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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Edmonton Oilers | Oct. 12, 2022

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47 minutes ago, 250Integra said:

Game one showed me that this team still has zero to no push back. We brought in these gritty forwards and defencemen yet we still let little Nurse run around and take liberties with our players. We made life easy for the Oilers, especially McNugget and Celine Leon when we don't even touch them.


How is there no one standing up for Burroughs after that dirty cheap hit? What about Pettersson getting constantly tripped and slew footed all game? You just blew a 3-0 lead, where are some checks or a fight to spark some energy? I know it's game one but these are the sort of things that occur year after year for the last decade. We have a reputation of being a soft-ass team that would rather get a PP (and do nothing with it) than send a message.


Not going to lie, Joshua was more useless than a prime Tom Sestito. Don't even get me started on him getting bodied by a 6'3 twig with pads on. Stillman and Burroughs got into McDavid's face early but then cowered away the rest of the game when he made them look like pilons. Did we even see our Canadian Captain Bo throw a hit last night? What about our new 8 million dollar "I want to be a better two way forward" Miller? 


You definitely need to relax and take a chill pill. It was one game and the first game of the season and we also had multiple players out too. Myers and Mikheyev would have made some difference, especially Mikheyev with his speed. Also guys are rusty and there was 10 open nets missed. That is a rare thing to occur and am sure Coilers had all the puck luck sniping every shot into the back of the net. There is no way Nurse would score that goal if he repeats it next time. Aside from that  I think Hughes got dazed after that highstick by kane since he was pretty good before that highstick. Basically everything went Oilers way and Canucks had zero puck luck.

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13 minutes ago, Mustard Tiger said:

You can lose nearly 40 games and make the playoffs still ( as long as its not really any more than 30 regulation losses. That's almost half the games that can be lost. It's not a big deal people lol

We lost 40 soemthing games last season. 30 games in regulation. Didn’t make the playoffs.


You can’t lose 40 and expect to make the playoffs in this league now.

Edited by Odd.
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43 minutes ago, EddieVedder said:

Did you just conveniently forget what a beast horvat was in the last 50 games last season?  Who is going to replace that? 

Boeser can go as hes slow, soft and redundant on the team. 

I'm not forgetting anything but IMO Keller is as good or better then Horvat, younger and signed long-term for a decent contract. This is basically an all in move but I think it's a big upgrade overall and let's us keep Kuz which I think would be a huge loss if he walks at the end of the year. It would be a difficult and brave nice to pull off but I would love it if we could manage it.

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7 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

And we'll see an injury this year on one of them. You can't play those kinds of minutes and not get hurt. Its all about exposure and wear.

I would way rather be in our position than theirs. Praying to god that McDavid or Draisaitl doesnt get injured long term is

1) stressful as fvck


2) not a team with a bright future.


You cant outscore your problems forever.


We can withstand an injury or 2 and still have a chance to win games. Last night, it sucked to lose, but I don’t see this roster PLUS Mikheyev PLUS Myers back in the line up… losing like that again. 

McDavid was invisible for the majority of the night. I felt like we nullified his high end speed almost all game. He never really got wound up and got moving. 



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11 hours ago, Darius said:

a 'core' player has to go to fix the defence.  you build from the net out.  


also why t fk have they started in edmonton 4 years in a row....on the road 4 years in a row....  i know..nit picking...but someone needs to bark at the schedule maker.





Didn't we request a 5 game road start to allow the dressing rooms makeover to be completed?

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9 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

So being "soft ass" preferring a PP is what gave us the best team in Canucks history. The canucks played it perfect; they just utterly failed on the PP. You score on a couple of those chances and its lights out. Edmonton was VERY undisciplined all night. The biggest punch to the gut is scoring a PP goal after someone take a dump penalty.

The best team in Canucks history that was famously known for letting Brad Marchand use Daniel Sedin's face as a speed bag? The best team where we let the rat submarine and injure our players? The best team where a player's back was broken and no one did a thing about it? The best team where someone like Ben Eager and Duncan Keith almost ended Daniel's career with viscous blows to the head and the closest thing to "retaliation" is a Myers hit 10 years later? Is this the identity you want?

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1 minute ago, Googlie said:

Didn't we request a 5 game road start to allow the dressing rooms makeover to be completed?

maybe, i dont know for certain.   But for cripes sakes, give me Seattle, Anaheim, LA or anybody else.  Weve played Alberta in the opener every year since 2013.  Change it up.


Im not blaming the loss on it, its just peculiar...

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13 minutes ago, Odd. said:

We lost 40 soemthing games last season. 30 games in regulation. Didn’t make the playoffs.


You can’t lose 40 and expect to make the playoffs in this league now.

Yes you can. We missed by 5 points, 2.5 regulation losses. 97 points is good enough for bottom seeds which we are at our best. 44-28-10 is a playoff team. The 30 regulation losses is the key factor. Any more than that and very likely you miss

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36 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

NHL should consider adjusting Rule 8.1:


“When a player is injured so that he cannot continue play or go to his bench, the play shall not be stopped until the injured player’s team has secured control of the puck. If the player’s team is in control of the puck at the time of injury, play shall be stopped immediately unless his team is in a scoring position. 

In the case where it is obvious that a player has sustained a serious injury, the referee and/or linesman may stop the play immediately.”


