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[GDT] Canucks vs Jets | Nov 19 7pm SNP thank u so much benning <3 just another 6 more years were almost there ;D

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35 minutes ago, hlinkas wrister said:

I remember when "a decade of darkness" sounded like a ridiculous amount of time in which to rebuild a franchise.....and now its sounds perfectly reasonable haha.

Well not sure which decade you'd be referring too.   The 80's we had a final run unlikely one but it happened.  The 70's well maybe that one i guess, but we were an expansion team - lucky to still actually be where we are now too.  90's no way best teams/players  we've ever had.  2000's, third and second best.  2010's another final and the second best team we've ever had.   4 playoff appearances.   The 2020's have barely started, had the bubble and played  17 games.   Sure we could take 1/2 our existence, say 26 seasons and just forget what happened.   But it's our history.    I love my team but not sure all fans of this team really actually do.   Ones that don't support them when they are down.   And this idea that both JB and TG should be lined up against a wall and shot or something.   They bled with us too.   Don't want to lose.  Goal is a cup.   Sure they are flawed obviously because we aren't as good (or lucky), to do what CHI and LA did.  Or PIT.  Or even WSH (one cup but loaded with future HHOFers...wait and see).    We've had nothing but bad luck, maybe that's a karma thing too because our fanbase acts like entitled children when we lose.  


Living in Vancouver.   Well your either have a very amazing job and have worked your butt of to buy a very modest home anywhere else, or entitled and spoiled and maybe that makes you think this franchise owes you something.  It doesn't.   Speaking my truth since the OP did.   We have so many amazing players and stories in our history, but it's all gloom and doom.   And we shouldn't go to the games anymore to "force change".   Watch the video on the first page ... "Green isn't all of a sudden a bad NHL coach after one month".   Change is fine - but don't expect we will become a powerhouse over night in a 32 team league when we never really had any lottery luck or truly bottomed out.   The Mushy Middle is where we are headed.  Thankfully the flip side of the cap era is any darn team can make it to the final.   Special teams still win the cup ... too bad EP isn't that is it?  


As a reasonable fan, who loves BC and ever town and city in it,  we shouldn't be expecting a top team again until maybe the late 2020's.   That's our historical cycle.   And each time we get to the final keeps getting pushed back.   Wonder if they plan for 40 teams eventually.   Ugh i seriously hate that idea.   And wish for retraction.   The 80's to mid 90's were so great because the talent level was unbelievable.   And every single fringe player was willing to drop their gloves and help their team in any way they could.    The only hope i have for this core, is playoff reps for later, and because you just never know.  LA won two cups (and missed the show entirely inbetween).   As the lowest and close to the lowest seed.   Hate them for it, but i'm sure Bettman is still sending them flowers.   Because it gives every fan who pays attention hope their team can do the same.    The only truly dark times i've ever witnessed was when Orca Entertainment came in, branded our team (and attempted to take us to Seattle), Messier etc etc...didn't last long but still feels a lot worse then this. 

Edited by IBatch
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1 hour ago, aznmonk said:

Green is not that bad actually, he is ranked top 16th.. so middle of the bunch. 



Funny given who's below him.  Guess TO fans aren't too happy with their coach either.   That said it's only 500 or so votes for or against TG for now - quick CDC go to ranker and downvote him!  That will force change won't it?   


Edit:  And while your at it, downvote Quenville because of what he did. 

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Regardless of what happens. There are good pieces on this team to build around



- Hughes

- Maybe Woo?

- Demko


The problem is we need more mobile, big, defensive defensemen. The forward mix is sadly wrong. We built skill but nothing else. Green and Benning let two of our two forwards with size go. Now the team can't score ugly goals. The centre ice position is terrible. Bo is fine. Petey is more of a winger than a centre. Miller is the same but at least he gets to the dirty areas. We need 2-3 true centres. Not just with offensive flair. We need guys to take faceoffs, and work defensively. Once again that elusive Size/Speed/Skill combo. 

For whatever reason, the mix is wrong. The fact that Podz and Hogs are more valuable than Petey just boggles my mind. 


In fixing the bottom six, our bottom six now seems worse. And our Top six forwards can't get it in gear to score.


Coaching change should be done first. Then the new GM needs to see our players  and decide what route to take. 

