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I’m curious if they end up liking a couple players and ones around with a potential Miller trade does that make them feel more comfortable with a 1st round pick as part of the return? 

We all know the Rumours with Miller to

Pittsburgh, and I know management has changed over but being confident in your scouting and giving yourself some Cap space could be a possibility. 


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36 minutes ago, NuckLuck19 said:

It usually means a lot. They don’t have much time there, so who they spend time with matters. 

of course if a player ranked higher falls they aren’t selecting one of those (ie say Moore is there or Dvorsky). 

I see your point but I do believe it indicates who they’re expecting in their range, who they like the best in that range and want to understand all three better such that if all are available they have a better view 


I take a different view than you on this. 


I actually don’t think you’re necessarily wrong. I do think, however, there could be a number of different explanations that could make sense of the information so I’m - as mentioned - not going to read too much into it. 

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57 minutes ago, J-Dizzle said:

Or maybe these three were their biggest question marks.... I'm personally not going to read too much into it. 


53 minutes ago, NuckLuck19 said:

It usually means a lot. They don’t have much time there, so who they spend time with matters. 

of course if a player ranked higher falls they aren’t selecting one of those (ie say Moore is there or Dvorsky). 

I see your point but I do believe it indicates who they’re expecting in their range, who they like the best in that range and want to understand all three better such that if all are available they have a better view 


I take a different view than you on this. 


So do some of these guys go to like 6-10 dinners? :lol: Maybe they are limited in the amount of players they can interview in depth. I don't know ... anybody?

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18 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:


So do some of these guys go to like 6-10 dinners? :lol: Maybe they are limited in the amount of players they can interview in depth. I don't know ... anybody?

They tend to have 'scheduled interviews' with alot of teams (there's actually an interview day), where players will meet a ton of teams for 30 mins or so.


Given the combine is only 3-4 days there's not alot of time for multiple dinners! so my guess is one per night, so one would assume teams take players they are really focused on for dinner, given the lack of opportunity to really get to know them all. 30 mins doesn't tell you much.

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Some interesting Tidbits from Canucks Central, according to Sat;


- Apparently Montreal likes David Reinbacher

- Detroit likes Samuel Honzek (I recall hearing that somewhere else too), and apparently they've been around Tom Willander

- St.Louis really likes ASP

- Talked to scouting directors, sense around Willander is his floor is really high - like reliable 2nd pair guy - and there's some untapped offensive potential.

- Oliver Bonk has 'gained some steam'

- Doubtful Ryan Leonard falls out of the top 10


I thought earlier on in the year Reinbacher would be a surefire top 10 pick, potentially as high as 5, I didn't see this Willander top 10 buzz coming but given his interviews & playstyle it makes sense now imo. There's probably 25 teams looking for a Brett Pesce type.


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19 minutes ago, Camel Toe Drag said:

Personally from watching ASP play, I don’t see the full package I see from Willander. All situations very reliable but also showing he can contribute offensively with high IQ plays. ASP looks flashy that’s exciting but if it doesn’t translate it’s a hard lesson. Simishev how can you not like the size and skating. 

as I’ve said before there is no consensus on how the players rank after 7-8ish. How many teams wish they picked Seider. He was way down the list that year. If your scouting team thinks they have an inside track on a prospect, step up and get your guy. I trust Alvin and the squad are doing there homework.  

I think this a very important comment for fans. Many people get excited by video clips and "Flash" and forget our scouts and management are trying to project how well a player will progress in 3-4 years to be a contributor in the NHL. Alot of players have flash but care less, or are unable to play a detailed game that helps you win in the NHL. A less flashy player who fills an important need for the organization (particularly when we have alot of flash that's responsible), can be more important.


1 hour ago, KyGuy123 said:

I’m curious if they end up liking a couple players and ones around with a potential Miller trade does that make them feel more comfortable with a 1st round pick as part of the return? 

We all know the Rumours with Miller to

Pittsburgh, and I know management has changed over but being confident in your scouting and giving yourself some Cap space could be a possibility. 


The Canucks don't want to take a step back. We already don't have a 3c or real 4c. So now we take away our 2c? I don't think Miller is moving anywhere. Tocchet loves him, he has a ton of heart, and importantly, moving him just opens up a huge hole for us. I don't think this makes sense if their goal is not to tank.

Edited by NuckLuck19
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1 minute ago, Smashian Kassian said:

Some interesting Tidbits from Canucks Central, according to Sat;


- Apparently Montreal likes David Reinbacher

- Detroit likes Samuel Honzek (I recall hearing that somewhere else too), and apparently they've been around Tom Willander

- St.Louis really likes ASP

- Talked to scouting directors, sense around Willander is his floor is really high - like reliable 2nd pair guy - and there's some untapped offensive potential.

- Oliver Bonk has 'gained some steam'

- Doubtful Ryan Leonard falls out of the top 10


I thought earlier on in the year Reinbacher would be a surefire top 10 pick, potentially as high as 5, I didn't see this Willander top 10 buzz coming but given his interviews & playstyle it makes sense now imo. There's probably 25 teams looking for a Brett Pesce type.


