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[Rumor] Nate Schmidt being dealt very soon any minute now

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1 minute ago, Gollumpus said:


What about the players listed, and an exchange of 1st round picks?


                                     regards,  G.

An exchange of firsts brings me back to the table. I still have hopes and expectations for young OJ so this part tugs at me.

I suppose agreeable term and cap on Parayko might sway me. St Lou at 17 is interesting. Svetchkov likely still there or one of Lambos or Cuelemans ….. I can live with that outcome especially if I can replenish my D Depth chart.

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23 minutes ago, Provost said:

He can do both.  He can take on good but slightly overpaid players from cap strapped teams and gather extra assets to do that.  

He can also outbid any other team on UFAs for the next couple seasons or mess with teams with offer sheets.


I am confident that his roster is going to look significantly different by the opening game than it does now and he will have a lot more bigger bale players…. He will also have an bunch more draft picks for the next three years.

Well let's see if he outbids other teams next week.  If that was their plan all along then great.  Let's see what happens.  If Seattle does nothing in free agency and doesn't use up their cap space then we know what the real plan was all along.  The owners got cheap and decided to have an internal cap close to the floor.  Even if that was the plan it still doesn't explain how they did NO side deals on draft day.  I mean not even an extra 2nd round pick.  Crazy.

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53 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

No way. Schmidt being moved out should be done with the 9OA to bring back a true number one right handed defenseman. I’d say:


To St. Louis:

Nate Schmidt, Olli Juolevi, and 9OA


To Vancouver:

Colton Parayko, contingent on an agreement to sign a contract. 

I love Parayko but this would be far too much value to give up. You’re giving up a top 4 dman, a guy who still could be a top 4 dman, and a draft pick that very likely could be a top 4 dman or top 6 forward. I would maybe consider it if it was a 2nd instead of a top 10 pick, but even then, I still really believe in Juolevi to turn a corner soon and feel like even then it’s too much value. Parayko would be a perfect partner for Hughes so it’s very tempting. I think something like Schmidt, a 2nd, and a middle of the pack prospect could get it done, if the Blues were even remotely open to moving Parayko. 

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3 hours ago, combover said:

must be tough when others control your mood. 


I had a ham and cheese with a side of  Jb fanboys. 


It’s funny I get my post deleted and a warning from the mods from trying to figure this guy out, for years he has been bashing this club feels like 2011 refs all over again. WHY??? He needs to go, my posts are not more degrading than his with our own team!! Wake up mods

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4 minutes ago, B.C.Renegade69 said:

It’s funny I get my post deleted and a warning from the mods from trying to figure this guy out, for years he has been bashing this club feels like 2011 refs all over again. WHY??? He needs to go, my posts are not more degrading than his with our own team!! Wake up mods

Just responding to trolls.

folks want to troll those who don’t agree and then get upset when they respond. 


so I need to go because I disagree and think JB has been just like his record terrible.

Been a member since 2003 

a fan of this club since the 80’s 

even through mess and Keenan 

I’m not bashing  the team, I support this team I hate the guy that’s been ruining it for 7 miserable season with blunders gaffs mistakes. 

it’s great some are stoked to be a mediocre fringe wild card team with a fingers crossed we make the playoffs by over spending on overrated ufas and recycled veterans. it’s been so successful I can see why it’s upsetting when people point it out. 
Wish you all the best 




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1 hour ago, PhillipBlunt said:

No way. Schmidt being moved out should be done with the 9OA to bring back a true number one right handed defenseman. I’d say:


To St. Louis:

Nate Schmidt, Olli Juolevi, and 9OA


To Vancouver:

Colton Parayko, contingent on an agreement to sign a contract. 

I’d do this for Jones but probably not Parayko as much as I like him.


Hughes Jones should be the dream but it sounds like Chicago has the inside track.

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1 minute ago, combover said:

Just responding to trolls.

folks want to troll those who don’t agree and then get upset when they respond. 


so I need to go because I disagree and think JB has been just like his record terrible.

Been a member since 2003 

a fan of this club since the 80’s 

even through mess and Keenan 

I’m not bashing  the team, I support this team I hate the guy that’s been ruining it for 7 miserable season with blunders gaffs mistakes. 

it’s great some are stoked to be a mediocre fringe wild card team with a fingers crossed we make the playoffs by over spending on overrated ufas and recycled veterans. it’s been so successful I can see why it’s upsetting when people point it out. 
Wish you all the best 




Then keep it to yourself, you think you’re the only one suffering from years of crap? Nobody wants to hear your $hitty attitude towards our amazing team. Get a job as a gm and change our minds. Like everyday…… everyday you bitch and complain…. Benning this benning that…. It’s tiring, go get a job and move out of mom’s basement 

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54 minutes ago, Gollumpus said:


What about the players listed, and an exchange of 1st round picks?


                                     regards,  G.

An exchange of first round picks seems sensible. A right handed true, Stanley Cup winning number one defenseman ain’t cheap. 

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9 minutes ago, Kobayashi Maru said:

I’d do this for Jones but probably not Parayko as much as I like him.


Hughes Jones should be the dream but it sounds like Chicago has the inside track.