The panic move would be blowing the team up, and wasting good years of Demko and Hughes.


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1 hour ago, aznmonk said:

Green is not that bad actually, he is ranked top 16th.. so middle of the bunch. 



It isn’t that current though (last updated Feb 2020).  I suspect a season where one closely matches Bill Laforge’s NHL season is going to knock you down a number of rankings.:lol:

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51 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Well not sure which decade you'd be referring too.   The 80's we had a final run unlikely one but it happened.  The 70's well maybe that one i guess, but we were an expansion team - lucky to still actually be where we are now too.  90's no way best teams/players  we've ever had.  2000's, third and second best.  2010's another final and the second best team we've ever had.   4 playoff appearances.   The 2020's have barely started, had the bubble and played  17 games.   Sure we could take 1/2 our existence, say 26 seasons and just forget what happened.   But it's our history.    I love my team but not sure all fans of this team really actually do.   Ones that don't support them when they are down.   And this idea that both JB and TG should be lined up against a wall and shot or something.   They bled with us too.   Don't want to lose.  Goal is a cup.   Sure they are flawed obviously because we aren't as good (or lucky), to do what CHI and LA did.  Or PIT.  Or even WSH (one cup but loaded with future HHOFers...wait and see).    We've had nothing but bad luck, maybe that's a karma thing too because our fanbase acts like entitled children when we lose.  


Living in Vancouver.   Well your either have a very amazing job and have worked your butt of to buy a very modest home anywhere else, or entitled and spoiled and maybe that makes you think this franchise owes you something.  It doesn't.   Speaking my truth since the OP did.   We have so many amazing players and stories in our history, but it's all gloom and doom.   And we shouldn't go to the games anymore to "force change".   Watch the video on the first page ... "Green isn't all of a sudden a bad NHL coach after one month".   Change is fine - but don't expect we will become a powerhouse over night in a 32 team league when we never really had any lottery luck or truly bottomed out.   The Mushy Middle is where we are headed.  Thankfully the flip side of the cap era is any darn team can make it to the final.   Special teams still win the cup ... too bad EP isn't that is it?  


As a reasonable fan, who loves BC and ever town and city in it,  we shouldn't be expecting a top team again until maybe the late 2020's.   That's our historical cycle.   And each time we get to the final keeps getting pushed back.   Wonder if they plan for 40 teams eventually.   Ugh i seriously hate that idea.   And wish for retraction.   The 80's to mid 90's were so great because the talent level was unbelievable.   And every single fringe player was willing to drop their gloves and help their team in any way they could.    The only hope i have for this core, is playoff reps for later, and because you just never know.  LA won two cups (and missed the show entirely inbetween).   As the lowest and close to the lowest seed.   Hate them for it, but i'm sure Bettman is still sending them flowers.   Because it gives every fan who pays attention hope their team can do the same.    The only truly dark times i've ever witnessed was when Orca Entertainment came in, branded our team (and attempted to take us to Seattle), Messier etc etc...didn't last long but still feels a lot worse then this. 

I don’t think you can compare prior periods without context.  There was no cap in the 70’s, 80’s, 90, or even parts of 00’s.  Granted it didn’t help a guy like Glen Sather who spent money like a drunk sailor but got the Rangers nowhere (funny how he complained about big money spending teams when he was GM of the Oilers), but it is a real advantage if you have a good GM in charge.  The Red wings were able to stockpile players for example.


Only until fairly recent times have the Canucks had ownership that could spend big money.  Heck, in the 70s, we could barely find an owner who would just pay the bills.  In a cap era, a decade of so-called dark times is unacceptable imho.  The cap prevents the elite teams from stockpiling talent.  Provided you had ownership that let you spend up to the cap (and then some), it should also prevent a prolonged dark period as you can always sign a good free agent or two a season and the draft lottery rewards the **** teams while making deliberate tanking less rewarding (not perfect but it’s far better than no lottery at all).

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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7 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

We’ll be facing their backup goaltender. That’s an automatic loss for us.



well... facing a goalie, who ever he can be, is an automatic loss. 
i'm not even sure if there is an empty net, Green will order to collapse just like a random PK. 

