volume that states it is safe.  the almost 7 billion injections with less than 100k or so attributed serious VAERs events.  This is soemthing you will not accept or accede to?




You will trust or allow those same medical professionals to save the life of you or your family if hospitalized with covid or other preventable issues?


I just need to know where this argument is coming from or stands so I know whether we're looking at a Darwin award or not and can then plan the celebration or wake accordingly.


Edit*. I believe I quoted the wrong person when I went to ask this question.  I believe it was for @Gatzkek and not you.  If so, my bad and thanks @gurn for pointing that out.

Edited by Warhippy
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22 minutes ago, Gatzkek said:

Of course I looked at it. I said I didn't scrutinize it, meaning look for flaws. I acknowledged my surprise that you found an article to support your stand. Presently, I have things to do, like going for a walk, shopping, cooking etc.  When I have time I'll see if I can find something to support something which I thought was totally obvious, Natural imuunity>vaccine immunity.


Here's an IQ challenge for all. Does this belief mean you shouldn't get vaccinated?

Fast And Furious Elena Neves GIF by The Fast Saga

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39 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Yah, it gets confusing.

I posted about it yesterday, but gizmo2337 was nice enough to point out a tweet by a Mr. Peacock saying it was a cross contamination error.

But today a different story said Peacock had said "likely a contamination error.


now your link.


Man, it is hard to keep up some days.

A Cypriot scientist has defended his discovery in 25 patients of a new strain of Covid-19 that combines characteristics of the delta and omicron variants.

Other scientists have speculated that Leonidos Kostrikis’s findings are a result of laboratory contamination.


But Kostrikis told Bloomberg in an emailed statement Sunday that the cases he has identified “indicate an evolutionary pressure to an ancestral strain to acquire these mutations and not a result of a single recombination event.”

Eleven of the 25 patients were hospitalized with COVID-19 and 14 remained among the general public.

The higher deltacron infection rate among the patients hospitalized for Covid-19, compared with non-hospitalized patients, rules out the contamination hypothesis, said Kostrikis, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus and head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Molecular Virology.

What’s more, the samples were processed in multiple sequencing procedures in more than one country. And at least one sequence from Israel deposited in a global database exhibits genetic characteristics of deltacron, he said.

“These findings refute the undocumented statements that deltacron is a result of a technical error,” he said.

The Cypriot scientist and his team announced on Friday that they have identified 25 such cases. “There are currently omicron and delta co-infections and we found this strain that is a combination of these two,” Kostrikis said in an interview with Sigma TV Friday.

The discovery was named “deltacron” due to the identification of omicron-like genetic signatures within the delta genomes, he said.

“We will see in the future if this strain is more pathological or more contagious or if it will prevail” over delta and omicron, Kostrikis said, but his personal view was that deltacron would be displaced by the highly contagious omicron variant.


Viral genes determine the forms of proteins that perform a number of specific tasks. Omicron and delta each have mutations in the spike protein that affect their ability to enter human cells, with omicron becoming more infectious as a result.

Recombinant forms of viruses can arise when there are multiple variants of a pathogen circulating, said Nick Loman, a microbial genomics professor at England’s University of Birmingham who studies the coronavirus. While a recombinant form of delta and omicron wouldn’t be a complete surprise, the finding from Cyprus is more likely a “technical artifact” that arose in the process of sequencing the viral genome, he said.

Similarly, virologist Tom Peacock, with Imperial College London, tweeted that the sequences “look to be quite clearly contamination”.

And a member of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 technical team, Krutika Kuppalli, echoed that Kostrikis’s discovery was probably a “contamination of Omicron fragments in a Delta specimen.”

oghuma Kabisen Titanji, a virologist at Emory University, urged people to “please interpret with caution” when faced with announcements such as Kostrikis’s.

Cypriot Health Minister Michael Hadjipantela said Sunday that the new variant isn’t of concern and more details will be given at a news conference this week.


There are 3 or 4 tweets at the link that I can't copy, but present a repetition of the "contaminated" samples idea, yet the scientist who 'discovered" this variant remains positive in his findings.


Edited by gurn
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2 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

People are so dumb it's sickening. So many people out there haven't given a crap about anything in the past. They aren't in politics, they haven't been involved in decision making, the aren't in medicine and don't make any and have never made decisions regarding public health but yet now they figure they should be the ones making such decisions as to what should be open and what steps that should be taken. Sorry it doesn't work that way. We don't suddenly turn over control to some random uneducated schmucks just because they have an opinion and an internet connection. These tools actually think they have the right to this or something. Sorry they don't.


