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[PGT] Chicago Blackhawks at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 21, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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I’m going to the game in Pittsburgh with my wife on Wednesday. I’ll be cheering for the Canucks, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t mind it if the Penguins just thrashed us, like 6-1 or 5-0. Anything to get a coaching change or management change. That’s what it’s come to

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Just now, J.I.A.H.N said:

Just a question............


Are all of you ok with loosing the rest of the year to get rid of TG and JB?


can you get behind that?

NO. I want them both gone now.


Why wait all year? That makes no sense.


Aq needs to accept that this regime is over and he is now in danger of destroying the confidence and buy in of his players.


End it now.



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7 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

If you're coaching a team and you don't have a shot for 9 minutes despite being down a goal you definitely share some responsibility. 


Yes, it's on the players as well, but coaches have a shelf life and this team looks dead in the water. Helluva lot easier to move out a coach than shuffle players in and out. 

Totally get the coaching stance ... I'm more of the camp this is on the players. Not saying you're wrong either. 

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23 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

Whoever is the fourth ranked is more relevant

oh no, the Canucks will wait until we need to play .800 to make the playoffs fire the coach, then play .699 to finish the season and we will garner the 9th pick again

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Just now, Dr. Crossbar said:

I said this is on the players... not Green. So, you're off-base with the questioning.


I never said I was fine with anything. 

Blaming the players and stating it's not Green's fault implies that keeping Green is acceptable.  It's not, and keeping him around the players is causing permanent damage.  The players can definitely do their part, but it starts by driving the bum sabotaging the team behind the bench and replacing him with someone actually qualified to coach in the NHL.

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OK, I went to the game, here are a few pictures. From my perspective, for whatever reason, but the energy level dropped significantly in the first 10- 12 minutes of the third period.

You can see on one of my photos, Myers is going to the bench very tired. It was the beginning of the third.

I've also noticed that after the second intermission, when the whole team went to the ice for a few laps, BB and Patey decided to stay on the bench.






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15 minutes ago, whcanuck said:

I’ll get a tiny bit of excitement after a win, like a small rush of positivity. Then the next game happens, and it’s right back to square one, happens pretty much every time. 
I would seriously consider shopping Boeser, and EP needs to be healthy scratched for a game or two. Their job is to score goals and points to contribute to wins, they’re flat out not doing their job. I don’t care if they’re “playing better” or “finding their game” or “gaining confidence.” PRODUCE TANGIBLE RESULTS!

if I showed up to work every day and didn’t do my job? I’d be fired very quickly. I also earn about .0005 % of what these guys earn too

Petey is getting his game back.  At this point he just needs a better winger. Boeser is completely the wrong player for him 

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2 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Just a question............


Are all of you ok with loosing the rest of the year to get rid of TG and JB?


can you get behind that?

I'm not ok with keeping Green for the rest of the season to further damage the development of our young players.  Get that cancer out of the room ASAP.

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4 minutes ago, Teemu Selänne said:

put the C on Millsy

That'd be silly, we're better off seeing how the team performs under a different coach before publicly embarrassing the only top six center we have who consistently wins faceoffs. 


I'd look heavily at moving Miller closer to the deadline if we continue to flounder, he'll be 30 by the time his current deal expires and he's due for a sizeable raise. He'd get that and term via UFA. Move him for a 1st and more, maybe Boeser too. See if you can improve the D with either of em. 


I don't see him signing an extension here and Bo fits better with the age of the rest of our current core. Might be that this team needs a soft reset. 



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3 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Just a question............


Are all of you ok with loosing the rest of the year to get rid of TG and JB?


can you get behind that?

We’re not inning a cup under Green, he should have been gone years ago, sadly he’ll probably be here till the end of his contract, I’m starting to see FA as the major problem.

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2 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

Totally get the coaching stance ... I'm more of the camp this is on the players. Not saying you're wrong either. 

It's both, our newer players have looked better than the guys we had last year. But unless we're set on stripping things down and starting over it's tough to do more than move out the coach. 


I'd look to move Miller, maybe Boeser depending on the interest and potential returns. Closer to the deadline of course. I'd rather not move Boeser, but gotta give to get. 

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