Parayko - Hughes is far superior. Jones is an adventure in his own end. And nowhere near as competent. 

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Francis has over $30 million in cap space. Based on how he conducted the draft it’s fair to assume he took the opposite approach of Vegas, not a win now philosophy but a build a young team and be competitive in 2-3 years. If that is the case then you need to accumulate as many draft picks as possible. 

If he has taken Price, Tarasenko, Zadorov, JVR, etc he could have easily flipped them for picks with salary retained. Tarasenko at $3.75 million is a steal that most contend Can afford. He could have easily gotten a 2nd for him plus a prospect. That’s a better deal than Vince Dunn. Same with JVR. Price at $5.25 million you are getting a 1st round pick. Much better than Cale Fleury. 

I’m not even sure what he’s going to so with the $30 million he has in cap space. The only thing that makes sense is the Seattle owners must have an internal cap they are using that is much closer to the floor than the ceiling. I bet you they don’t come close to hitting the cap this year. Unless they have a deal already in place for Ovechkin and Hamilton. 


It's a flat cap and moving contracts without retention or taking back cap will be difficult.  Very few teams have cap space.


Some of those players have NTCs and can't just be moved - those clauses travel with them if picked by Seattle.  Tarasenko only wants to play for a contender but which contender has cap space.   


Also the pressure is then on Seattle to move those contracts and free agency opens up in a week - ie teams will have other options.  Vegas had trouble moving their excess contracts and got stuck with some players.

Price didn't have the best of the regular season and is already 34 with 5 years left.  He also has an NMC.  Philadelphia has been trying to move JvR for the past couple of seasons already and haven't been able to.  Tarasenko has an NTC and a team like NJD who is willing to take him at full cap hit is probably not on his list.


Zadorov is a RFA with arbitration rights.  They would have to qualify him - the deadline is 26 July and not every team is willing to risk arbitration.  He was asking in the 5M range although he has apparently accepted to drop his ask.


Seattle didn't take any unmovable cap or inefficient contracts and that's going to be valuable.  So many teams are trying to create cap and will either have to wait for their inefficient contracts to expire or pay to move out cap.


Vegas never expected to be competitive right away. McPhee was expecting their window to open up in 4-5 years.  They were willing to take cap dumps and were looking to add picks and prospects to build.  Their season dicated otherwise.  They found players that were buried and who broke out with an increased role.  They also got more assets through the side deals for taking back LTIR / inefficient contracts and leaving players alone.  GMs overthought the process then but haven't made the same mistake this time around.






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5 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

What do you drop off the package?

Honestly, I probably wouldn't do the package at all. I'd rather burn the year with fill ins and see what free agents we could land next offseason when we get some cap space, or see what type of return we could get for JT Miller next year.

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12 minutes ago, B.C.Renegade69 said:

Then keep it to yourself, you think you’re the only one suffering from years of crap? Nobody wants to hear your $hitty attitude towards our amazing team. Get a job as a gm and change our minds. Like everyday…… everyday you bitch and complain…. Benning this benning that…. It’s tiring, go get a job and move out of mom’s basement 

It’s the childish personal attacks that get you warn points. 

FYI there’s a ignore feature I suggest you figure out how to use it if what I have to say is so offensive and hurtful  to you.




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1 minute ago, combover said:

It’s the childish personal attacks that get you warn points. 

FYI there’s a ignore feature I suggest you figure out how to use it if what I have to say is so offensive and hurtful  to you.




It’s to bad we can’t have the same rule for personal attacks on our team. If you would ever have anything remotely nice to say about our team it would be shocking.

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15 minutes ago, B.C.Renegade69 said:

It’s to bad we can’t have the same rule for personal attacks on our team. If you would ever have anything remotely nice to say about our team it would be shocking.

I like the helmets. But…..

Edited by combover
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20 minutes ago, combover said:

Just responding to trolls.

folks want to troll those who don’t agree and then get upset when they respond. 


so I need to go because I disagree and think JB has been just like his record terrible.

Been a member since 2003 

a fan of this club since the 80’s 

even through mess and Keenan 

I’m not bashing  the team, I support this team I hate the guy that’s been ruining it for 7 miserable season with blunders gaffs mistakes. 

it’s great some are stoked to be a mediocre fringe wild card team with a fingers crossed we make the playoffs by over spending on overrated ufas and recycled veterans. it’s been so successful I can see why it’s upsetting when people point it out. 
Wish you all the best 




Yet again.....it's not what you're doing, it's how you're doing it!!! It's been explained a million times by many people on here, but you keep on keeping on and beat the same horse to death over & over!! Same negative / hate agenda and nothing to do with having an opinion and / or discussing hockey / the Canucks. It's crazy, you're like those people who are in a room with 9 other people and all 9 are telling you that you are wrong and you don't listen and keep doing what you're doing...so ignorant / entitled that you know better than the 9 others. What do you think the odds are that those 9 are wrong.....

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5 minutes ago, B.C.Renegade69 said:

Do you mean their? Like I said get out your moms basement and get a gm job to shut us all up. WOW and I get warned. 

Oops meant The ( fixed thanks) 

again with the Moms basement you need some new material. 

nice discussing hockey with you 
Enjoy your night. 

Edited by combover
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