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Sunday Camp Cancelled Due To Possible COVID Exposure

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Please, say it isn't so!


Thought this warranted a thread of its own....one day we'll look back and wonder "what the heck is COVID?".


Today....it's a horrible thing.   May everyone be safe....glad the team is being proactive in this but it doesn't make it hurt any less.  So concerning.



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It isn't easy. This virus spreads too easily esp asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread.  People can't tell they are infectious.


Jokingly, anyone read this announcement and the first guy you think is JV? 


Let's see how quick they can get everyone tested and quarantined if needed. They are saying "potential exposure", so likely someone related (family, friends etc) to the team is positive, and they need to trace and test everyone to make sure team members are not infected. 


It's days away from season opener and they need to be ready. Health is first and that's why they need to obey the rules.  

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1 minute ago, Jaimito said:

It isn't easy. This virus spreads too easily esp asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread.  People can't tell they are infectious.


Jokingly, anyone read this announcement and the first guy you think is JV? 


Let's see how quick they can get everyone tested and quarantined if needed. They are saying "potential exposure", so likely someone related (family, friends etc) to the team is positive, and they need to trace and test everyone to make sure team members are not infected. 


It's days away from season opener and they need to be ready. Health is first and that's why they need to obey the rules.  

“Potential exposure” is kind of odd phrasing, isn’t it?


Could be just that the Canucks Twitter person added the “potential” and it’s actually an exposure. Any time you have contact with a person who’s tested positive, that’s an exposure.


A “potential exposure?”


That’s basically every trip to the store, ride on Skytrain, walk past people on the sidewalk, etc. Potential exposure is why we take precautions. We all have “potential” exposure pretty much every day, unless we’re completely isolated in a bubble.

But yeah, it could mean secondary exposure. As in a close contract with someone who has had a close contact with an infected person (as in family member, etc, separate from the people actually at the rink).


Or it could be a confirmed case within the group of people attending camp, but no confirmation of close contacts (which would mean it’s not one of the players that tested positive).


Hard to know, but hopefully they’re just being extra cautious, and everyone’s ok.



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