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9 hours ago, Odd. said:

right now im 10 shots deep of tequila with a 6 pack of ronas and a couple of left over Stellas from yesterday just waiting to be chugged on a thursday night, my girlfriend hates me because id rather get wasted alone and watch the canucks play then to sleep with her at her place, i texted my ex right before because i was in argumentative mood,  im this close to running naked to Rogers Arena (10 minute walk) with a Thank You Jim Benning and Aquilini painted on my stomach, ive had thoughts about making out with the statue outside the arena as well, my neighbours think someones being murdered in my apartment because i find myself screaming at 2 am at the fact that we sent Gadjovich on waivers, its been almost 2 months and im still not over it, severely dehydrated and on the cusp of passing out, and i think im going to end my night at Nino and probably lose a couple of hundreds on blackjack and roulette.


this is my life as a Canucks fan. My girlfriend hates me, i just reignited my ex's hatred towards me, my neighbours hate me, im an alcoholic, i am overly obsessed with this team for no reason, my friends think im a loser because i dont go out anymore, im a gambling addict, i hate everyone, i hate myself, BC is flooding, my brain is flooded, i have 200 dollars worth of parking tickets to pay the city of vancouver (MORE BIKE LANES HOORAY................ sike)






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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

Well not sure which decade you'd be referring too.  

The "decade of darkness" is in reference to the Oilers rebuild (coined by their own fans I believe), which more than a few of us on here laughed about over the last couple of years.... it doesn't seem so funny now that we are on the bottom looking up.  

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1 hour ago, FaninMex said:

I am excited for the game. Gonna wake up at 6 am. Avoid CDC to watch in peace. 

I am, too.   Always. 


When we went without hockey there was a huge, black hole in my life and I'm happy to have it, even when we're losing.  At least the games are somewhat exciting...until the outcome.  Cheers, enjoy the game.

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9 minutes ago, hlinkas wrister said:

The "decade of darkness" is in reference to the Oilers rebuild (coined by their own fans I believe), which more than a few of us on here laughed about over the last couple of years.... it doesn't seem so funny now that we are on the bottom looking up.  

It's slightly different here...the Oilers had FOUR #1 picks in a six year span.   That's some kind of failure, but it also maybe shows how tough it is despite the roster (coaching and supporting staff really matter).  Which is what we're experiencing with a much lesser pool of players.  "On paper" Edmonton had a lot to work with.

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3 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

It's slightly different here...the Oilers had FOUR #1 picks in a six year span.   That's some kind of failure, but it also maybe shows how tough it is despite the roster (coaching and supporting staff really matter).  Which is what we're experiencing with a much lesser pool of players.  "On paper" Edmonton had a lot to work with.

Oh, god yes the Oilers had copious amounts of horseshoes up their butt and still managed to fail, I don't dispute that. My point is that there were plenty of us who thought that we were better than the Oilers for turning the corner without the benefit of draft lottery wins when reality is proving to be something quite different.   

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10 hours ago, Odd. said:

right now im 10 shots deep of tequila with a 6 pack of ronas and a couple of left over Stellas from yesterday just waiting to be chugged on a thursday night, my girlfriend hates me because id rather get wasted alone and watch the canucks play then to sleep with her at her place, i texted my ex right before because i was in argumentative mood,  im this close to running naked to Rogers Arena (10 minute walk) with a Thank You Jim Benning and Aquilini painted on my stomach, ive had thoughts about making out with the statue outside the arena as well, my neighbours think someones being murdered in my apartment because i find myself screaming at 2 am at the fact that we sent Gadjovich on waivers, its been almost 2 months and im still not over it, severely dehydrated and on the cusp of passing out, and i think im going to end my night at Nino and probably lose a couple of hundreds on blackjack and roulette.


this is my life as a Canucks fan. My girlfriend hates me, i just reignited my ex's hatred towards me, my neighbours hate me, im an alcoholic, i am overly obsessed with this team for no reason, my friends think im a loser because i dont go out anymore, im a gambling addict, i hate everyone, i hate myself, BC is flooding, my brain is flooded, i have 200 dollars worth of parking tickets to pay the city of vancouver (MORE BIKE LANES HOORAY................ sike)





Natalie Portman Trippin GIF by MOODMAN

Edited by cuporbust
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