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[PGT] New York Rangers at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 02, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Just now, DeNiro said:

Interesting to see the disparity between Hughes and Pettersson.


Both arrived to the team late yet Hughes looks dialed in and miles ahead of last season.


Gotta wonder if that negotiation soured Pettersson on the team. He played better last night but overall the heart and the effort are lacking.

Tbh i think its a couple things:
1. Petey looked rusty and doesn't look any bigger or smaller than he was before - so his offseason was probably pretty relaxing
2. He's very cerebral and relies on his brain rather than speed or size, so if he's lost confidence, itll really effect his game. 

Hughes on the other hand looks both faster and way more stable on his skates. I remember last year he was falling down a fair bit, he seems way more balanced this year. I bet he put in a ton of offseason work. 

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

Yea but you don’t improve that by miscasting people in the wrong roles.


The PK and defense should have always been Shaws. Baumgartner’s record with the D speaks for itself. The defense is at the bottom of the league statistically year after year.


Agreed. I remember hearing when they hired Shaw that he wasn't going to take over the defensive end of things. I was perplexed to say the least. Maybe with his more well rounded experience, he'll be in a better position to take over lead... :ph34r: hahaha

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5 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Interesting to see the disparity between Hughes and Pettersson.


Both arrived to the team late yet Hughes looks dialed in and miles ahead of last season.


Gotta wonder if that negotiation soured Pettersson on the team. He played better last night but overall the heart and the effort are lacking.

when was Petey's last game prior to this season?  He missed a lot of last year too, right?  He's playing well without the puck, and his game with the puck is coming along.  The defensive play he made in OT to turn the puck over was excellent.  He's very close offensively.  

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

Yea but you don’t improve that by miscasting people in the wrong roles.


The PK and defense should have always been Shaws. Baumgartner’s record with the D speaks for itself. The defense is at the bottom of the league statistically year after year.


I think Shaw has a far greater influence on the defense. They've been a lot tighter, more disciplined and a lot more physical than last year. It's a bigger defense than the team has had in sometime, and with Hamonic back now, I think the pairings will be set. 


Shaw's hiring is interesting because based on what I've heard, he's a rank above Baumgartner and King, assisting all of the coaches on their specific areas of focus, and is providing Green with a seasoned (decade and a half) assistant to help implement better systems. I think BumGardener has to essentially do what Shaw advises him on, same with King. Would be interesting to know just how things are parsed out on the bench.

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3 hours ago, BCNate said:

To me our playoffs chances hinge entirely on our special teams.  If they don't improve significantly, I can't see us being much more than a 10-12 place team.

I agree with that but it also applies to most of the other teams around the league.


If the Canucks can figure out how to improve their PK and PP special teams they will be able to make a legitimate push for a playoff spot.

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1 minute ago, HomeBrew said:

Agreed. I remember hearing when they hired Shaw that he wasn't going to take over the defensive end of things. I was perplexed to say the least. Maybe with his more well rounded experience, he'll be in a better position to take over lead... :ph34r: hahaha

My first thought was that this is why there was a holdout from Green. I think he wanted Baumgartner back and Benning probably wasn’t sold on it.


I hope as Shaw gets more comfortable in his role he can flex his authority over Baumer and the defense. Early on the D doesn’t look any better than last season in terms of boxing out, gap control, and clean breakouts. In fact I think we give up some of the highest 5 on 5 chances in the league.


Seemed to me like last night after they were down two they just said f it and went out and played.

This is what happens when you put a defensive coach in charge of offense. No one should be surprised that we’re struggling to score.

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10 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Interesting to see the disparity between Hughes and Pettersson.


Both arrived to the team late yet Hughes looks dialed in and miles ahead of last season.


Gotta wonder if that negotiation soured Pettersson on the team. He played better last night but overall the heart and the effort are lacking.

I'd hate to think Pettersson signed with a team he wasn't intent on staying with. Hopefully he'll get out of this funk he's mired in soon. 

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25 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

This is what I hate about that move.


They hire the guy they needed and cast him in the wrong role. 

Why would he not be running the defense and penalty kill with his experience? The penalty kill is one of our weakest areas right now.


If Green was determined to keep Baumer they should have found a new role for him. Hell have him run the powerplay it couldn’t get much worse.


I completely agree, and voiced exactly that after the Shaw hiring.

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13 minutes ago, eeeeergh said:

Tbh i think its a couple things:
1. Petey looked rusty and doesn't look any bigger or smaller than he was before - so his offseason was probably pretty relaxing
2. He's very cerebral and relies on his brain rather than speed or size, so if he's lost confidence, itll really effect his game. 

Hughes on the other hand looks both faster and way more stable on his skates. I remember last year he was falling down a fair bit, he seems way more balanced this year. I bet he put in a ton of offseason work. 

I don't agree. EP looks stronger and still has speed but his timing is off. Probably a combination of rust and lack of confidence.


That he hasn't put in the off-season work is pure speculation. He doesn't look fatigued and works hard on the back check as usual so I don't buy the lack of training or effort arguments. 


EP has pretty much started slow each pro season including SHL except for his NHL rookie season. He needs to be better and missing camp was bad, but signs are he's playing himself into form. A few lucky bounces and a few more games and hopefully things will look better.

Edited by J-P
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I'm sure Shaw has a say in all kinds of areas. Wasn't his role to over-see all areas & provide insight where he can from his experience? 


