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Erik Karlsson

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Status Updates posted by Erik Karlsson

  1. Does anyone know where to get a millionaires jersey in Vancouver?

    Going to the home opener from the okanagan and can't find them anywhere here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      Team store doesn't have them. Okay thx I'll try jersey city, one in Kelowna said they don't carry em anymore and sportchek didn't have them here I'll try metro tho thanks 

    3. Squamfan


      i saw one in sportschek few weeks ago in metro

    4. Erik Karlsson
  2. The vid of the rookies making the team is up!

  3. Only the Canucks would split up a line after they put up 10 points their first time playing together...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oliewud


      willies reponse to breaking them up " I never even thought about keeping them together " LOL!



      LC, that excuse annoys me so much. If it's only the preseason, then all the good things the Canucks did shouldn't count as well and I don't want that because Horvat for example improved his skating and offensive ability.

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      cdc doesn't make their opinions on what's best for the players...their opinions are all that matters.

  4. Horvat said after the game: "I hope this line is together for a long time." Me too Horvat, me too

  5. I have 0 faith in Miller making a big save, I like Bennings drafting etc, but most of his moves at the NHL level have just been meh.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. logic


      dont you guys want to get a high draft pick ?

    3. Lil B From The Pack

      Lil B From The Pack

      You don't get it logic. The team is supposed to compete for the 1st overall pick and the Stanley Cup at the same time according to CDC.

    4. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      We wont get a high draft pick, we'll prob get a mid range draft pick

  6. Kassian scores a nice goal last night, meanwhile we have an aging Prust who I can probably skate faster than.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ryanstorm


      Such a foolish trade..

    3. johngould21


      Don't know about that. Kassian will find those bars and clubs in Montreal much to his liking.

    4. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      To be fair, I don't think either team is going to get what they want out of this trade.

  7. Anyone order off NHL.com before? Thinking about getting a hoody or 2 but not sure what size to get. I'm 5'8. M or L?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      which is it, man or lady?

    3. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      Mens, I don't know, I usually wear L or M that's why I can't decide haha.

    4. BananaMash


      If it's a jersey hoodie I'd play it on the safe side and order it on the bigger end.

      It might be baggier than you like, but it should look fine since it's jersey style.

  8. Nurse dummied Andersson.

  9. Just my opinion but I think Stamkos is overrated. Great goal scorer but not that great at anything else.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Xbox


      Pretty random tbh

    3. TheRussianRocket.


      Kind of like Erik Karlsson. Doesn't mean they're overrated. What they're good at, they're the best at it and it's what makes them special players.

    4. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      Yeah but I just don't think Stamkos is a top 3 center in the league like most people say he is. Maybe top 5.

      I'd take Crosby, Malkin, Toews, Giroux before him for sure.

  10. Anyone ever take a masking agent for a piss test?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      How much do you smoke? When is the test?

      Chug many many litres of water before the pee test; end your stream in the cup, don't start it there. vitamin b2 /b12 roughly an hour before the test, cranberry juice.

    3. jstewboy


      Mask kits don't do anything except dilute your system and jam it full of vitamins to put colour in your urine. How many days until the test?

    4. asian player
  11. CDC and HF will be hilarious if Sutter underperforms and we're stuck with the contract for 5 years. Not that I think he will though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i think sutter is going to surprise a lot of people...maybe not as a goal scorer but melding with line mates...

    3. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      Yeah I think he puts up almost 50 points this season

    4. Tom Sestito

      Tom Sestito

      He won't. He's not a good enough even strength offensive player (quite an awful one but that's fine) and we don't have the offensive weapons to support his production on the third line. He'll be in the range of 30 points WHICH IS FINE if he's on the third line.

  12. Wow Predators haven't drafted a player out of the OHL since 2011... Josh Shalla..

    1. Xbox


      That's so weird. I know him, went to my school. He's from Oshawa or in a city right beside it

    2. Gstank29


      Looks like they scout Europe the heaviest. Followed by the QMJHL and then the WHL/USNDP

  13. Apparently Sean Day is 247 pounds... and can still skate like the wind :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Warhippy


      Chycrun or Day will be a coup for our club

    3. Jaku


      I still think Chychrun is going to be an all star in the NHL.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Gotta be getting pretty chubby. Or he's been pumping iron regularly since he was 12.

