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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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13 hours ago, JM_ said:

its pretty tough to make year over year changes barring either a big teardown, or you got gifted cap space somehow.


I do see some smarter moves in the F group additions, e.g. Say we do move Miller (still the most likely scenario) maybe @Coconuts is right and that F group is still good enough to be a wildcard team from a F group perspective. Thats only thanks to the new additions. 


On d its so much harder. They tried to move Myers, no takers. So unless you're willing to burn a serious asset you're stuck. Benning would have burned a major asset.


So this years bright light will have to be Rathbone. Lets say he does look ready to be a 4/5. Maybe then you can play with ideas like an OEL-Hughes top pair. 

I hear ya on Myers and the difficulty rebuilding the D. It's like JB got his racecar all suped up for the Indy and then forgot to buy new tires. But this is just yet another reason to do a two year reset which would of course include trading Miller.


I'm coming around on a Hughes OEL pairing and I also agree with Coconuts that our forwards would still be good without Miller. It's time to take the training wheels off. I'm also glad Rathbone looks to be given a solid opportunity. 

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12 hours ago, grandmaster said:


I’ve always said that at the time we had no choice and no other options when we signed him. The overpayment is only by 1-2M. Unfortunately we’ve had so many buyouts and recapture penalties that these otherwise negligible overpayments sting more. I still say he is better staying here than shipped off for a low return. Right handed defencemen are difficult to get and we are extremely short in this position.

I just wish we could have found a way to clear Dickie and Pearson, with the new additions these guys are expendable and we'd be under the cap right now, at least banking cap space for possible TDL moves and bonus money. 

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If common ground is reached in contract talks he stays.

If he's traded, we will get less return than Tkapuke.

But they are not going to let him walk like Johnny Smurf.

But get the idea we're getting an elite RHD in return out of your head.

It is extremely unlikely any GM is that dumb.






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43 minutes ago, JM_ said:

I just wish we could have found a way to clear Dickie and Pearson, with the new additions these guys are expendable and we'd be under the cap right now, at least banking cap space for possible TDL moves and bonus money. 

I’m sure ARI would gladly take them with a 1st + 2nd/prospect.


ARI the dumping ground of bad contracts.


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5 minutes ago, BPA said:

Sign Miller to Kadri like money.


$7M x 8yrs.


Lets go!!!!



I'd do that.  In 8 years, $7M AAV would be the equivalent to $5 to $5.5M today. 


I don't think JT Miller would do that though lol.

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5 hours ago, IBatch said:

Aren't you a little less apprehensive regarding Miller with JB gone?   And other things .... I am.   Seems like he had a my way or the highway vibe going on and was running a small dictatorship.   Now we have a pro organization again, with a President that has seen and done it all (plus a winner, with two different teams)... JB wasn't all bad, not nearly as bad a some make him out, but the two steps forward, 1.5 steps back stuff was getting old.   Don't mind that Allvin is being patient.   Miller likely gets traded even if we are in a good spot down the stretch, unless we are a top 5-8 team league wide that wide.   Only then could i see them actually reversing their narrative and Miller stays for a playoff run... and maybe we pry Severson from NJ if they are out ... 


If we had another solid top four D ... well you just never know. 

Oh yeah. I didn't mind JB at all really. He rode out the Sedin years, got us some great assets too but by the it time came to putting his chips in he was too far away. It's unfortunate really as good old Covid probably stopped him from being able to make his final moves. Life is short though so ce la vie.


I do trust the management and will give them a chance. It doesn't stop my hockey brain from screaming trade Miller lol but I'll trust them until the trade deadline anyway and see what happens.

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5 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

I hear ya on Myers and the difficulty rebuilding the D. It's like JB got his racecar all suped up for the Indy and then forgot to buy new tires. But this is just yet another reason to do a two year reset which would of course include trading Miller.


I'm coming around on a Hughes OEL pairing and I also agree with Coconuts that our forwards would still be good without Miller. It's time to take the training wheels off. I'm also glad Rathbone looks to be given a solid opportunity. 

Rebuilding the Defence is JB's biggest failure as GM.  He had 7 years and all we have to show for it is Hughes.   My biggest fear when JB joined was his draft record from Buffalo.  His track record showed he drafted/developed only forwards.  In that same time he was with us, Calgary has added 2 defencemen from their pipeline while staying competitive.  One of them being a RHD we had the potential of drafting (Anderson) but we got Sven instead.  Hell, even Gillis unearthed Tanev.


Try as he might, JB never hit on any dmen and we're paying for it now.  My fear is that the new management team will also come short of rebuilding the Defence into a contender.  So far their only move on D has been Dermott in for Harmonic.  We shall see.



