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[PGT] St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks | Dec. 19, 2022

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8 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

The Aquas are business people. It's how you spin it. You have a meeting. Show the past two games. Summarize it like this. The team is not making the playoffs with it's existing roster. You tell them you have some good pieces. But there's going to be a lot of movement. Going for a younger, faster, more competitive team. It will mean short term pain, but long term gain.


If the overall plan it to move expensive pieces and have a team with more cap space for flexibility. Tell them it will take time. But that's the best way to build a winner.




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28 minutes ago, combover said:

GM Patrik Allvin joined After Hours to say the franchise is not interested in a rebuild but are interested in making trades


Patrik Allvin carefully walks around a pair of questions regarding the team's "make the playoffs and see" attitude and whether or not #Canucks fans are tired of that strategy.


Demonstrations should befall poorly-run franchises and make no mistake, despite the management overhaul of last year, the Canucks remain poorly-run.


What was once viewed as managerial incompetence is now viewed as a larger problem, rooted and endemic with ownership.

just some clip from a few stories 

pretty clear for anyone that doesn’t have their head buried in the sand ownership is the issue and it has been for a decade. 

sell the team or Aquallini family removes Francesco from his CEO position with the club since it’s clear he isn’t capable. 


but in Francesco fashion I expect some PR move to try to distract from the total and complete failure of this CEO. 




The players and coaches have been universally dissed and the savior management group installed last year are now garbage. Running out of options the ownership is now the target. How many times last year did Rutherford say he would not have come to Van if ownership was not on board with his direction? Maybe the Acquillinis should sell a stake to Ryan Reynolds just to create a new target. The whole org are a bunch of losers; players, coaches, management, ownership... Maybe we can add some fans as well.


The majority of fans thought that with some tweaking and resigning JT Miller that this roster could be a contender. That was as late as last spring when the idea of moving Miller was laughed at. I wanted Miller traded, no denying it, still do. The reality is that more than Miller has to be moved. The #1 priority has to be the d-side game. Being able to play a defensive game in the NHL allows time and opportunity to work on offense. All this said, we as fans, have no idea of the challenges faced by management. CAP is a real issue. It devalues current roster players and limits the opportunity to make trades. 


I highly doubt this management group and ownership suffer any delusion about the challenges they face. Insulting ownership is stooping to a new low. When Rutherford was building his new group I never once heard of ownership saying this is too much money.  

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16 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

The Aquas are business people. It's how you spin it. You have a meeting. Show the past two games. Summarize it like this. The team is not making the playoffs with it's existing roster. You tell them you have some good pieces. But there's going to be a lot of movement. Going for a younger, faster, more competitive team. It will mean short term pain, but long term gain.


If the overall plan it to move expensive pieces and have a team with more cap space for flexibility. Tell them it will take time. But that's the best way to build a winner.



How did suggesting exactly like you’re saying here work out for Nonis, Gillis and then Linden? 

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To me it's pretty clear that our problems are a result of the Benning regime. Our management group hasn't even had the chance to pick their own head coach and fans are calling for their heads.


The argument can be made that Boeser or Miller should have been moved in the offseason, but I'm of the opinion that Miller was worth re-signing after scoring 99 points. He can be lazy -no doubt- but I think resigning him was a healthy gamble. I believe he will come back to form. Boeser, I also still believed he could succeed and be effective but he hasn't shown that. He'll be gone this summer for sure. At least management clearly sees that he needs to go now. There were too many intangibles last year to trade him or throw him away for scraps (fathers declining health, playing under TG). Now it is clear. He's not a top 6 forward on a winning team.


All I'm saying is - give this mess some time. I think if fans really think this team is a result of Alvin/Rutherford they're wrong. This is still Benning's mess that needs to be cleaned up. It will happen in due time but reality is we're handcuffed.


80% of the moves management has made have been wins IMO. You aren't going to win them all, but there have been multiple steps in the right direction.


Big changes will come - just be patient. I know it's hard when we've been told this for the last 7-8 years... 

