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Status Updates posted by CBH1926

  1. Maybe this was just an experiment.

  2. We are still standing!

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Nikita, we need'ja so?

      I guess that's why they call it the blues?


  3. Took kids to a preseason game, between tickets, parking, hats and some food and snacks, it cost me over $500. Glad to see that hockey is so affordable to watch!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NHL'er


      (Then again, you have to watch the Sharks..)

    3. Bell


      hope the kids had fun  My dad took me to a Ranger game on new years eve at the old barn.  Aisle seat top row dude beside me smelled like an old donkey. Made me a fan of hockey.

    4. CBH1926


      @22Sedinery33 @NewbieCanuckFan @BellYeah they did enjoy it, we have gone to AHL games before to watch the Wolves but this was the first trip to an NHL game. Through AMEX we got in earlier than the general public, so it was cool to walk around without all the people.

  4. Sun Times speculating about taking on some “bad” contracts.

    Amongst names mentioned was Loui Eriksson.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kingofsurrey


      Canucks do have experience offering overpaid contracts.... so makes sense.

    3. Bell


      At least Loui made a best of worst list

    4. -AJ-


      I think if Acquilini is willing to bite the financial bullet, Eriksson will be bought out after this year.

  5. One set of rules for thee and another set for me.

    When a bank deposits money into your account by mistake it’s either pay it back or go to jail.

    1. BoKnows


      There's been a few times that a couple hundred dollars randomly gets put into my chequeing account.  It gets corrected pretty quickly though.

    2. GoCanucks16


      oh wow- i was getting ready to chew you out because i thought you were implying people shouldn't have to pay back mistaken transfers


      quite ridiculous that these giant investment firms can keep those funds

  6. So this “musician” embedded 20m diamond in his forehead.

    Just when you think you have seen it all story like this one pops.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Can only furrow my brow with this unexpected gem...

    3. AngelicHearts


      Now what if he gets in a fight with someone and they manage to take it out and make a run for it... :ph34r:

    4. CBH1926


      I would be worried that someone would try to chisel it out.

  7. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  8. Now that was a speech about inclusion, unity, diversity, civility, family, forgiveness. Haven’t seen that in the last 4 years.

    1. Dazzle


      Trump's purpose in life was to make space for people like Biden. Now Americans will see how much better he'll be.

    2. Ghostsof1915


      "They pander to the their followers prejudices...."



    3. #Canucks


      You must watch the main stream media if this is what you think.

  9. Twitter should suspend his account until the election is over! 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. #Canucks


      TBH I’m open to both sides but I can clearly see how corrupt the dems are. Anyone who has done a decent amount of research can see that. I don’t listen to Trump to get my facts. Whether it’s Trump or another candidate running for the republicans, the dems are still seriously corrupt. 

      At the end of the day the Canadian dollar will gain ground and the US is heading for another recession because the dems don’t know how to bring jobs they give them away.

    3. Dekey Pete

      Dekey Pete

      Both parties are corrupt, I think we can agree on that.  Trump did absolutely zilch to stop or decrease corruption in his 4 years.  He had his chance.  

    4. The Lock

      The Lock

      If anything, he increased corruption.

  10. Safe travels to Bob and Doug!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. luckylager


      We're not going anywhere eh

    3. JM_


      most Canadian launch ever :lol:


      koo loo koo koo koo koo kooooo!! 

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Ok..from someone who has watched space launches since 1970 (That's as far back as I can remember)

      Maybe they did a lot of stuff off camera, but I can't believe how even waste is cataloged (drink bottles). 

      I can't believe they are using wired microphones. I miss the Snoopy hats. (For communication)

      Im surprised they aren't using wireless devices. 

      It's odd the crew can't just turn cameras off, they have to ask Houston to shut the cameras off. 

      Even Apollo had options to shut off ground transmission, or cameras. 

  11. Skirt steak tacos and patron margaritas!

  12. When I was a young lad, sure guys were frustrated with lack of V, but to kill people over it WTF!

    Teenage boy charged in Canada's first 'incel' terror case





    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HerrDrFunk


      @Phil_314 "I'm not blaming the women but if they had just been nicer, maybe they wouldn't have gotten murdered"


      &^@#'s sake, man. 

    3. Phil_314


      @HerrDrFunk that was not at all what I said.  If you will twist my words and not acknowledge what I'm saying correctly (and I was NOT in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM condoning murder, I wrote an entire paragraph that did not in anyway reflect your contorting) I'd rather there not be any discussion.  

    4. HerrDrFunk


      @Phil_314 Yeah, I fully understand you're not condoning the murder but you're still shifting part of the responsibility onto the victims with what you said. 

  13. My son was watching tv and fell out from the bunk bed. Broke his wrist, poor little guy!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Phil_314


      Show was either too boring and put him to sleep, or he got too excited and fell out

      Either way, get better tyke

    3. CBH1926


      @luckylager Yeah, my younger son is the one that does crazy stunts. Older one has always been very cautious. Unfortunate accident, most important thing is that he gets better.

    4. luckylager


      He'll be A ok in 4-6 weeks.

  14. I thought education is better in Canada.
    Looking at some of those posts he must have slept through English classes.

    1. HerrDrFunk


      You can make someone go to school but you can't force them to learn anything. 

  15. Happy Easter!

    1. brilac


      Happy Easter!  Easter and Christmas Eve are my favorite holidays!  This was such a wonderful time when growing up.  Every year I would have a new Easter dress, and go to Mass with family, and then Easter festivities.  

    2. Ghostsof1915
  16. I haven’t spoken to buddy of mine in a while.
    Found out today that he just got over corona virus, fortunately he is doing well.


    1. -AJ-


      Thanks for sharing. Good to hear a story of someone who successfully recovered. I don't hear enough about that.

  17. People, if you are wearing face mask in public, do not cover your chin and mouth only. Cover your nose!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CBH1926


      @NewbieCanuckFan Welders mask works just as well.

    3. Fanuck


      I haven't left my house - other than to get groceries 3 times now - in almost three weeks.  Serious question - are masks even available in stores and where would I get some - Cnd tire, Home Depot.....?  

    4. TNucks1


      @Fanuck people been hoarding them like toilet paper which is dumb


  18. @Alf It might be time to switch to decaf coffee.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CBH1926


      Thanks for the offer but I don’t really drink.
      Once in a blue moon I might have some wine.

    3. King Heffy
    4. SixtyMinuteMan


      @CBH1926 last chaaaaance

      (Gulps the flask) 

      Oh yeah!!

  19. Happy New Year

    Feliz Año Nuevo

    Buon anno

    Frohes Neues Jahr

    Feliz Ano Novo

    Sretna nova godina

    Bonne Année

    Godt nytår







  20. Illinois  is the 11th state to legalize weed but first one to issue pardons to all those with misdemeanor possession convictions.

    I was never into drugs but war on pot has been a disaster.


    1. NewbieCanuckFan


      CBH1926 is a stoner.:P



  21. Merry Christmas!

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      merry xmas CB. have a good one. 

    2. CBH1926


      Thanks Joe, Merry Christmas to you as well.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baer.


      Why would you be surprised?

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Was it an escargot sandwich? Might explain why it was a bit slow.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      @Brad Marchand

      Snails pace for the sandwich, or the waiter? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SabreFan1


      They fixed the sand sculpture:



    3. JM_


      this is why phone companies need to make devices that 3 year olds can use 



      Best thing would be having the cops show up on their door steps, and show their parents the type of social butterflies they are raising.

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