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2 minutes ago, Petey Castiglione said:

Rebuilding the Defence is JB's biggest failure as GM.  He had 7 years and all we have to show for it is Hughes.   My biggest fear when JB joined was his draft record from Buffalo.  His track record showed he drafted/developed only forwards.  In that same time he was with us, Calgary has added 2 defencemen from their pipeline while staying competitive.  One of them being a RHD we had the potential of drafting (Anderson) but we got Sven instead.  Hell, even Gillis unearthed Tanev.


Try as he might, JB never hit on any dmen and we're paying for it now.  My fear is that the new management team will also come short of rebuilding the Defence into a contender.  So far their only move on D has been Dermott in for Harmonic.  We shall see.



I didn't really know much of his work in Buffalo and wasn't aware of that. Thanks. It was mind boggling really that he didn't really address it at all. Obviously we have to actually draft some RD in order to develop them. So I am hoping to all hopes we get a couple high picks going here in the next two years and we actually try ... you know doing the correct thing and just draft them.


I am also really hoping this new team has at least one big move in them for a RD and then we can stop gap the rest if need be as we hopefully draft and fill from within. How JB neglected it for so long was for sure his biggest failure.

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9 minutes ago, Petey Castiglione said:

Rebuilding the Defence is JB's biggest failure as GM.  He had 7 years and all we have to show for it is Hughes.   My biggest fear when JB joined was his draft record from Buffalo.  His track record showed he drafted/developed only forwards.  In that same time he was with us, Calgary has added 2 defencemen from their pipeline while staying competitive.  One of them being a RHD we had the potential of drafting (Anderson) but we got Sven instead.  Hell, even Gillis unearthed Tanev.


Try as he might, JB never hit on any dmen and we're paying for it now.  My fear is that the new management team will also come short of rebuilding the Defence into a contender.  So far their only move on D has been Dermott in for Harmonic.  We shall see.



All he has to show is Highes?  OEL and Myers have been carried the heavy load for this team all last year.

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10 minutes ago, stawns said:

All he has to show is Highes?  OEL and Myers have been carried the heavy load for this team all last year.

I meant draft and development wise.  Hughes broke through on pure talent alone.  Rathbone just now starting to get into the line-up and we still don't know how he'll turn out.  Tryamkin was looking great until they fumbled him.  Who's next on that list? 


I like OEL and think he takes a lot of flack around here, but he's not a future piece for the backend, same for Myers.  Yes they do the heavy lifting now but who will play their roles when this core is suppose to be in their competitive window?


It's why we all would like to see Miller traded. Not that we don't want him, but he's the most valuable asset we have to fill that future need on defense.

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4 hours ago, JM_ said:

I just wish we could have found a way to clear Dickie and Pearson, with the new additions these guys are expendable and we'd be under the cap right now, at least banking cap space for possible TDL moves and bonus money. 

Thing is... based on last years line combos, Pearson was one of the guys that worked well no matter what one you put him on pretty much. 




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1 hour ago, Petey Castiglione said:

I meant draft and development wise.  Hughes broke through on pure talent alone.  Rathbone just now starting to get into the line-up and we still don't know how he'll turn out.  Tryamkin was looking great until they fumbled him.  Who's next on that list? 


I like OEL and think he takes a lot of flack around here, but he's not a future piece for the backend, same for Myers.  Yes they do the heavy lifting now but who will play their roles when this core is suppose to be in their competitive window?


It's why we all would like to see Miller traded. Not that we don't want him, but he's the most valuable asset we have to fill that future need on defense.


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1 hour ago, Petey Castiglione said:

I meant draft and development wise.  Hughes broke through on pure talent alone.  Rathbone just now starting to get into the line-up and we still don't know how he'll turn out.  Tryamkin was looking great until they fumbled him.  Who's next on that list? 


I like OEL and think he takes a lot of flack around here, but he's not a future piece for the backend, same for Myers.  Yes they do the heavy lifting now but who will play their roles when this core is suppose to be in their competitive window?


It's why we all would like to see Miller traded. Not that we don't want him, but he's the most valuable asset we have to fill that future need on defense.

To be fair, OJ's development was completely ruined by injuries.  He was an excellent dman at every level he played at and, given a healthy development period, I see no reason why that wouldn't have translated to the NHL.

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12 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Thing is... based on last years line combos, Pearson was one of the guys that worked well no matter what one you put him on pretty much. 




Most interesting takeaways from that line chart for me:


In over 100 minutes of 5-on-5 Pearson - Horvat - Höglander had a GA/60 of 0.00. That they allowed 0 goals against in over 100 minutes 5 on 5 is crazy. But very little offense unfortunately.


The Lotto Line had a lot of time and very poor results, I blame that more on being used more predominantly when TG was still coaching and Petey was still struggling. (I think. I could be wrong on this)


The 4th Line was used almost 60 minutes more than any other line and was absolutely dominant. It's a little ridiculous that Highmore is the only one who has found a job this offseason and only at league minimum.

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