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33 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

The players and coaches have been universally dissed and the savior management group installed last year are now garbage. Running out of options the ownership is now the target. How many times last year did Rutherford say he would not have come to Van if ownership was not on board with his direction? Maybe the Acquillinis should sell a stake to Ryan Reynolds just to create a new target. The whole org are a bunch of losers; players, coaches, management, ownership... Maybe we can add some fans as well.


The majority of fans thought that with some tweaking and resigning JT Miller that this roster could be a contender. That was as late as last spring when the idea of moving Miller was laughed at. I wanted Miller traded, no denying it, still do. The reality is that more than Miller has to be moved. The #1 priority has to be the d-side game. Being able to play a defensive game in the NHL allows time and opportunity to work on offense. All this said, we as fans, have no idea of the challenges faced by management. CAP is a real issue. It devalues current roster players and limits the opportunity to make trades. 


I highly doubt this management group and ownership suffer any delusion about the challenges they face. Insulting ownership is stooping to a new low. When Rutherford was building his new group I never once heard of ownership saying this is too much money.  



the proof is blatantly  obvious dating back to 2012 maybe even before. Francesco is a terrible CEO and if his family didn’t own the company he’d have been fired for his total incompetence long ago. 
You can blame this managment the last management the management before that and before that even if you want. Change the coach again and again and again.

sign over priced vets and  ufas the problem is the owner and it will continue as long as he’s involved. 


the mandate the “plan” remains the same so who sets that ? 

Yup the idiot who turned this team into league wide joke. 

GM Patrik Allvin joined After Hours to say the franchise is not interested in a rebuild but are interested in making trades


the “franchise” isn’t interested in rebuilding 

PA basically said on air for anyone one listening FRANCESCO AQUALLINI isn’t interested in rebuilding

this is a shot a the ownership this is a gm saying the direction and path of this team is not up to us! Something JB never did in 8 years. 



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25 minutes ago, Maginator said:

Yeah Horvat is scoring like crazy but honestly what else has he done?


Doesn't set up teammates. Hasn't shown any heart on the ice. Doesn't block shots. Doesn't finish his checks. Been the backbone of a team that looks uninspired, disinterested, and lost.


It would be stupid to sign him for anything more than 7M. Even at that this team needs a new leader, voice, and captain in the locker room. People say "it's just a letter", but if you're the captain - then you're the main leader. He has the authority to shut everyone up in the room and speak his mind. No one can tell him to shut up. He is the captain. Bo is way too passive, and honestly I would never get behind him with the way he plays on the ice. It's no wonder why the rest of the team lollygags on a nightly basis.


If you want 8M+ then show some God damn heart. If he's worth that kind of money then he needs to show up when it matters.


I'm excited for him to be gone and I hope we can get a good return. This has turned into a toxic relationship that needs to be cut off.


We suck!.. And half of you really want the guy leading THIS to come back? At 8 million?!

Horvat is one of the few working his tail off out there.  Miller has, essentially, been reduced to a PP guy, he does absolutely nothing 5v5

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8 hours ago, grandmaster said:

I think what angers most of us is their lack of effort. We’ve seen too many games where they never showed up whatsoever and had only 1 or 2 games where they had consistently played with pressure in every period. That brutal. Especially when they pull that sh!t at home, where we pay an arm and a leg to support them.

Without Petey, the best forwards are Miller and Horvat.


Horvat, well he knows he can't get injured or his value drops. He has one leg out the door. I like the person and the player, but sooner we trade him, the better it is and we can reform the roster.


Miller, well, he isn't playing at the same level as he did last season. I think with Petey back in, he will be better because he can be freed up away from tough assignments.


The next tier of players are Kuzmenko, Boeser, Garland, and Mikheyev. Great contributors but they are not the type of players that can put the team on their back and win you games. Boeser has obviously stagnated, which is disappointing to say the least.


We need Petey back and we need to replace Horvat with a better player. Hopefully that player comes through the draft in 2023 (please be it Bedard, please please please) and joins the team sooner than later. In the meantime, it's going to be Petey-Miller for the foreseeable future. 


