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I don’t recall FDR spitballing injecting mustard gas into people but I’m no expert on American history.


Perhaps if your esteemed leader actually attended more Corona virus meetings instead of following Dr Oz or Mr Pillow....


Elise Garofalo (@elisegaro) Tweeted:
Trump attends roughly ONE coronavirus task force meeting a week (these are the meetings that precede the public briefing). At times, 10 days or more have passed without him attending. https://t.co/DwAtLoTZ2d


he might actually have some relevant ideas worth spitballing.


Look how the Conservative Premier of Ontario has handled things.  He lets the experts do their job.  He works WITH the Federal government even though he has legitimate axes to grind with them.

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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9 hours ago, guntrix said:

Naive is to look at the statistics and turn the other way. People are contributing to misinformation by propagating that anyone can die when one's chances greatly vary depending on age and health. 





"One's chances"...but not "everyone's".   So it's a selfish way to look at it, plain and simple.


You've weighed it out and are good to go...great.  But those around you may not fare so well.  Do you have grandparents?  Older parents?   


Maybe call the PM, the scientists and the health officials who've worked with viruses in the past and let them know they've got it wrong and to stop informing people on the novel coronavirus that isn't yet "figured out" in full the propaganda.  Not sure why countries would drive themselves into the ground over nothing, but sure.


You're ignoring all stats except one - the one based on age.  You can't count the "population" versus number of deaths (yet) because it's not complete.  This thing ain't over so when it is you can.  The number of deaths is still climbing in many places and, in those it's not, time will tell if it fires up again.  Too early to tell.


What channel is your source for "all is calm, all is bright" on this morning...can't seem to find anything?  If you're not fearful, fine...but it's not really a bragging point for most.  Not "panicked" or terrified....but until we have a way to protect everyone, it's something to fear.  Those lives being lost may not be YOURS, but they're someone's.

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9 hours ago, guntrix said:

nor have they had to endure radical far-right groups protesting their "right" to go back to work at the expense of the vulnerable. 




A dozen or so protesters in Vancouver calling for an end to physical-distancing restrictions are “attempting to promote themselves” and represent “marginal views,” B.C.’s health minister says.

Adrian Dix was responding to a viral video showing a group of about 12 to 15 people gathering closely together on a Vancouver street over the weekend in an attempt to protest public health orders to stem the spread of COVID-19.

The video was posted on Sunday and had been viewed more than 2.9 million times by Tuesday morning.

A vast majority of British Columbians are following the rules, Dix said, calling the video an example of a few people seeking attention."


A group of frustrated individuals gathered at Vernon City Hall Sunday to protest the measures taken to slow the spread of COVID-19, and to voice their concerns over the effects those efforts are having on our economy.

"Make sure we stand six feet apart — not that we need to, because this virus is a hoax," said one of the protesters named Chris, who refused to disclose his last name. "But if I want to hug someone, I'm going to give them a hug."

The protesters did respect the physical distancing measures, as police did a walk-by early on in the gathering. The group discussed whether or not COVID-19 numbers were being inflated, the validity of COVID-related reporting and how the health measures were impacting their everyday lives.

"Waiting in lines outside of stores is not normal — we don't want it anymore, and it needs to stop," said Sylvia Herchen, a physiotherapist who had to shut down her operation due to the pandemic. "Rational thinkers would think quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people — tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people."

The protesters questioned the credibility of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States' top infectious disease expert, but did not mention Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer.

"Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai says that the HIV hype was manufactured by Dr. Fauci, who is now instrumental in telling President Trump what to do," said Herchen, referencing a Republican senate candidate who erroneously claims HIV does not cause AIDS. "It's just creating fear."

Toward the end of the gathering, the protesters discussed solutions to the problem at hand.

"There's really two solutions here," said Chris. "Create the narrative by spreading the truth, and manifesting peace, love and freedom."

The group plans to meet at least every week.

Health officials in B.C. are currently urging the public to not let their guard down and continue social distancing. Hospitalizations and new COVID-19 case counts have remained stable for the past 10 days, something doctors say is thanks to current social distancing efforts. 

“We are not over the hump yet, and we are going to have a bumpy road for a while,” Dr. Henry said Thursday. “We are holding our own, and we are keeping it down, but we all need to continue to do this. Going into this long weekend, it's more important than ever that we keep going, that everything we are doing now, we keep up.”

British Columbia's total number of confirmed coronavirus cases now stands at 1,445, including 58 deaths.

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I'm actually curious about the so-called "pro-life" movement in the US.  I raised this issue much earlier but I find it interesting how much they were so "up in arms" over the Terry Schiavo case (one unfortunate sad story of a person who was in an irreversable persistant vegatative state) but are strangely silent over the "open up my state!" movement which at the very least raises the risk to the elderly population (much of who are STILL very much active) to a large degree.

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1 hour ago, Russ said:

Not going to lie I have always wanted to visit this since I saw it on one of those cooking shows, more less for the sights and to say I have.

I wonder if the burgers are any good tastewise?  How are they compared to Bobby Flays, Ramsey's or Wahlburgers?  Its been a few years since I've visited Vegas but I always make it a point to eat at In and Out at least once or twice.


