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Hunter Shinkaruk | C/W

-Vintage Canuck-

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Shinkaruk is the definition of finesse. Did you not see him dance that defender before scoring last night? He's got unbelievable hands.

As you can see I put finesse in quotation marks and then further expanded on what aspect of finesse I referred to when comparing the two, in this case, it was how they hit and get hit.

And he didn't dance a defender, when I here the word dance in hockey I immediately think dekeing a defender, not sure if u mean something else. He skated on the outside and opened himself up toward the net to get a sharp angle shot. The defender stood back to defend a pass or a net front drive.

Here's the goal, he does look like he's dancing by himself.

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And they really were quite ineffective for the 1st 6 or so seasons until they became mature and strong, very few guys are skilled enough to be small and effective. Kane...amazing talent, drafted 1st overall, not really fair to compare Hunter to Kane. RNH, again 1st overall yet already has injury problems. Maybe too soon to be playing with men?

People always point to St.Louis as the trademark for small guys who can be elite...St. Louis took a good 6 years to even make the NHL and has the biggest legs you've ever seen.

Even if Shrink has what it takes to play in the NHL now would it really be worth risking all the potential injuries playing his aggressive style against NHL sized defenders? Just looking at him you can see his immature physically, his dad looks like a big guy so its possible within a few years he could be pushing 190lbs and be ready for the NHL,

So you're saying that you were checking out St.louis' legs.


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Here's the goal, he does look like he's dancing by himself.

Sounds like you never played ice hockey before.

By rotating his hips like that he gets square to the d-men which makes him and the goalie think a cross-crease pass or a pass higher up in the slot is the play Shink is going to make. This causes the d-men to remain flat footed and the goalie to brace low against the post so he can cut across the crease if need be.

I thought it was a beautiful play that was very well executed. I know it's just one play in a pre-season game, but his hockey IQ really showed there.

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His footwork on that play absolutely froze the defender from closing the gap on him more and gave him the space he needed to make that shot. If he was closed off with his shoulder's facing to the end boards Irwin could have moved towards him to make a physical play or stick check. It's not easy to do that while being in control of the puck and setting up a shot with very slim margins.

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Sounds like you never played ice hockey before.

By rotating his hips like that he gets square to the d-men which makes him and the goalie think a cross-crease pass or a pass higher up in the slot is the play Shink is going to make. This causes the d-men to remain flat footed and the goalie to brace low against the post so he can cut across the crease if need be.

I thought it was a beautiful play that was very well executed. I know it's just one play in a pre-season game, but his hockey IQ really showed there.

Agreed with everything you said but my comments were brought up as a whole because of what another poster was disagreeing with another part of my post regarding Shinkaruk finesse when taking a hit compared to Skinners. And he also says that Shinkaruk "danced" a defender. Which in the reply shows that he didn't deke any defender out, but his hockey iq, hands and skating created the goal without "dancing" the goal. And the part you quoted was a bit of a joke that he does look like he's dancing on the ice by himself. I swear u could photoshop someone dancing with him it'd be uncanny haha

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That was an NHL caliber goal no doubt, but people still need to be patient with this guy.

Don't assume he's going to be on the second line because of one goal. He's still got alot of work to do in other areas.

Hopefully he can get his 9 games, but I think he'll ultimately end up back in Medicine Hat.

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That was an NHL caliber goal no doubt, but people still need to be patient with this guy.

Don't assume he's going to be on the second line because of one goal. He's still got alot of work to do in other areas.

Hopefully he can get his 9 games, but I think he'll ultimately end up back in Medicine Hat.

But wouldn't it be such an interesting year





Then just rotate Horvat and Gaunce with whoevers hotter at the moment

99.9% chance it'll never happen. But it would be interesting

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As great as size may seem to be, we haven't drafted a purely skilled player in a while. Kassian and Jensen may take a lot longer to develop, and will bloom into nice playoff players, but in my opinion Shinkaruk is ahead of most of our prospects right now in terms of development.

Wingers don't have as much defensive responsibility as centers so Shinkaruk could slot into our lineup without having to worry about too much (as opposed to Gaunce or Horvat who would have to play a full 200 foot game which would be much harder). Looks like Booth isn't ready to start the season either, which is why I'd love to see this:

Sedin - Sedin - Kassian (hopefully this line works)

Burrows - Kesler - Shinkaruk (Burr and Kes both bring skill but mostly grit, Shinkaruk brings skill to the line)

Hansen - Schroeder - Higgins (very similar in chemistry to the 2nd line)

Santorelli - Richardson - Ferriero

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That is the proudest father I've ever seen

Yeah, those camera pans to Hunter's parents (and especially his Dad) get me choked-up every time. Probably wouldn't have happened a couple years ago (for me) but I'm now a father of 14-month-old twins and I can totally relate to the emotions Hunter's father is showing there. I go through the same thing when my little ones accomplish their "firsts."

It's hard not to like those Shinkaruks. They just seem so solid and like really good people and there's obviously a lot of love and support throughout that family unit.

I also love the way they continue to be so effusive in celebrating Hunter's accomplishments. Unfettered joy and excitement seems to be a Shinkaruk family trait (and it seems to be contagious as it's pretty damn hard to stop oneself from smiling when Hunter's face lights up).

I can't believe that there were rumours about "attitude problems" and that some people (mostly jealous Flames fans) have called Hunter a "headcase." The truth seems to be the exact opposite.

You can take one look at that family and you see the love and support so clearly on display and you just know that Hunter is a good kid.

* * * * *

Just a quick comment on the topic of "attitude problems" (I realize that this has already been discussed previously):

I'm really becoming convinced that what happened on Draft day (falling to #24) was the result of the fact that Hunter's enthusiasm and confidence rubbed some "experts" the wrong way during combines and various interviews and pre-Draft sitdowns. Some oldschool guys seem to want players to be dour and reserved and carry themselves like robots. That just isn't Hunter Shinkaruk. This kid is very secure and has high self esteem because he was raised in a supportive environment by loving parents and he obviously comes from a family that isn't the least bit reserved in expressing positive emotions. To some people, Hunter's personality might come off as cocky, self-absorbed, and prideful. The truth is that the kid is just overflowing in confidence and obviously believes strongly in himself and in his abilities. He also has what I'd say is the purest love for the game that I've seen in any Canucks prospect for quite some time. For a player of Shinkaruk's type and skillset, I think his personality traits and emotional makeup will prove to be only benefitting to his development and success--and will also make him a joy to watch and a fan favourite in Vancouver. If teams passed over him because of concerns about his attitude, they missed the boat entirely.

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Shinkaruk has shown chemistry with both Kesler and Burrows but with Hansen aswell. Seems like everywhere he goes they click, means a bit of line juggling but I think that he will be with Hansen. Both speedsters now they need a big center, Gaunce? Horvat? That is what I'm looking for. What I believe the line ups should be is,





I really wanted Higgins on the 3rd line but depth is taking him down. Not saying we should roll with these but if we win with these lineups, should continue.

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Really impressed with this kid so far, but I want to see how he fares when people actually start hitting. If he can continue playing how he is when that happens he's good enough to play on this team. I'm not sure it's smart to burn a year of his ELC on this turd of a line-up, but boy would it be nice to see the enthusiasm he and Lack could bring to this team full of robots.

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