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Just now, jyu said:

Without Petey, the best forwards are Miller and Horvat.


Horvat, well he knows he can't get injured or his value drops. He has one leg out the door. I like the person and the player, but sooner we trade him, the better it is and we can reform the roster.


Miller, well, he isn't playing at the same level as he did last season. I think with Petey back in, he will be better because he can be freed up away from tough assignments.


The next tier of players are Kuzmenko, Boeser, Garland, and Mikheyev. Great contributors but they are not the type of players that can put the team on their back and win you games. Boeser has obviously stagnated, which is disappointing to say the least.


We need Petey back and we need to replace Horvat with a better player. Hopefully that player comes through the draft in 2023 (please be it Bedard, please please please) and joins the team sooner than later. In the meantime, it's going to be Petey-Miller for the foreseeable future. 


Miller is doing absolutely nothing except on the pp.  He's totally invisible.

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33 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

The majority of fans thought that with some tweaking and resigning JT Miller that this roster could be a contender.


I have been saying stuff like that but I am sure I am in the minority.


There are quite a few good hockey minds on here that have ben trying to set me straight. 

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23 minutes ago, stawns said:

Miller is doing absolutely nothing except on the pp.  He's totally invisible.

Really? I thought he was ok for an overall crap team game last night.


He had a few banging shifts with Lazar and Joshua. He also sent a few nice passes into the slot, as he often does, that were not converted. 2nd on the team with SOG. Overall he has had a crap year but not as bad as you describe.


Doesn't matter, Martin cant keep it up and we still havent dealt with our D-holes ...soo this season is pretty much done. 



Just checked JT's stats for last night.

2nd in SOG with 4 ( Brock had 5), 2nd with hits with 3 ( Shenn had 6), better FO% than Bo at 44%. 2nd in TOI (behind QH).




Edited by bishopshodan
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9 hours ago, PetterssonOrPeterson said:


well, as of now, today, two players are confirmed to have the flu.

what you're saying can be true of course if more players are actually suffering from it. 


you can try to justify it all you want, but you're speculating at this point. 

The mental gymnastics are something else. Of course he did try to tell me in the pre-season prediction thread the Canucks were capable of winning the division and the Knights were on their way to the basement this year. For some the delusion is strong.

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9 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

It's definitely speculation on my part.  


But isn't that what we're all doing here while we're trying to figure out what's happening with the Canucks?  Especially in these last two games?

Anyone with any hockey sense can and could see this team simply sucks. It was obvious last year and it was evident for years before that. Why not just look for the solution right in front of your face instead of looking for leprechauns. 

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Yesterday is the best thing that could have happened to us. 

The patient fans (including me) first said wait until the 20 game mark. 

We were then so close to 500 and a couple points out of playoffs after a 3 game win streak beating the lowly coyotes, Habs and sharks. With 6 games until Christmas, I said wait until Christmas as these next 6 games against better teams will tell us who we are. If we go 4-2 maybe we have something here. If we go less than that, time to start trading.

4 games in, not only did we go 1-3, we lost those 3 games by a combined score of 13-2. 

It should be clear to everyone including ownership and management that its time to sell. 

Glad we have been given a clear direction now


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9 hours ago, grandmaster said:

My wife and I agreed that we will not waste money on a Canucks game this season. Terrible value and entertainment. Having just 5 wins at home is inexcusable. The lack of effort is even more infuriating. 

What’s even more sad is that this team will in no way be worse than the Ducks or Blackhawks so forget about dreaming of Bedard. 

revenge of the sith episode 3 GIF by Star Wars

star wars hate GIF


I knew you'd get here eventually gm ;) :towel:

Laugh Lol GIF by Noise Nest Network

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48 minutes ago, stawns said:

Horvat is one of the few working his tail off out there.  Miller has, essentially, been reduced to a PP guy, he does absolutely nothing 5v5

I agree,


Miller seems content to have a couple shifts a game where he goes in the corners and bumps around a bit but has otherwise become a perimeter player.

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