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[PGT] Detroit Red Wings at Vancouver Canucks | Mar. 17, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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The sad thing about the Detroit goal was it was EP that stopped his back check on the very player that scored the goal, you'd think he would know better. You don't need a strong wrist to put your self in the position too elimanate a  threat, and besides EP took all his face off's and won some. So his wrist can't  be that bad

Edited by Fred65
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2 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

The sad thing about the Detroit goal was it was EP that stopped his back check on the very player that scored the goal, you'd think he would know better. You don't need a strong wrist to put your self in the position too elimanate a  threat, and besides EP took all his face off's and won some. So his wrist can't  be that bad

He still looks checked out at times. Even when he came on the ice before the game, he did one coasting circle and went straight to the bench, looked kinda depressed.  

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37 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Not quite the same Timrå... 

Benning wanted all his new comers to taste play off hockey, both for the players, but also to test them to see, what he had...

It made a lot of sense to do, and a few things didn't go to plan, but not true he lost all of these players because of it...

Prior to the play offs, most folks wanted to trade Demko, as he was unknown quantity, but play offs showed he was able to take over... He would not have given us much in a trade, and most likely been snapped up by Seattle...


Toffoli was left to last and he did not want to wait... only brought in because Brock got injured... was not in Benning plans to start with.

Tanev.... 6000 pages of should he stay or should he go... you know, why Benning let Tanev go, but because of your dislike towards him, you try to spin it... Tanev barely had a season with Canucks a more that 60 games, as he always ended up with some injury. That was the reason Benning signed another D-man and let Tanev walk... That he suddenly became iron man, nobody could have foreseen, although as other have said, Green way of them collapsing and throw them selves in front of anything, didn't help...




I was one of the ones to not trade Demko:sadno: (I thought they had a chance to grow like a young 80's Oiler and Islander team)


Regarding Toffoli though, Benning did only not get Toffoli because of Brock's injury

Benning had been quoted as saying he was looking for another top 6 winger year before even getting Toffoli and again after Toffoli left




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3 hours ago, ba;;isticsports said:


Cheers amigo...

If so I stand corrected :)


Regardless the biggest mistake was not to ship out JV...  I was supporting him, but he blew it...

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

People are really living and dying with every loss it’s actually hilarious to watch. :lol:


5 days ago after the loss against the Lightning it was the same thing. There goes playoffs, trade everyone!

Then we win against the Devils and are one point out of a playoff spot and everyone is back and cheering for playoffs!


Some people really need to chill. Just like all hope was lost before it can be regained just as quickly. Our playoff chances aren’t going to be determined by one game. It likely could come down to the final week of the season.

Well said you made me laugh. 

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14 hours ago, JoshuaGuy said:

Reaching instead of skating. 

This stood out in a glaring way to me. Hamonic did it a few times. I mean, it's ok when used with positioning that makes it effective in some situaions...not in a lazy half hearted effort as a guy is about to blow around you. Stickwork is great unless it's being used to offset a flatfooted game. Our d need to step up...I don't want to see their shot totals higher than their hit/takeaway/block totals...especially when they rip shots wide of the net that come barreling back out of the zone. (And yes I know...we didn't score any goals either)


Slowing and going wide too....I hate that when it becomes the go to. Mix it up. We have a lot of success when carrying the puck in and driving AT the net but once we start passing it around and shooting from the perimeter it's just as likely to see the puck intercepted and turned the other way. We always seem to want to 'set up' but sometimes just go.


I like us to be more the aggressors than a passive team. Go at them.


But this is me with no experience as an NHL coach, so .... take my observations with a grain of salt (and tequila and lime).





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48 minutes ago, Muttley said:

Reality is you don't know what Hughes, Demko and in particular, Petey are even going to be in the 25-27 age group. You are projecting them to be leaders.

Why would we not want JT Miller to be part of that?  Trading him for futures could mean three to five years forward. How old will Horvat Captain Horvat be?

Miller may well bring assets a plenty back but you're more then likely to see (A) so-so roster player and a high pick and maybe a prospect as well.  To steal your sentence:

The difference now versus a few years back is the Canucks actually have assets that other teams will want. Not really and the ones we need to keep are not that many. If you can trade Myers and OEL for younger, equally useful defense men or Pearson and whoever up front maybe but are they not easily moved?

Nope; Our timeline is now.  If JR and PA are going to be reshaping the team radically, you're looking at a six to seven year rebuild.  They can work on the bottom of the line-up some though...


Why would other teams give up their younger, equally useful defencemen for OEL? You are right that they are not easily moved, and as soon as we trade them, we need to find their replacements.


I don't think we should sell players of value at the TDL because we are not in a rush to do so. Let the players chase the playoffs, they deserve the chance to do so after putting up 660 point percentage with Boudreau. The only decision the management needs to make now is regarding Motte: trade him or re-sign him. Either is fine, just don't lose him for nothing.


In the offseason, we need to make an assessment over all areas of the team and decide how to proceed. Miller is a bona-fide #1C and yes, it would be great if we can keep him. But 9+ mil for 8 years? That's a big no. I'd consider 10 mil or even 11 mil for 4 years with NMC but not 7, 8 year deals. 




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WTph happened?