  14. Virtanen doubters need to chill... If Sutter can put up 20 goals, Virtanen with twice the talent and more speed should have no problem scoring atleast that in the show

    1. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand


      It's much more fun to hate. Benning sucks, Virtanen sucks, Sutter sucks.

      In fact, every Canuck sucks until they leave, then they become future HOFers.

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      but probably not this season...benning said, he still has things to learn,,,,he'll get there but they won't rush him...

    3. Mathew Barzal

      Mathew Barzal

      Nobody thinks he can't do that. We just should have traded down five spots before picking him.

  15. I just hope atleast 1 forward is traded before the season starts. 1 or 2 of Grenier, Kenins, Virtanen, Gaunce, Shinkaruk will be ready this year.

    1. thejazz97


      Grenier + Shink + Gaunce + Kenins

    2. Winter Soldier

      Winter Soldier

      Kenins is already ready so I don't know why you'd mention him here.

  16. Surprised how many people are freaking out about losing Clendening. He wasn't even good in the Comets run, and he's small and slow. He'll top out as a bottom pairing defenseman which aren't very hard to find...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      I liked Clendening but we won this trade, especially if we can re-sign Sutter.

    3. Piggy Bank

      Piggy Bank

      I am happy Clenny is gone;. Never liked losing Forsling, but, am now happier more prospects can transition to the comets and progress in their development.

    4. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      That is correct Marchand

  17. Chris Higgins joke has really taken off on HF...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tigs


      Crisp Swiggins

    3. Horvat


      Chrispy Chiggins ahahahahahahaha

    4. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Christ Higgins

  18. Chris Higgins has really taken off on HF...

  19. 5 goals for McD in the prospects scrimmage? Man that kid can fly, he'll be better than Crosby once he fills out imo

    1. BanTSN


      He's alright, but do prospects scrimmages mean something?

    2. c00kies


      They let him score to help him out. He won't be nearly as dominant as he was in junior.

    3. Shinkaruk_9


      Yup, McDavid has the best mind since Gretzky for hockey in terms of seeing the ice, Croaby was a force of nature but for Connor it's all in his mind.

  20. Grenier should really get a shot with the twins, seems like a perfect fit to me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      Haha, except better hands and finish.

    3. Time Lord

      Time Lord

      Lol BanTSN

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      only willie knows for sure....he might play there eventually but i'ld guess it would be burrows or vrbata.

  21. If Prust, Dorsett, Higgins get pp time over the youngsters again this year I don't think I'll even watch this season.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      with prust being a great penalty killer, i can see them moving higgins...they do the same job.

    3. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      I know eh Desi, I'll probably still watch but it is just pointless to have those guys on the pp, over young skilled guys.

  22. It's going to be sweet to get a top 5 pick this year. If we can trade up and get Matthews, Chyrchrun or Puljujarvi as I don't think we'll be very last, we'll be in good hands.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Piggy Bank

      Piggy Bank

      It will be Toronto and Arizona duking it out for Matthews.

    3. Finnish Aho

      Finnish Aho

      i hope we have a nice competitive 1st half and then realise we are just in the race and then benning can trade vrbata hammer, prust and hansen for 2016 picks, aquire 2 1sts use 3 1sts to get into top 3 or draft with all of them either way.

    4. Finnish Aho

      Finnish Aho

      and then sign seabrook and lucic

  23. "Kassian seems to be the last one with any personality on the team, be prepared to see him traded as well." Posted this yesterday, didn't think Benning was dumb enough to do it.

    1. thejazz97


      Markstrom has personality...

  24. Kassian seems to be the last one with any personality on the team, be prepared to see him traded as well.

    1. Finnish Aho

      Finnish Aho

      is that what this is about?

    2. thejazz97


      Markstrom has personality.

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