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[Report] Canucks fire Travis Green, name Bruce Boudreau as head coach

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Listening to Boudreau's media session on Twitter, definitely feels like a different character than Greener. Greener came off very weird and distant. Boudreau comes in with jokes and an easy going personality. Makes me wonder how fun it was to play under Greener. Like, was he always that aloof, cool guy type even in practice? Cause I gotta be honest, the best coaches help make the experience about learning and getting better, but not forgetting to make it fun. Hell it's like that for 9-5 jobs as well. Having a manager that knows stuff needs doing, but cracks jokes and eases tension. I was team Boudreau before we fired Greener, gotta say I like him even more now.


Also love that Petey and Hughes want PK time. Other teams don't shy away from playing their studs on the PK. Considering it was all time bad, it can't really get much worse so you may as well try something funky or crazy and throw your offensive stars out there. It might even help with Petey's confidence. Guy is struggling and looks like a hot mess. Get him some PK looks, maybe getting some kills or a shot block will light a fire under him. Worst case scenario is the PK stays bad. Best case is it improves and Petey gets on a roll. Boudreau even mentioned getting Boeser out there on the PK next game. Creativity baby, the thing that was seemingly coached outta this team under the old regime.

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14 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Listening to Boudreau's media session on Twitter, definitely feels like a different character than Greener. Greener came off very weird and distant. Boudreau comes in with jokes and an easy going personality. Makes me wonder how fun it was to play under Greener. Like, was he always that aloof, cool guy type even in practice? Cause I gotta be honest, the best coaches help make the experience about learning and getting better, but not forgetting to make it fun. Hell it's like that for 9-5 jobs as well. Having a manager that knows stuff needs doing, but cracks jokes and eases tension. I was team Boudreau before we fired Greener, gotta say I like him even more now.


Had a boss who was very similar to Boudreau.  Within a year of him being fired,b the most productive half of the team he managed had walked.

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37 minutes ago, BCNate said:

2 days in, and I am going to be a life  long fan of Boudreau.  He is an absolute breath of fresh air for this franchise.  The way he interacts with the media, the knowledge that he has and how well he can get it across is incredible.  Polar opposite of Travis  Green.  I can only imagine how that interaction goes with the players.  Regardless of how the season plays out from here,  Boudreau is going to drive a change in culture for the team.  

It's like BB is confident enough in his own abilities that he's not afraid to use all the tools around him like Shaw, bring in Walker without fear that they may usurp his job. 

He brings a level of comfort and confidence which will translate to the team. 

Green always seemed tense and when he was with the media, it was an air of bravado like he was afraid of being exposed for not being a good coach. Never owned his mistakes. 

I know it's been one game and this could all blow up in our face but I already like him so much better than Green. 

Green was coaching scared. He was desperate to win so he couldn't stray from the beaten path and be creative with his team. He didn't want to risk losing so he didn't take chances to make the team better. Case in point was his training camp player selection. 

A confident coach would not have done that. 

Edited by CanucksJay
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29 minutes ago, philtbc829 said:

Well a rare moment of brightness ....smiles on the bench....a well deserved Shutout for Demko....I'll bask in the glow for the time being ....cause the reality is that they still made plenty of mistakes and perhaps a better team would have made them pay for it...but the hockey gods decided to smile on them last night. ...this was just one game....Boston is up next ...will see if this indeed the "new" canucks or not....

I thought about the mistakes as well and BB nailed it. He said they were all coachable mistakes and the best part is, we won the game and have the opportunity to fix these issues in practice today. 

What made me feel better about those mistakes was that, while giving up those chances and being bailed out by Demko, we still had much more scoring chances including some posts / crossbars. 

Expected goals still favored us I believe and we fully deserved to win the game. 

I loved all the odd man chances we created. 

I don't remember us finding the 3rd man trailer on a rush like this in a long time. 

This is what Canucks hockey should be. 

Lately most of our goals have been scored off the cycle and finding a guy stationary in the slot or a one man rush like Horvat or Miller or a point shot with a screen or tip. 

I haven't seen us scoring off the rush and finding the trailer in a long time

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14 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Had a boss who was very similar to Boudreau.  Within a year of him being fired,b the most productive half of the team he managed had walked.

Is this a way to predict a depressing future whereby players walk out when the organization fired Boudreau?


Or is this just your general malaise regarding life?


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3 minutes ago, Me_ said:

Is this a way to predict a depressing future whereby players walk out when the organization fired Boudreau?


Or is this just your general malaise regarding life?


“Coaches & GM’s are often hired to be fired”.  Often it isn’t fair but they know it comes with the job.

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1 hour ago, N4ZZY said:

Kind of scared about the next group's drafting ability. 

the scouting dept. overall is in much better shape now compared to when when Gillis left.  Hopefully the new GM leaves the general direction of the dept. alone. Despite Benning’s shortcomings, he certainly improved the personnel and direction of the amateur scouting dept.  Tod Harvey deserves to have a lot of input/power.

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2 minutes ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

I dunno, I'm not a coach, but they never looked as good as they did early in their rookie seasons.

There in a nutshell is why I soured on Green. Hated the way he treated Goldy and Virt. Virts off ice actions are a whole other story. 

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10 minutes ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

I dunno, I'm not a coach, but they never looked as good as they did early in their rookie seasons.

Look at the play of Edler & Schmidt as further examples.  Neither the Kings nor the Jets are exactly "powerhouse teams" either.  Jets fans might vote for Jim Benning as GM of the year for replacing Poolman for Schmidt on their blueline at the cost of only a 3rd round pick.

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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6 hours ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

He's had great success up to the second round. It's fitting he's signed up for this club. 

 I mean, I'd take getting to the second round right now. 


As it is, would be a miracle run for the club to get to the playoffs at this point of the season with so many teams they'd have to jump over. 


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1 hour ago, Angry Goose said:

the scouting dept. overall is in much better shape now compared to when when Gillis left.  Hopefully the new GM leaves the general direction of the dept. alone. Despite Benning’s shortcomings, he certainly improved the personnel and direction of the amateur scouting dept.  Tod Harvey deserves to have a lot of input/power.

Our pro scouting department needs work as well. Hasn't been good under Benning's tenure. 


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1 hour ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

I dunno, I'm not a coach, but they never looked as good as they did early in their rookie seasons.

This season especially. 


But Green was still the head coach when Elias broke into the league, and Hughes as well. His sytems couldn't have changed that much. So what was it that caused these guys to underperform so badly, especially Petey. 


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7 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

This season especially. 


But Green was still the head coach when Elias broke into the league, and Hughes as well. His sytems couldn't have changed that much. So what was it that caused these guys to underperform so badly, especially Petey. 


Just speculation, but it seems to me as though the more exposure to Green's system, the worse they did. 


We talk about the league figuring out certain players after a period of time, but we rarely talk about it in terms of coaching. Green was stubbornly attached to his counterattack system, but if the rest of the league figures out that "Hey, if just make sure to focus on limiting our turnovers, the Canucks won't be able to pressure us", then our offensive players simply aren't going to have the chance to do anything.

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19 minutes ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

Just speculation, but it seems to me as though the more exposure to Green's system, the worse they did. 


We talk about the league figuring out certain players after a period of time, but we rarely talk about it in terms of coaching. Green was stubbornly attached to his counterattack system, but if the rest of the league figures out that "Hey, if just make sure to focus on limiting our turnovers, the Canucks won't be able to pressure us", then our offensive players simply aren't going to have the chance to do anything.


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