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12 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Boris Johnson has been taken to intensive care - BBC

Mon 6 Apr 2020 19:12:10 GMT


BBC report

It's not the Russian media this time, the BBC reports that Boris Johnson has been taken to intensive care.
Statement from No 10 Downing now out:
'Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the Prime Minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital.'
The spokesman said that his condition worsened today and he has been moved to the ICU after his condition worsened.
"The PM has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who is the First Secretary of State, to deputise for him where necessary

pretty obvious after taking him to hospital

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2 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

Reading every day about social distancing, and cleaning and such, it occurs to me that what this pandemic may do it reduce our yearly sick count on seasonal flu, by teaching better habits.


One would also hope it, teaches us to take better control of our financing.


These are things that our elder generation learned back in the day, that has fallen to the way side...…………...

As a soon-to-be grad, I agree but also disagree with your statement there.


I'm sure a lot of us millenials spend a stupid amount of money on frivolous things, but that doesn't discount the fact that the cost of living has risen astronomically over the past 10-20 years. Personal finance decades ago is completely different than personal finance now. Debt is just an inevitable part of life for us now. 

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32 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Well they believe in Jeebus will take them to heaven.  Too bad they want to drag everyone else down to Hades.



Not long before my trip to Alabama, my mom sent me a book called The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophesies of the Apocalypse, by Dr. David Jeremiah. “If you want to know what the religious right thinks,” she’d called to say, “read this book.” So I started reading. Jeremiah is pastor of the San Diego megachurch helmed for 25 years by Tim LaHaye, co-author of the Left Behind series, and he is a fervent follower of the End Times theology his predecessor popularized. By referencing symbolism in the Bible and shoehorning historical and current events into a narrative, The Book of Signs “proves” Jesus’ imminent return. It’s the type of book that mostly appeals to people already primed to believe it, but close to half of Americans do. In fact, 41 percent of the country — and 58 percent of white evangelicals — believe that Jesus definitely or probably will return to Earth by 2050. In June 2016, Trump named Jeremiah to his Evangelical Executive Advisory Board. In May 2018, Trump moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, an event that is meant to presage Christ’s return

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1 minute ago, KoreanHockeyFan said:

As a student, I agree but also disagree with your statement there.


I'm sure a lot of us millenials spend a stupid amount of money on frivolous things, but that doesn't discount the fact that the cost of living has rise astronomically over the past 10-20 years. Personal finance decades ago is completely different than personal finance now. Debt is just an inevitable part of life for us now. 

that's not confined to one generation

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Meanwhile, our "ally" Orange Man tells us to go **** ourself. 


With friends like that....who needs enemies?


(I'm not naive to think it isn't just a political stunt by Huawei but dang, Orange Man is about the most amateur grifter I've ever seen).

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28 minutes ago, stawns said:

I actually feel like I might be clear of the virus and I'll feel normal for a cpl days, but as soon as I do anything where I'm breating heavily I take two steps back.  It's aggravating and concerning as I have my busiest time 2.5 weeks from now, where I am lifting 10000-15000 lbs of beehives every night for 5-6 weeks.

Oh, man, I'm very sorry to hear this. Rest as best you can, I guess is all you can do.

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10 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



Meanwhile, our "ally" Orange Man tells us to go **** ourself. 


With friends like that....who needs enemies?


(I'm not naive to think it isn't just a political stunt by Huawei but dang, Orange Man is about the most amateur grifter I've ever seen).

Tried at The Hague for crimes against humanity.


Children in cages

Handling of Southern border refugees


Turkish Kurds

The Covid-19 criminal negligence


Edited by Me_
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So BoJo now in intensive care as per every news outlet.  


I'm guessing that the statements made 2-3 weeks ago are all being walked back.


Hope he pulls through.  Nobody wants to see a human waste away like that, regardless of who they are.


Except Trump

Edited by Warhippy
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27 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



Meanwhile, our "ally" Orange Man tells us to go **** ourself. 


With friends like that....who needs enemies?


(I'm not naive to think it isn't just a political stunt by Huawei but dang, Orange Man is about the most amateur grifter I've ever seen).

who cares? get the masks, let Meng go. I mean &^@# Trump, really. 

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30 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



Meanwhile, our "ally" Orange Man tells us to go **** ourself. 


With friends like that....who needs enemies?


(I'm not naive to think it isn't just a political stunt by Huawei but dang, Orange Man is about the most amateur grifter I've ever seen).

The thing is...they are directly helping Canada in our time of need.


I'm not opposed to Canada dropping the case for the Huawei exec.  As a gesture of good will.


For the 5G...that would really depend on what is the better system for Canada. 

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

OMG make it stop!!!!  Have people learned NOTHING??




Chinese tourist sites packed as coronavirus lockdown lifts

Posted April 6, 2020 10:30 am
Over 20,000 people flocked to Anhui province's Huangshan mountain park on April 4.  Over 20,000 people flocked to Anhui province's Huangshan mountain park on April 4. Weibo/laodaxinyi/banyuetan

As other countries lock down amid the coronavirus pandemic, China is free after multiple weeks indoors, and people are heading to tourist sites in droves.

Sites were packed during the country’s holiday weekend, despite warnings from health officials that the battle against COVID-19 isn’t over yet, CNN reports.

We’re not gonna learn.


She’ll eat us alive.

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