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6 minutes ago, kloubek said:

Am I the only one singing "My Corona" to the tune from The Knack?


Ok... just me then.

Was singin' that to the Missus, yesterday(egads, 2 great minds eh?)


My version was: Wh, wh wh, WHYYYY Corona?!


edit: Ooh our lil' Petey one

& Huggy's young

Why y'gotta pop up this time Corona?! etc...

Edited by Nuxfanabroad
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8 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Breaking - US Federal government coronavirus relief package has been delayed

Thu 12 Mar 2020 22:17:50 GMT


While the US House of Representatives is expected to pass a coronavirus relief bill Thursday evening US time the Senate will not

  • the Senate just closed up for the week despite the work being done on the bill
  • Which Means that final action on any bill will be delayed until next week




Can always count on these squabbling idiots to muck everything up.

Well when Moscow Mitch has hundreds of bills, many with bipartisan support from the House, sitting on his desk this comes as no surprise. 

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9 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Breaking - US Federal government coronavirus relief package has been delayed

Thu 12 Mar 2020 22:17:50 GMT


While the US House of Representatives is expected to pass a coronavirus relief bill Thursday evening US time the Senate will not

  • the Senate just closed up for the week despite the work being done on the bill
  • Which Means that final action on any bill will be delayed until next week




Can always count on these squabbling idiots to muck everything up.

If their indecisiveness leads to deaths, I’d hope that the public finds and tears those squabblers apart. 

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7 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Breaking - US Federal government coronavirus relief package has been delayed

Thu 12 Mar 2020 22:17:50 GMT


While the US House of Representatives is expected to pass a coronavirus relief bill Thursday evening US time the Senate will not

  • the Senate just closed up for the week despite the work being done on the bill
  • Which Means that final action on any bill will be delayed until next week




Can always count on these squabbling idiots to muck everything up.

Can't find a YT video but Rep. Katie Porter today got Dr. Redfield to promise covered testing every American even without insurance.  




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12 minutes ago, Petey40 said:

Not to this extent though don’t you think? We’ve had virus break outs before and measures like this weren’t taken. We had social media back then as well. 

You didn't follow the Russian hacking of the US election in 16. That was all done through social media.  

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1 minute ago, nuckin_futz said:

US airstrikes underway against Iran-backed militias

Thu 12 Mar 2020 22:32:40 GMT

Yesterday Iranian backed militias attacked a base in Iraq, killing service members from the UKI and US. 




This is not helping the situation

Sociopaths don’t care about situations. 

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3 hours ago, Shift-4 said:

With all the extra precautions I am seeing right now I wonder how many regular cold and flu bugs will be stopped in their tracks?

I doubt it.. I have the most awful flu I have every experienced (at least I hope its flu..), and work would still like me to come in on the weekend since I missed a lot of days this week. I will disinfect everything of course but still seems like an unnecessary risk considering where we are at.

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19 minutes ago, Canada Hockey Place said:

Can't find a YT video but Rep. Katie Porter today got Dr. Redfield to promise covered testing every American even without insurance.  




Katie Porter is a hero. Just an absolute hero. Her immediacy and conviction is amazing and an example for everyone. 

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1 hour ago, Petey40 said:

I never said you said social media was killing people, I’m saying the anxiety and constant talk of this situation is because of the amount of people dying and country wide lockup’s going on not because of social media. The situation is not over hyped it’s just a serious situation. And there are still so many people calling this the flu and brushing it off so maybe the constant attention is exactly what people need to realize this is a serious situation. 

I did not mean to imply a narrative I just disagree that this situation is overhyped. The things being done have never happened because of a virus in our lifetime.

But would you agree that social media has really really ramped up their reporting on this virus compared to past years?


I mean, more than 4,600 people have died from coronavirus. 

From Oct 1 2019 to Feb 29 2020 there were 20,000 to 52,000 deaths from the flu in the USA alone.



20000-52000 FLU DEATHS JUST IN THE USA - Oct till now



You are right. This is not the flu so far.  So far, it has many less deaths. Yes, that could change.


I know we all have to pay attention.  But the fear mongering has hit a whole new level and that is not helping our young people.

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Just now, Petey40 said:

This is a good step, I’m still somewhat surprised they banned only above 250 though. Seems 250 is a fairly large number still 

Same thing done in Seattle. They’ve also banned gatherings larger than 1000 outside of major cities in Washington. 

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1 hour ago, Nathancanuck said:

100 years ago the Spanish Flu wiped out 1/3 of the worlds population.. if you call that ok then yes no worries mate

OMG dude.  Do you even do research before posting utterly stupid and wrong facts like you just did???


Population in 1918 = 1.8 billion

Probable Spanish flu deaths = 17.4 million (but could have been higher)


% of human population that died from spanish flu = 1% of human population




Go actually read facts before you post utter nonsense.  Good god.....:picard:


With your fake numbers 600 million people would have died when in reality it was 17 million (up to 50).  HUGE difference. Check your numbers in future before posting and create further fear and confusion. 

Edited by Kanukfanatic
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