Honestly I can't believe the temerity of of these people. People should just shut up with their uneducated, and stupid personal beliefs on this matter. That would be like me deciding I want run NASA or be GM of he Canucks. I'm getting sick of people and what their precious little hearts think we should do. All they should do is just shut up and let the appropriate people do their jobs. Someone else has actually done all the hard work and come up with this never before attempted world wide plan, and accomplished simply amazing things and then you have these morons come along and criticize. Absolute garbage I can't stand these morons anymore.

ABOotlanderLOVE | ABOotlanders w/Sher

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24 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

SO to summarize.  And again i need to know if this is the case


You are possibly or potentially advocating against vaccinated immunity correct?  Regardless of the medical expertise in overwhelming volume that states it is safe.  the almost 7 billion injections with less than 100k or so attributed serious VAERs events.  This is soemthing you will not accept or accede to?




You will trust or allow those same medical professionals to save the life of you or your family if hospitalized with covid or other preventable issues?


I just need to know where this argument is coming from or stands so I know whether we're looking at a Darwin award or not and can then plan the celebration or wake accordingly.


Edit*. I believe I quoted the wrong person when I went to ask this question.  I believe it was for @Gatzkek and not you.  If so, my bad and thanks @gurn for pointing that out.

I don't know how you come to any of these conclusions. If i said something like this let me know.

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32 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I'll believe it when someone else is able to replicate the results.

It looks like just the genome was uploaded so far. There's no paper on it, and they haven't made the SRA experiments available yet. Once the SRA is posted, the scientists can properly peer review the results.

I asked a couple virologists about it. They think it's likely a contamination problem as has been seen so often during the pandemic already. However, they cautioned they couldn't rule it out as real without more information. And even if it's real, we are not seeing wide transmission so it's not really on the radar.

The possibilities are it is real (a new variant), coinfection (both delta and omicron in same patient), or contamination (from processing samples in the lab).

Edited by gizmo2337
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2 hours ago, Gatzkek said:

Interesting that you found a study to presumably back up that contention. I'm won't scrutinize it too close because that data is moot now with omicron. So you actually think a vaccine is stronger than natural immunity. Ok, that's surprising. Maybe I'll find something that says otherwise.

vaccination is natural immunity. Pfizer didn't invent your immune response. 

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55 minutes ago, Gatzkek said:

Of course I looked at it. I said I didn't scrutinize it, meaning look for flaws. I acknowledged my surprise that you found an article to support your stand. Presently, I have things to do, like going for a walk, shopping, cooking etc.  When I have time I'll see if I can find something to support something which I thought was totally obvious, Natural imuunity>vaccine immunity.


Here's an IQ challenge for all. Does this belief mean you shouldn't get vaccinated?

:huh: Is the "IQ challenge" trying to figure out WTF you mean by that?

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42 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I'll believe it when someone else is able to replicate the results.

That makes sense. Good call.


26 minutes ago, gurn said:


There are 3 or 4 tweets at the link that I can't copy, but present a repetition of the "contaminated" samples idea, yet the scientist who 'discovered" this variant remains positive in his findings.



He's saying ' look what I discovered'.

They are saying ' ya, probably not'


Heff is right. I'll wait till I hear of another finding. 

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

SO to summarize.  And again i need to know if this is the case


You are possibly or potentially advocating against vaccinated immunity correct?  Regardless of the medical expertise in overwhelming volume that states it is safe.  the almost 7 billion injections with less than 100k or so attributed serious VAERs events.  This is soemthing you will not accept or accede to?




You will trust or allow those same medical professionals to save the life of you or your family if hospitalized with covid or other preventable issues?


I just need to know where this argument is coming from or stands so I know whether we're looking at a Darwin award or not and can then plan the celebration or wake accordingly.


Edit*. I believe I quoted the wrong person when I went to ask this question.  I believe it was for @Gatzkek and not you.  If so, my bad and thanks @gurn for pointing that out.

Here's what I think you want.


I believe anyone who thinks they definitely know what's right and wrong with regard to the pandemic is an idiot. 


My views are:

Everyone over 50 should get vaccinated.

People 18 to 50 who have comorbidities should get vaccinated.

People under 18 with serious comorbidities should get vaccinated.


Anyone who wants to be vaccinated should be vaccinated.

No one should be forced to be vaccinated.


My views are meaningless as employers and the rest are bowing to the vaccine extremists by only allowing people who are vaccinated to participate in society, so practically, we now have mandatory vaccination. I hope it works out.