I woke up on the concrete punch'n 'n' kick'n invisible enemies, my den is wrecked, LPs everywhere, took an hour to phind my noisy ph'n cell fone, fists bleed'n, eyes completely unfocused, one's show'n me the &^@#ing ceiling and th' other the phloor; wife in full bitch mode, 11 in the morn'n, usually get up at about 4, didn't spill a drop but couldn't phind the cork to the tequila bottle, naked, freez'n cold, my 6ft Guinness can thrown out of the phrikk'n room entirely, etc, lots and lots of etc.


I don't feel that bad and that breakfast beer seems to be stay'n down.

I waz on the fone to a friend, I know, cuz he emailed to check on me cuz it was 'kind of a weird hang-up last night'.

I tried a new diet yesterday and lost 5 pounds!  Beer, tequila, and mushrooms, no food.


I think I spun out, on the last whistle and we still hadn't scored.

PHuuucck, still can't believe we lost.


Well, I am still wasted apparently, wife is still mad as silent hell, but the den's cleaned up and so's the puke bowl (by me; she did a load of laundry).

The sound of the laundry spinning in the dryer is giving me the whirlies; here comes back the hair of Cat (for you Alf); gotta go, later kiddies...


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8 minutes ago, khay said:


Why would other teams give up their younger, equally useful defencemen for OEL? You are right that they are not easily moved, and as soon as we trade them, we need to find their replacements.


I don't think we should sell players of value at the TDL because we are not in a rush to do so. Let the players chase the playoffs, they deserve the chance to do so after putting up 660 point percentage with Boudreau. The only decision the management needs to make now is regarding Motte: trade him or re-sign him. Either is fine, just don't lose him for nothing.


In the offseason, we need to make an assessment over all areas of the team and decide how to proceed. Miller is a bona-fide #1C and yes, it would be great if we can keep him. But 9+ mil for 8 years? That's a big no. I'd consider 10 mil or even 11 mil for 4 years with NMC but not 7, 8 year deals. 




This is a great take. 


I feel that some here hit the panic button but a team should not make decisions based on that. I like that we have time to further assess things and are not pressured into decisions at this time. We're in the driver's seat, at least for now. Offers have to reflect that. 

Right now Miller's value is likely at it's highest and peaking for sure.....that's worth considering and hearing from other teams about. But not jumping to move him unless there's an offer you really can't refuse (even then, it won't be proven until it is). The flipside is if we don't move him and he cools off (which is what some are projecting), then re-signing him may take on a different slant than the here and now. So while there's absolute gold in striking while the iron's hot, there's also something in being patient in it all. 


You don't rush to move out a guy like JT unless you have to. Right now, we don't have to.

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12 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

WTph happened?


I woke up on the concrete punch'n 'n' kick'n invisible enemies, my den is wrecked, LPs everywhere, took an hour to phind my noisy ph'n cell fone, fists bleed'n, eyes completely unfocused, one's show'n me the &^@#ing ceiling and th' other the phloor; wife in full bitch mode, 11 in the morn'n, usually get up at about 4, didn't spill a drop but couldn't phind the cork to the tequila bottle, naked, freez'n cold, my 6ft Guinness can thrown out of the phrikk'n room entirely, etc, lots and lots of etc.


I don't feel that bad and that breakfast beer seems to be stay'n down.

I waz on the fone to a friend, I know, cuz he emailed to check on me cuz it was 'kind of a weird hang-up last night'.

I tried a new diet yesterday and lost 5 pounds!  Beer, tequila, and mushrooms, no food.


I think I spun out, on the last whistle and we still hadn't scored.

PHuuucck, still can't believe we lost.


Well, I am still wasted apparently, wife is still mad as silent hell, but the den's cleaned up and so's the puke bowl (by me; she did a load of laundry).

The sound of the laundry spinning in the dryer is giving me the whirlies; here comes back the hair of Cat (for you Alf); gotta go, later kiddies...


We're here for you, friend.

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It would be SUCH a Canuck thing to happen if we go on a losing streak at this time of the year when we’re in the playoff hunt…. when normally we go on a win streak that ruins our draft position when we’re not :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Odd. said:

It would be SUCH a Canuck thing to happen if we go on a losing streak at this time of the year when we’re in the playoff hunt…. when normally we go on a win streak that ruins our draft position when we’re not :lol:

You could also add that they do nothing at the TDL because they believe this is their year :frantic:

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7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Embarrassingly bad effort from all concerned.  Blow up this mess, and get going on a proper rebuild.  

We’re gonna put you in one of Elon’s rockets and shoot you back to Melmac if you keep up this bad attitude!

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18 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Embarrassingly bad effort from all concerned.  Blow up this mess, and get going on a proper rebuild.  

I saw the sign, and it open up my eyes i saw the sign.


You don't want the Canucks to keep Motte as a rental, commit 8x 12 to Miller and give Boeser away for another teams scraps?  C'mon man, we're just like the Blues a couple of years ago, we got Bubble Demko!!!  And with injuries turned off in the league settings menu surely we can win the cup this year.  Who needs a penalty kill, a half decent defense, prospects, draft picks or cap flexibility?  Not this team I tell you whut.  



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1 minute ago, kanucks25 said:

We're all Canucks fans here my man, no need for personal insults. :) 

I think there are some of us who cheer for the Canucks, but have a back-up team we also cheer for.  Maybe the poster @250Integra understands that true Canuck fans hate all other teams?  We true Canuck fans know when a player is an ex Canuck, he's dead to us.  

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