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[Rumour] Canucks interested in John Marino

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5 hours ago, RWJC said:

Arizona has been offering Kessel to teams for a third-round pick, with the option of them retaining 50 per cent of his salary.

That’s a crucial point. At $3.4 million, with only a third-round pick given up, Kessel becomes a much more attractive deadline add for the league’s top-shelf clubs. There’s still a chance a player may need to go the other way to make the money work, and per CapFriendly, Kessel does have a modified no-trade clause allowing him to submit an eight-team trade list. 

Willing to bet we're on that no trade list.  Highly doubt Kessel will want to deal with our media after what he went through in Toronto.

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8 hours ago, AngryElf said:

The debated deal being talked about on HFBoards is Boeser and Hamonic for Marino and Kapanen/Rodrigues.

lol horrible deal. Rodrigues is playing good only on a line with Crosby btw. Hes a career third liner. 


If the current management has a Pittsburgh fixation, that's not good. Kapanen scores 15-20 goals a season lol. 

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1 hour ago, Drakrami said:

lol horrible deal. Rodrigues is playing good only on a line with Crosby btw. Hes a career third liner. 


If the current management has a Pittsburgh fixation, that's not good. Kapanen scores 15-20 goals a season lol. 

I think if the deal includes all of Marino, Kapanen and Rodeigues and instead of Harmonic they took Poolman and Dickinson then the deal might be worth it. Pittsburgh is still getting the best player in the deal and gets a downgraded version of Marion and we get an upgrade for the 3rd line all while shedding some unwanted contracts. I don't know if that all works salary wise on both ends but I think both teams would get the upgrades they want.

Edited by JC2
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6 hours ago, RWJC said:

My point is, if he can't make a go of it with Malkin of all players, how in the hell is he going to find regular continued success here?

He won't. He's not consistent enough. And yeah, he has speed but skating fast means nothing if you can't utilize that effectively for your line mates.

Ask Justin Bailey.

To Kap's credit he does have a history of scoring goals.

And maybe he needs a change of scenery to start doing that again.

I just hope its not here and partially at the expense of a Garland or Boeser.

He worked well with Malkin last season. Malkin had been injured for a lot of this season and Kapanen is slumping for whatever reason and the article simply talks about one game where he got reunited and it didn't work out so well. If Kapanen was producing well right now (at the 0.75 PPG clip he was on last season), he probably wouldn't even be in the conversation, nor would Pittsburgh be in the market for a winger. Remember that Pettersson was struggling for 3 months here and many here wanted to get rid of him (eg send him to the AHL, etc). Also JT Miller was looked down here as well as a declining forward who was also 25 or so when we acquired him.


Not saying Kapanen would reach Miller's level or has the talent of Pettersson, but as you mentioned a change of scenery could be in order to get him back to the level he once has shown. He has shown the ability to PK as well which is something that may need to be replaced if we decide to move Motte.


Losing Boeser or Garland would suck, but the suggestion is that Marino would be in the deal as well to hopefully fill a hole on RD. I suspect that Pittsburgh would be looking to replace that as well as it would leave a hole on defense for them, so perhaps we can get them to take on Poolman as well. And we might explore moving Myers in another deal as well.


Kapanen is producing at 0.45 PPG in limited minutes (2nd unit PP). Boeser is at a higher clip of 0.64 this season playing top PP minutes and in the top 6. Both players have potential for more, but Boeser (and his agent) could be going after his qualifying offer of 7.5 million and hit UFA the following year. Not an ideal situation for us in terms of cap space and trade value especially if he continues at this current pace. Maybe these trade rumours are also to try and get Boeser to sign for a cheaper contract and to move out Garland instead.


If it's something like the following, I wouldn't be too upset considering most factors









(Maybe a project prospect like Hallander)


They upgrade at forward, we upgrade on defense and try to come out with a pick and B/C prospect for the different in values. We potentially save cap if it's Boeser moved as well. If it's Garland, then the cap is balanced if we can get Kapanen to sign for 3 million a season or so which could be a bargain if he regains some form of his previous more successful seasons. Adding Marino opens up the possibility to move Myers for further cap savings as we would have Marino, Hamonic, Schenn on the right side with Burroughs as depth. 

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Marino is exactly the player I'd expect Vancouver to be targeting


Kapanen is getting a lot of hate in this thread, but I actually think he would be a solid add. I've seen him overpower a lot of defenseman on his way to the net. Right now he's not going to the net and is on in a terrible patch of games, but I really believe he could turn it around. Coming back to the confidence of Jimmy Rutherford might be helpful. Could be a good example of a buy low player who will sign for under Boeser's QO or Garland's AAV but still bring 15-20 goals and 45-55 points. He paced for 61 points last year and 43 the year before - even with the terrible streak he's on he's till pacing for about 40 points this season. 


if it's Boeser + Poolman + for Marino + Kapanen + I would be happy with such a deal.

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9 hours ago, EddieVedder said:

No thanks.  Youre overrating marino by a country mile.  If he was that good pens wouldnt be trading him. 

I tend to agree. I really don't know him as a player, so I'm kind of spit-balling. I liked Kapanan on the Leafs though , one of the few Leafs I liked. But he's one of the few fowards I've seen to go play for the Pens, and then regress. Not sure what to make of that. Edit. Actually, his numbers aren't that far off his career averages. I'd consider Garland for Kapanan and Marino. If Marino is as decent as some are saying. 