I can see Detroit taking Willander with their early first and then Honzek with their 17.

If Montreal takes Reinbacher that high, and St Louis takes ASP, there is going to be some great players falling to us.


Next year is supposed to be very deep for dmen so if we have to wait till then to take a high end dman so be it. Just get a second and get a RD with size and take the best center available at 11 if all those dmen go before us.


That would actually be a dream because someone with top 8 skill is falling to us.

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15 minutes ago, Camel Toe Drag said:

Personally from watching ASP play, I don’t see the full package I see from Willander. All situations very reliable but also showing he can contribute offensively with high IQ plays. ASP looks flashy that’s exciting but if it doesn’t translate it’s a hard lesson. Simishev how can you not like the size and skating. 

as I’ve said before there is no consensus on how the players rank after 7-8ish. How many teams wish they picked Seider. He was way down the list that year. If your scouting team thinks they have an inside track on a prospect, step up and get your guy. I trust Alvin and the squad are doing there homework.  


Their's generally a public consensus, but the teams are all over the place.


Personally I think the top 4 are clear, then 5 to like 15-16 there's going to be guys all over the place on different lists. And then there's the caveat that Michkov (who I'd have 4) won't be taken there, so you could probably say 4-15 there's a ton of question marks.


I'd say confidently Reinbacher, Barlow, & Smith won't fall out of the top 10, those players seem universally coveted. But from what all I've seen & heard, plus just looking at my list, there's alot of guys being given top 10 consideration. 


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12 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Well.  I won't give any reasoning for it because I just don't see the need to give an opinion on every player but I'll do my best here and this is not in order of who teams will pic; just my opinion only on who will be the more successful player over the five years post draft


Hips List:


  1. Fantilli
  2. Carlsson
  3. Bedard
  4. Smith
  5. Dvorsky
  6. Sale
  7. Michkov
  8. Wood
  9. Reinbacher
  10. Barlow
  11. Simashaev
  12. Danielson
  13. M Hrabal
  14. Leonard
  15. Honzek
  16. Musty
  17. Bruszteweicz
  18. Sandin-Pellika
  19. Willander
  20. Moore
  21. Ritchie
  22. But
  23. Gulyav
  24. Bonk
  25. Benson
  26. Augustine
  27. Zeimer
  28. Halttunen
  29. Ciernek
  30. Heidt
  31. Stenberg
  32. Perreault


That's about it really.  No mention of teams.  Just players I think will be impactful over the next 5-10 years and I struggled putting Benson and Perreault on that list at all.

Quoting myself here because I find it odd that nobody else seems to have any net minders in the first round.


Why is that?

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1 hour ago, RetroCanuck said:

Maybe Willander if they trade down? Or just interviewing some players to hide interest in another?

There’s talk Detroit could take Willander before us so I don’t think trading down for Willander is happening. He’s getting viewed very highly 

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10 minutes ago, NuckLuck19 said:

I think this a very important comment for fans. Many people get excited by video clips and "Flash" and forget our scouts and management are trying to project how well a player will progress in 3-4 years to be a contributor in the NHL. Alot of players have flash but care less, or are unable to play a detailed game that helps you win in the NHL. A less flashy player who fills an important need for the organization (particularly when we have alot of flash that's responsible), can be more important.


Exactly. Something I try to think is; "What will this guy be in the NHL". There's doing it against junior competition & then what parts may or may not translate - nvm in the playoffs.


Alot of hype this time but year, it never surprises me to see good Dmen & big/reliable C's 'rise'. These are the types teams win with, and the hardest to get if they hit. 



7 minutes ago, NuckLuck19 said:

I can see Detroit taking Willander with their early first and then Honzek with their 17.

If Montreal takes Reinbacher that high, and St Louis takes ASP, there is going to be some great players falling to us.


Next year is supposed to be very deep for dmen so if we have to wait till then to take a high end dman so be it. Just get a second and get a RD with size and take the best center available at 11 if all those dmen go before us.


That would actually be a dream because someone with top 8 skill is falling to us.


Hmm, I'm still trying to figure out who my target would be. Before I was saying Reinbacher but it doesn't seem like that's gunna happen. I'm coming around on Willander tbh I think he's a guy we could really use.


I think it would be great to get a defenseman, my 3 would be Reinbacher / Willander / Simashev, don't think ASP is a great fit for us. If that's not possible I really like Colby Barlow, high character & high goal scoring potential, plays defense & plays in the dirty areas. Just seems like player you win with.


Danielson & Moore I'm not as sold on just yet. Seems to be some upside questions about Dvorsky even aswell. I'm still doing some catching-up on those 3 though. I've always liked Brayden Yager's tools but 11 is going to be too high for him for sure. 


Only other guy I'd think might fall is Benson.. I think he's really good, I think he'll be a top 6 player in the NHL (pot. 1st line), I think he's a guy that makes things happen all 200ft of the rink even as a small guy, but the size concern is always in the back of my mind. Not sure how I'd feel with him.


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