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Honest question here.


Shouldn't we be able to come up with better more efficient tests that could cover all of North America at little cost that can be used everyday ... every hour?


We can come up with tonnes of garbage/partially useful costly products everyday like 8G phones, smaller tea bag tags. disposable seating napkins for temporary poop houses, apps to turn our house lights on or off from work, patch blood sugar to phone readers, and measure our diet/activities with our phones.


I would think this could be done on the cheap but big pockets are afraid they might not profit and might actually have to work one day.

Edited by Gawdzukes
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24 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Honest question here.


Shouldn't we be able to come up with better more efficient tests that could cover all of North America at little cost that can be used everyday ... every hour?


We can come up with tonnes of garbage/partially useful costly products everyday like 8G phones, smaller tea bag tags. disposable seating napkins for temporary poop houses, apps to turn our house lights on or off from work, patch blood sugar to phone readers, and measure our diet/activities with our phones.


I would think this could be done on the cheap but big pockets are afraid they might not profit and might actually have to work one day.

Just like there is a race to find a vaccine, there are efforts to find tests that are more effective, efficient and timely.  I think Dr. Henry mentioned that the current tests are good at detecting the virus for those that have symptoms but not so good at detecting the virus for asymptomatic cases as they frequently produce false positives or negatives.  I think their strategy in testing Asymptomatic cases is through Zerology (sp) testing which looks for antibodies if the person had already had the virus.  If they could test a good portion of the population, that would go a long way in easing some of the restrictions we currently have in place.

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6 hours ago, Kragar said:

Too many CDC names to tag here, but this is for all of you freaking out over Trump's (and others') comments about using UV light and disinfectant internally.


Does any of you understand the concept of innovation?  Spit-balling ideas, including some really hair-brained ones, in the hope that something useful comes from it.


I'd be curious how all of you would have felt if he were to ever propose the potential benefits of injecting mustard gas or other poisons to attack the virus.  Hardly sounds safe or sound, does it?


I only raise it up because deliberate injection of mustard gases were the first attempts at chemotherapy.

Ohh, you've done it now.

About a week back I posted a buddy's idea- that did not go over well.

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

The problem is, you don't "spitball" to the masses...some of whom hang on every word you say as gospel.  It's dangerous.  Figure it out behind the scenes with the experts then present ideas once they're beyond a glancing thought.


Trump thinks out loud too much and some of his thoughts are a little scary.


Sure...ideas are the mother of invention but not every single one.  And there's a process to it before announcing to the world what you're thinking.  



That's true.  But that is not why Trump is being attacked.  He is being attacked over the content of the idea, not the delivery of it.  And when you look at everything else he says (see my reply to Canorth above), it is crystal clear that the attacks are politically motivated, and not out of concern for our safety.


I agree with most of what you say here.

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8 minutes ago, gurn said:

Ohh, you've done it now.

About a week back I posted a buddy's idea- that did not go over well.

Sorry, I'm not clear on what you mean.  For the sake of my sanity, I've been a occasional lurker in OT General for a couple weeks, up until yesterday, so I don't have the context here.

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6 hours ago, Kragar said:

Too many CDC names to tag here, but this is for all of you freaking out over Trump's (and others') comments about using UV light and disinfectant internally.


Does any of you understand the concept of innovation?  Spit-balling ideas, including some really hair-brained ones, in the hope that something useful comes from it.


I'd be curious how all of you would have felt if he were to ever propose the potential benefits of injecting mustard gas or other poisons to attack the virus.  Hardly sounds safe or sound, does it?


I only raise it up because deliberate injection of mustard gases were the first attempts at chemotherapy.


14 minutes ago, Kragar said:

Sorry, I'm not clear on what you mean.  For the sake of my sanity, I've been a occasional lurker in OT General for a couple weeks, up until yesterday, so I don't have the context here.

I  posted an idea a friend had to help combat covid, it was not well received.

In my defense neither my buddy or myself are the president of anything.

Thought was:

If alcohol kills the virus, why not vapourize  and inhale booze to help kill the virus?

I know people that vape vodka etc for recreation, and wondered if that would help or hurt.

Most thought it would hurt.

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33 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

Just like there is a race to find a vaccine, there are efforts to find tests that are more effective, efficient and timely.  I think Dr. Henry mentioned that the current tests are good at detecting the virus for those that have symptoms but not so good at detecting the virus for asymptomatic cases as they frequently produce false positives or negatives.  I think their strategy in testing Asymptomatic cases is through Zerology (sp) testing which looks for antibodies if the person had already had the virus.  If they could test a good portion of the population, that would go a long way in easing some of the restrictions we currently have in place.

Well I've always thought I should have went into medicine more than sports ... looks like I made the wrong decision again :picard: lol. I just find it odd they can build a {whatever caliber weapon] and shoot someone dead from halfway around the world with a gun 5000 meters away and mass produce those in hours but the world's best scientists and manufacturers can't come up with a proper portable testing machine that could save the world. 


This is really our limits as a species technologically speaking? I am not impressed. 

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