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10 hours ago, EddieVedder said:

No thanks.  Youre overrating marino by a country mile.  If he was that good pens wouldnt be trading him. 

Vancouver liking a player doesn't equate to him being available. 


Friedman on HNIC doesn't believe a trade will happen.  Says Vancouver are looking for young Ds and Marino is someone they like, but the Penguins consider him a very good player.  Says it's been difficult to find a match.  He's a target for Vancouver but he's not convinced it's going to happen.  


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36 minutes ago, rekker said:

I tend to agree. I really don't know him as a player, so I'm kind of spit-balling. I liked Kapanan on the Leafs though , one of the few Leafs I liked. But he's one of the few fowards I've seen to go play for the Pens, and then regress. Not sure what to make of that. Edit. Actually, his numbers aren't that far off his career averages. I'd consider Garland for Kapanan and Marino. If Marino is as decent as some are saying. 

Caps would need to balance.

Garland + Dickinson

Marino + Kapanen

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Whatever the "experts" predict, it rarely seems to happen. So, maybe Marino isn't the D coming to VAN? Or possibly it'll be an off season move.


What other good, young Ds are out there?  That's who VAN is probably getting.





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11 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Whatever the "experts" predict, it rarely seems to happen. So, maybe Marino isn't the D coming to VAN? Or possibly it'll be an off season move.


What other good, young Ds are out there?  That's who VAN is probably getting.





I wonder what the pool of players will be who don't want to be in the KHL anymore? might be a nice bargain pick up somewhere in there. 

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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

Caps would need to balance.

Garland + Dickinson

Marino + Kapanen

This makes sense as both teams are up against the cap.

The thing I wonder is that Pens may not want to leave themselves short on D going into the playoffs.

Maybe instead of Dickinson a defender is included. Schenn has a great playoff pedigree but he is important to the Canucks. Hamonic or Poolman would be my preference but Hamonic my not report to an American team and Poolman may scare them off a bit with the term of his contract but maybe a deal can be worked out.

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I don’t think Pittsburgh is after Boeser, 

with the amount of UFA”s they currently have it wouldn’t make sense. Garland has the cost certainty signed long term. 


That being said said this is probably overblown


 Vancouver has most likely inquired but this seems like Friedman just connecting the probable dots 

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1 minute ago, GB5 said:

This makes sense as both teams are up against the cap.

The thing I wonder is that Pens may not want to leave themselves short on D going into the playoffs.

Maybe instead of Dickinson a defender is included. Schenn has a great playoff pedigree but he is important to the Canucks. Hamonic or Poolman would be my preference but Hamonic my not report to an American team and Poolman may scare them off a bit with the term of his contract but maybe a deal can be worked out.

I'm just watching the Pen's game (against the Canes) right now.  The Pens have three D coming back.  I think Marino is the man out there, much like Garland is here.  It seems like they don't need (or want) more D.  They would love Garland, and we switch Dickinson for Kapanen.  Cap dump for cap dump.

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Who does Pit have on left D that's any good?  Maybe they want OEL?  Letang is a coming UFA, right?  They might be looking for a long term solution to their top pair and OEL would definitely do that.  We can't give him up though.  We need him.

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12 hours ago, RWJC said:

Off topic, but along the lines of what you said…


This is gonna sound crazy but it’s a true story. A lonnnng time ago, my pop was friends with a fella named Sandor Kovacs. I didn’t know who we was, but we were visiting once and he asked if I watched wrestling. I was just a kid and of course I did, so he asked me who my fave was. It was Macho. He then asked me if I could go see any live WWF wrestling event in Vancouver who would I want to see wrestle in the main event.

I told him Hulk and King Kong Bundy in a steel cage match. He laughed and told me he liked that idea.


A few months later he came to our house and was again hanging out with my pop watching hockey. Before he left he came to my room and told me he had something for me but I couldn’t open it up until he left.


as soon as he was out the door, I started ripping at the envelope. Again, didn’t know who he was, but before I could get the envelope open, my pop came in and stopped me and told me that Sandor was the booking agent for WWF and was responsible for putting together the cards for the house shows. 

srill didn’t know what that meant, but opened the envelope and inside were a whole bunch of glossy 8x10’s of wrestlers, all autographed. 
behind that was a note from Sandor with two tickets to a WWF show at the PNE. The note said “thanks for the tip, I did my best. Hope you have fun” and the main event was Hogan, Macho and Hacksaw Duggan against Bundy, Rick Rude, and Harley Race.


I saw him some time after the show and he told me that they often would ask fans in advance for input on upcoming shows and then ribbed me a bit saying I should work for him in the future. Needless to say as a kid my imagination ran wild like hulkamania.


yeah I know, cool story bro.

anyway, apologies, short story long, but it would not surprise me if there is someone from the Nux monitoring these boards as part of their fan engagement. 

super cool  Macho was the best

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20 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Who does Pit have on left D that's any good?  Maybe they want OEL?  Letang is a coming UFA, right?  They might be looking for a long term solution to their top pair and OEL would definitely do that.  We can't give him up though.  We need him.

OEL has a NMC

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