5 on 5 has been better defensively IMO. Its special teams that has been the big problem.


If they can have even an average PP/PK this should be a playoff team. A top PP and we'd be near the top of the division. 


Edited by Smashian Kassian
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45 minutes ago, CaptKirk888 said:

Fair enough, but as I mentioned in another post, despite scoring less ppgs in Dallas, Calgary and Ottawa, he had smilar points totals to his time in Edmonton. IMO his not a bad 3rd or 4th liner.

Agreed. I've always thought he played good hockey and contributed to timely goals and aggressive play. The levels people go to slaying NHL players just to suit a narrative like hating Green is absolutely pathetic around here. Here's a guy that has made $10m playing NHL hockey in a 10 year career and has almost 600 games and 200 points, and is on pace for 18 goals. What do our fans do when the Canucks sign him? Call him down, say he's a piece of sh!t and then go to extremes trying to prove how horrible he is. Honestly, it's disgusting and embarrassing to be associated with people like this. 

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24 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize it'll hurt. 

What is your point? 


Are you saying being a netfront guy on PP1 in the NHL is the most undesirable job in the world? 


Are you saying Chiasson is in because no one else wants to do it on this team?


Do Horvat and Miller want to stand in a passive box and get pucks shot at them on the PK? 


it is a deeply undesirable role, one that is tough to fill, properly, on every team I've ever played for or coached.  It's not just standing there, there's a real art to it, even if the average Joe fan sees it or not. 


I'd say they picked up Chiasson specifically to fill that role, likely for a few reasons.  One, because they've not been able to fill that role adequately for a long time and two, because no one wants to stand there and get hit with 100 mph shots multiple times in a game and also because they don't want to put a Horvat, petey, Bies etc into that spot and risk serious injury.


To me, the flak that Chiasson is getting is nothing more than the usual suspects looking for a scapegoat rather than looking at the real reasons for a struggling team (though I don't it's that bad) and that group of people always goes for the low hanging fruit that doesn't requite a lot of work to get to.

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6 minutes ago, Borderline Canuck said:

I wasn't too impressed with Garlands preseason but boy was I wrong.  He's been great.


Assuming no injuries, who drops out when Motte returns ?  It's Chaisson for me but I doubt that will happen.

Yea Chiasson is the obvious choice. He’s not a fourth liner and he’s providing little to the powerplay.


So it won’t be Chiasson. It will be Podkolzin or Bailey.

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They should roll with Garland on the 1st line, then I'd put Brock on the 2nd line. Don't think they've tried Brock/Bo together for awhile. 


Hoglander's effort is never a question but he hasn't been able to generate alot lately, plus Brock is too good to be on the 3rd line.


Hoglander getting favorable matchups as a 3rd liner may benefit him aswell, its just a matter of if Green trusts Hog/Pod on the same line. I think he should give it a shot.

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27 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

I think Shaw has a far greater influence on the defense. They've been a lot tighter, more disciplined and a lot more physical than last year. It's a bigger defense than the team has had in sometime, and with Hamonic back now, I think the pairings will be set. 


Shaw's hiring is interesting because based on what I've heard, he's a rank above Baumgartner and King, assisting all of the coaches on their specific areas of focus, and is providing Green with a seasoned (decade and a half) assistant to help implement better systems. I think BumGardener has to essentially do what Shaw advises him on, same with King. Would be interesting to know just how things are parsed out on the bench.

I think Travis feels Shaw breathing down his neck, as in if Travis gets canned, Shaw who has been up for head coaching jobs in the past is the obvious choice for the interim position if not the permanent job.  Shaw's presence on the staff make's Travis' dismissal a lot less painful than if they had to name one of the other assistants to an interim coaching position.

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1 minute ago, canuckleheads fan said:

I think Travis feels Shaw breathing down his neck, as in if Travis gets canned, Shaw who has been up for head coaching jobs in the past is the obvious choice for the interim position if not the permanent job.  Shaw's presence on the staff make's Travis' dismissal a lot less painful than if they had to name one of the other assistants to an interim coaching position.

I do wonder if that was part of the idea with Benning. Having a succession plan in place, in the event that Green doesn't work out. Shaw's record as an assistant is lengthy and recognized. After having a decade and a half as an assistant, one would think that Shaw would be making the next logical step to head coach. 


Who knows though.

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3 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

I'd hate to think Pettersson signed with a team he wasn't intent on staying with. Hopefully he'll get out of this funk he's mired in soon. 

The significant difference is that Hughes played ALL of last season and ate up a ton of minutes, where Petey played only 26 games, missed the latter half of the season, had a serious wrist injury that appears to still be bothering him, and was unable to do a full off-season training program because of that injury.  Hughes was dialed in from the start because he never got undialed, where Petey is still recovering from the wrist injury, and in particular the doubt and mental blocks that always exists after a serious injury.  Talk to me again at game 25 to see if he's playing any better.  I've seen some encouraging signs, not enough, but his hockey sense is there, he's made some good passes that have not ended up as goals, he's blasted a couple of one-timers that will hopefully build his confidence.  He will break through.  The other issue is that we don't always see what goes on away from the play.  If other teams know he's got a bad wrist, you know they'll be hacking his wrists and hands at every opportunity, even if it draws a penalty.

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