But all of that has nothing to do with the discussion today which is natural immunity>vaccine immunity. My son is now more immune to covid than his double vaxxed counterparts afaik. I am ready to change that belief when I get the motivation to research something I think is as obvious as the sun coming up in the morning and find myself to be mistaken, or someone provides more studies showing I'm mistaken. :)






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B.C. COVID-19 pandemic update:


As of Monday, Jan. 10, 2022, 88.7% (4,423,328) of eligible people five and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 83.2% (4,145,023) have received their second dose.


In addition, 92.2% (4,271,751) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, 89.4% (4,144,682) received their second dose and 25.8% (1,197,440) have received a third dose.


Also, 92.5% (4,001,930) of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose, 89.9% (3,887,908) received their second dose and 27.7% (1,196,380) have received a third dose.


Over a three-day period, B.C. is reporting 6,966 new cases of COVID-19, including four epi-linked cases, for a total of 283,841 cases in the province:

  • Jan. 7-8: 2,573 new cases
  • Jan. 8-9: 2,287 new cases
  • Jan. 9-10: 2,106 new cases

There are 34,551 active cases of COVID-19 in the province, and 243,953 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 431 individuals are in hospital and 95 are in intensive care. The remaining people are recovering at home in self-isolation.


The new/active cases include:

  • 2,672 new cases in Fraser Health
    • Total active cases: 15,491
  • 1,067 new cases in Vancouver Coastal Health
    • Total active cases: 9,996
  • 1,393 new cases in Interior Health
    • Total active cases: 4,102
  • 584 new cases in Northern Health
    • Total active cases: 1,139
  • 1,249 new cases in Island Health
    • Total active cases: 3,821
  • one new case of a person who resides outside of Canada
    • Total active cases: two

In the past 72 hours, seven new deaths have been reported, for an overall total of 2,446.


The new deaths include:

  • Fraser Health: three
  • Vancouver Coastal Health: three
  • Northern Health: one

There have been seven new health-care facility outbreaks at Morgan Place, Maple Ridge Seniors Village, Dania Home, Amica White Rock (Fraser Health), German Canadian Benevolent Society Home, Crofton Manor (Vancouver Coastal Health) and Sun Pointe Village (Interior Health). The outbreaks at Guildford Seniors Village (Fraser Health) and Victoria General Hospital (Island Health) have been declared over, for a total of 43 facilities with ongoing outbreaks, including:


long-term care:

  • The Oxford Senior Care Home, Fort Langley Seniors Community, AgeCare Harmony Court, New Vista Care Centre, Chartwell Langley Gardens, Chartwell Carlton Gardens, Chartwell Crescent Gardens, The Residence in Mission, Czorny Alzheimer Centre, Hawthorne Lodge, George Derby Centre, White Rock Seniors Village, CareLife Fleetwood, Evergreen Baptist Care Society, Hilton Villa Seniors Community, Kinsmen Lodge, Kiwanis Care Centre, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Lodge, Morgan Place, Maple Ridge Seniors Village, Dania Home, Amica White Rock (Fraser Health);
  • Kopernik Lodge, Fraserview Retirement Community, Lakeview Care Centre, St. Vincent’s Langara, German Canadian Benevolent Society Home, Crofton Manor (Vancouver Coastal Health);
  • Ridgeview Lodge, Mount Cartier Court, Sun Pointe Village (Interior Health);
  • Amica Douglas House, Aberdeen Hospital, Eden Gardens, Glenwarren Lodge, Kiwanis Village Lodge, Selkirk Seniors Village and Clover Point Care (Island Health)

acute care:

  • Mission Memorial Hospital, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Eagle Ridge Hospital and Royal Columbian Hospital (Fraser Health)

assisted or independent living:

  • The Waverly Seniors Village (Fraser Health)

From Dec. 31 to Jan. 6, people not fully vaccinated accounted for 17.8% of cases. From Dec. 24 to Jan. 6, they accounted for 38.8% of hospitalizations.


Past week cases (Dec. 31 to Jan. 6) - Total 21,845

  • Not vaccinated: 3,291 (15.1%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 598 (2.7%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 17,956 (82.2%)

Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Dec. 24 to Jan. 6) - Total 404

  • Not vaccinated: 144 (35.6%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 13 (3.2%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 247 (61.1%)

Past week, cases per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Dec. 31 to Jan. 6)

  • Not vaccinated: 482.7
  • Partially vaccinated: 201.8
  • Fully vaccinated: 390.4

Past two weeks, cases hospitalized per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Dec. 24 to Jan. 6)

  • Not vaccinated: 35.5
  • Partially vaccinated: 10.2
  • Fully vaccinated: 5.3

Since December 2020, the Province has administered 9,728,199 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines.



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