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[Rumour] Boeser On Block


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2 hours ago, Bure_of_94 said:

Don’t you remember the mid to late 90s?  The Keenan/early post Keenan years were brutal. That’s why we were in a position to draft a Sedin.(2nd or 3rd overall) I mean we’re a bottom 10 team for sure the way it stands. I only recall a 2 year stretch about a decade ago where we were a top team in the league(until playoffs rolled around).

I do, this is our worst start since then.  Go back and look at the results from that era and remember there were no OT loser points.  Not only was the run of bad seasons much shorter, but we weren’t as bad consistently back then.


We were only 1st place in the whole league for two yet years, but we had a long stretch (5 years) where we were 1st place in our division and a top team in the league with top 10 finishes.

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33 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm not not a Brock fan, I just don't think he's good value for what he brings and the exact reason I wanted them to trade him a CPL seasons ago is coming to fruition.  His QO is way way out of whack for what he brings to the table

Would you have thought his qo was way out of wack last season? 

49 pts in 56 games and played a solid 2 way game last year.... 


I was pretty much with you in wanting to trade him until the playoffs 2 years ago followed up by a strong season all of last season. 


I then realized he hadn't fully recovered and saw what he could really do which made me eat my words. 


I don't know what's up with him this year but I know he can play better. 

Common theme is so can a lot of guys which then leads me to look more at the coaching rather than the group of players. 




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9 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

No GM in their right mind would give up a young dman, on a lesser salary, like him for Boeser without a substantial asset in the form of a pick or prospect in return. 

It IS absolutely crazy to think Boeser is going to get this team that kind of return. 

Schneider is the 19OA selection. You think the Rangers are just going to give him up like that?! :lol:

I think Boeser is worth 19ish OA + an NHL Pking C

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55 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

Would you have thought his qo was way out of wack last season? 

49 pts in 56 games and played a solid 2 way game last year.... 


I was pretty much with you in wanting to trade him until the playoffs 2 years ago followed up by a strong season all of last season. 


I then realized he hadn't fully recovered and saw what he could really do which made me eat my words. 


I don't know what's up with him this year but I know he can play better. 

Common theme is so can a lot of guys which then leads me to look more at the coaching rather than the group of players. 




less than a ppg is not worth $7.5, no

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Just now, CanucksJay said:

Petey's never hit ppg. 

Did you think that was too high at the time as well? 


Obviously it is now but when he signed... 

I wasn't crazy about it, no, but it's in the ballpark.  I was happy it was only 3 years

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BB doesnt get enough respect IMHO.  


"Cant skate"

"Weak on the boards"

"Cant pass"


Yet....here he is....


First Table =  Point production for all R/W forwards in the NHL since BB's first NHL season.  Brock Boeser ranks 10th.  He ranks 9th if you sort by points per game with at least 250 games played.


Second Table= Goal production for all R/W fowards in the NHL since BB's first NHL season.  Brock Boeser ranks 9th (and look who he is ahead of). Hes played less games than most of those ahead of him on this list.


Last chart = Puck Battles. Players with highest percentage puck battle wins 2020-2021 season.


My position is that if he returns to his average point/goal production rate the QO wont look so absurd.   And even if he doesnt I suspect the team can negotiate a structure where the term and annual pay make sense for both parties.  At the end of the day what will it cost to move up this list of R/W to get someone that produces the same or more?






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3 hours ago, stawns said:

He could, but I doubt that's what they'd be looking for as the centre piece.  They're not going to rebuild if they move Boeser or Miller they'll be looking to improve their NHL roster now.  They might get a decent prospect or pick as a sweetener, but their focus would likely be a player at or near the prime of their career

Maybe never know with our owner and GM 

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1 hour ago, BPA said:

Sign BB to a $6M x 8yr deal while his stock is low.




Edit:  want him to stay cuz I have his Jersey :P

ahahaha. yeah, me too. I want Bo, Petey and Hughes to stay because I have their jerseys. 


My wife says to get a blank jersey next time. But I love the players...


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1 hour ago, stawns said:

his QO is $7.5m

so if you were Brock you would say no to a 6-8yr deal worth north of 6m to maybe slightly over 7m so you could take a 1yr 7.5 QO instead... I would take the guaranteed contract with term and $$$, ESPECIALLY with his history of injuries and subpar season thus far. I would try to lock him up with some term if the cap hit was right AND I would get him to work more on his skating

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3 hours ago, stawns said:

I wasn't crazy about it, no, but it's in the ballpark.  I was happy it was only 3 years

So what does a 7.5m forward get you today in the NHL? 


At the end of last year, would we have been happy locking down Boeser at 7.5m for the next 5 years?

Guy is 24 rn

We would be locking him up during his prime years and taking advantage of a down season while salary cap will inevitably go up. 

The Brock I saw last year is definitely capable of a point per game in the next 5 years. 


I almost feel like we should lock him up and then change coaches and hopefully watch his point totals surge. 




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1 hour ago, Canuckster86 said:

so if you were Brock you would say no to a 6-8yr deal worth north of 6m to maybe slightly over 7m so you could take a 1yr 7.5 QO instead... I would take the guaranteed contract with term and $$$, ESPECIALLY with his history of injuries and subpar season thus far. I would try to lock him up with some term if the cap hit was right AND I would get him to work more on his skating

Can you take less than 7.5?

If so, canucks should offer 7m x 6 with performance bonuses that could take him up to 8.5m if he plays like some of us think he can (over pt / game and 40 goals) 


That would be fair to both sides. 

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