Possibly the last paragraph (where I’ve added the underlines) should be changed from “may” to “must.” 


Or at least add a tweak that mandates a stoppage, whenever there’s an obvious serious injury, immediately after the conclusion of a scoring chance (regardless of whether or not the defending team has “secured control of the puck”).

Even under the current rule, with no changes or tweaks, the officials have the discretion and they could (should) have stopped the play.

From the moment Hughes went down, with what was IMO an obvious injury, they had the option to stop play. But the Oilers were in the middle of a scoring chance, so I can somewhat understand the refs not wanting to blow it dead, at first. However, once the Oilers failed to score on that initial net front scramble, and the puck was passed back, away from any high danger scoring areas, there was no good reason to allow the play to continue, with Hughes clearly injured. A stoppage at that point would have been fair to both teams. When the puck went back up to the point, there was a natural “break” in the action, and the refs could have easily blown the whistle.

If they were really looking to protect players, while not disrupting the game action, by taking away a scoring chance, they would have stopped the play at that exact moment.


In the refs’ defence (somewhat), it’s a that moment Hughes gets up and tries to return to the play. He’s still clearly shaken up, but I have to wonder if the play gets blown dead if Hughes had stayed down for a second or two longer. 

Even still, it’s clear to anyone watching that Hughes is hurt and bleeding and even when he’s back up on his feet, it’s obvious that he’s not okay, he’s clearly injured, and he’s not really able to effectively get back into the play. From the moment he went down, the refs should have been looking for a suitable moment to stop play, without impacting the game action. When the puck went back up top again, it was basically a “reset” in the offence and a natural break in the action where the whistle could be blown, without being unfair to the Oilers or disrupting an active scoring chance. Allowing the play to continue from that point was unfair to the Canucks, and a IMO compete failure by the on-ice officials to protect the players on the ice.

The whole building and everyone on TV saw it.

If the refs claim they didn't see it, they should no longer be allowed to ref in the league.

As someone already posted, one ref had to get his head out of the way of Kane's stick so it could hit Quinn.

There should be a rule where a possible infraction has occurred that resulted in a goal is reviewed; regardless of the lying piece of corrupt crap the refs are saying they can't review it because THEY DID NOT SEE IT!


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16 minutes ago, Attila Umbrus said:

First game of the year. Gotta get those jitters out. We looked good, lots of chances, just need to zero in on them better. Hogz and Miller both had wide open nets and they missed by a wide margin, both those go in and it’s a W.


I’m not as let down by this game as others. There were lots of good things to see. 5 v 5 we looked great and kept up pace. Boeser I thought had great hustle in the first half then lost his steam after…which will happen if you miss all pre season.


Horvat was emotionless however and I’m actually kinda concerned by him. I don’t like him as a captain unfortunately. The oilers brought their dirty game and our captain does not push back or get his troops fired up at all…that needs to change if we want to close these games out.


Our special teams killed us…similar story for a few seasons now. You look at the oilers PP and they are so dynamic they just kill you with it…our PP is way softer…just a bunch of predictable perimeter passing and looking for Petey one timer…sorry not gonna cut it. I was surprised by Kuzy and his net front presence. Not bad for a smaller guy. We need to stop being so static on the PP…that’s on coaching. Our PP literally looks like copy and paste from last year. This is where games can be won and lost…



Jason King needs to adapt or get lost. He is basically having same guys minus Kuz play the same PP in the same way as last year. We have more depth now and we can switch it up

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38 minutes ago, BC_Hawk said:

And we'll see an injury this year on one of them. You can't play those kinds of minutes and not get hurt. Its all about exposure and wear.

I would way rather be in our position than theirs. Praying to god that McDavid or Draisaitl doesnt get injured long term is

1) stressful as fvck


2) not a team with a bright future.


You cant outscore your problems forever.


We can withstand an injury or 2 and still have a chance to win games. Last night, it sucked to lose, but I don’t see this roster PLUS Mikheyev PLUS Myers back in the line up… losing like that again. 

McDavid was invisible for the majority of the night. I felt like we nullified his high end speed almost all game. He never really got wound up and got moving. 



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I would literally take a 7-0 loss at home if someone puts nurse through the freakin glass - absolutely hate that guy this year.  Remember when Bo actually fought him, musta been like his 1-2 year i think. Not sure what happened to the Bo that seemed to care consistently as a captain. 

Anyway i turned that game off after the 2nd - was too pissed off, and after the PP miss on hughes and the the Nurse leveler - you knew how it was gonna go, make up PP's and McDrai were gonna find a way to score in the 3rd and we were gonna turtle like we always do - which i assume from the score sheet is what happened. 

Coil are truely a terrible team with 2 absolute superstars and a PP that is designed to utilize them well. Outside of that they are absolute guff. 


For the first 2 periods we did play some really good hockey, and kept them contained.  The top 3 lines all look dangerous and the 4th looked tough. 

Problem is still D Core, special teams and mental toughness again. Hopefully we can work through the first two as the season progresses but its been a habitual problem of the core.  The D core really do get exposed by McDrai always. Hughes isn't strong enough to stay with them and the rest are all too slow and turn like a super tanker.  Right hand D of Schenn, Poolman, Burr isn't gonna get us to the play offs.. No idea how we ever fix this, but our F group has to be a lot more clinical to out score that deficiency. 

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