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[Report] Canucks wont ask Alex Edler to waive NTC


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Do you really think that? :picard:

"Oh I'm going to become the president of hockey ops for Vancouver. I haven't been paying attention to the team or teammates that I grew up playing for."

What a ridiculous statement.

It's called a joke.

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One of the newspaper guys were on team 1040 with don and barry, he said linden is a big edler supporter, he was impressed with edler when they were teammates so expect him to go no where.

I don't understand why some people on CDC have such a big problem giving this a guy a chance to rebound .

Edler is much better suited to the first unit PP than Garrison is. Drillig wild shots at the Sedins isn't exactly a good idea lol. I think he'll bounce back and play a much calmer/steadier game under a new coach. He can be a locomotive out there.



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Edler is much better suited to the first unit PP than Garrison is. Drillig wild shots at the Sedins isn't exactly a good idea lol. I think he'll bounce back and play a much calmer/steadier game under a new coach. He can be a locomotive out there.

Garrison missing the net is rather overblown here. The percentage of shots on net by our top 4 d-men...

Bieksa 72.9% (229 shots taken)

Edler 72.3% (246 shots taken)

Hamhuis 72.1% (208 shots taken)

Garrison 69.6% (260 shots taken)

To put that in perspective Edler hit the net roughly 5 times more than Garrison per 200 shots taken.

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Garrison missing the net is rather overblown here. The percentage of shots on net by our top 4 d-men...

Bieksa 72.9% (229 shots taken)

Edler 72.3% (246 shots taken)

Hamhuis 72.1% (208 shots taken)

Garrison 69.6% (260 shots taken)

To put that in perspective Edler hit the net roughly 5 times more than Garrison per 200 shots taken.

interesting stat but....

I'd argue, Edler and Garrison NEED to be hitting the net alot more than Bieska and Hammer since they play the PP more and therefore should arguably have a little more time to get shots off.

In addition, there is more importance on them hitting the net more frequently as that goes to PP effectiveness.

I'd be interested to know how they rank on shots on net on the pp vs their peers....

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interesting stat but....

I'd argue, Edler and Garrison NEED to be hitting the net alot more than Bieska and Hammer since they play the PP more and therefore should arguably have a little more time to get shots off.

In addition, there is more importance on them hitting the net more frequently as that goes to PP effectiveness.

I'd be interested to know how they rank on shots on net on the pp vs their peers....

NHL.com doesn't have the shots broken down to situation, just the total shots and total missed shots. But I thought I'd check Doughty out and on 274 shots he hit the net 64.6% of the time. Karlson, the best offensive d-man in the league, took 383 shots with 67.1% on net. I'll say it again, Garrison missing the net too much is rather overblown here.

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NHL.com doesn't have the shots broken down to situation, just the total shots and total missed shots. But I thought I'd check Doughty out and on 274 shots he hit the net 64.6% of the time. Karlson, the best offensive d-man in the league, took 383 shots with 67.1% on net. I'll say it again, Garrison missing the net too much is rather overblown here.

well on that basis, yep fair comments! interesting stats for sure!

and well, overblown = cdc no? lol

and given we seem to be hitting the net alot/as well as league leaders, perhaps that means we're not getting the traffic/rebounds that we should

so it actually may be more reflective of our lack performance by our forwards going to hard spots (which would be no big surprise), as goals from the point tend to come from traffic, and assists from traffic and rebounds.

interesting...those percentages are much higher than doughty's and that says ALOT

pretty amazing what you can glean from some basic stats hey? and comparisons...makes you realize the typical fan reaction of issues is often wrong and that there is alot more to it...

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Edler at 28 means he'll still be able to contribute when management believe this team will be ready to peak, which means we're aiming for a rebuild that will set us to contend again in about 3-5 years time.

Look at Keith, he's only 30 and is about to win his second Norris. Edler is definately not too old, and defencemen always seem to peak later than forwards, especially Swedes. He was slow to warm into the NHL and he took his time to hit 49 points in a season so there's no reason that we've seen the best of Edler. He's still shown glimpses of a great defenceman and to be honest, all he might need is a change of coach. Tortorella brought down just about every single Canuck players numbers down, not just Edler. Bieksa and Hamhuis were far away from 40 point seasons, and Kesler and Higgins were both terrible minus players but you don't see everyone screaming to get rid of them.

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 well on that basis, yep fair comments! interesting stats for sure!

and well, overblown = cdc no? lol

and given we seem to be hitting the net alot/as well as league leaders, perhaps that means we're not getting the traffic/rebounds that we should

so it actually may be more reflective of our lack performance by our forwards going to hard spots (which would be no big surprise), as goals from the point tend to come from traffic, and assists from traffic and rebounds.

interesting...those percentages are much higher than doughty's and that says ALOT

pretty amazing what you can glean from some basic stats hey? and comparisons...makes you realize the typical fan reaction of issues is often wrong and that there is alot more to it...

So true. I first checked Garrisons percentage of shots on net by comparing to Ehrhoff when somebody said how much he's missed here because he "always" got the puck on net. Ehrhoff hit the net slightly less often than Garrison this past season. What was truly surprising was that Garrison hit the net more frequently this past season than Ehrhoff did in the 10/11 season when we led the league in scoring and had the best pp.

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So true. I first checked Garrisons percentage of shots on net by comparing to Ehrhoff when somebody said how much he's missed here because he "always" got the puck on net. Ehrhoff hit the net slightly less often than Garrison this past season. What was truly surprising was that Garrison hit the net more frequently this past season than Ehrhoff did in the 10/11 season when we led the league in scoring and had the best pp.

and yet, garrison's shooting % this year was a pathetic 3.9%, compared to 7.7% and 6.7% for ehrhoff in 09/10 and 10/11 respectively.

this wide discrepancy explains why it seemed like garrison hit the net much less frequently. in reality, while his shot hit the net just as much, it was far less dangerous this season.

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and yet, garrison's shooting % this year was a pathetic 3.9%, compared to 7.7% and 6.7% for ehrhoff in 09/10 and 10/11 respectively.

this wide discrepancy explains why it seemed like garrison hit the net much less frequently. in reality, while his shot hit the net just as much, it was far less dangerous this season.

And yet his "pathetic" scoring percentage was tied with Edler as best among our top four. With Bieksa at 2.4% and Hamhuis at 3.3%. All four about half or less than their shooting percentage the previous season under AV with Garrison leading the top four with 8.5%. He also has previous seasons at 8.3% and 9.5%. Ehrhoff has only been above 7% twice in his career and has never hit 8% or higher. But I was actually talking about hitting the net, not putting in the net, which what so many have been complaining about regarding Garrison.

Btw, Ehrhoff's shooting was 3.7% this season. Is that good?

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Edler at 28 means he'll still be able to contribute when management believe this team will be ready to peak, which means we're aiming for a rebuild that will set us to contend again in about 3-5 years time.

Look at Keith, he's only 30 and is about to win his second Norris. Edler is definately not too old, and defencemen always seem to peak later than forwards, especially Swedes. He was slow to warm into the NHL and he took his time to hit 49 points in a season so there's no reason that we've seen the best of Edler. He's still shown glimpses of a great defenceman and to be honest, all he might need is a change of coach. Tortorella brought down just about every single Canuck players numbers down, not just Edler. Bieksa and Hamhuis were far away from 40 point seasons, and Kesler and Higgins were both terrible minus players but you don't see everyone screaming to get rid of them.

I would suggest that Edler's game was in trouble before Torts. Torts was talking about turning Edler's

game around when he was hired. Edler has had 3 NHL coaches; Crawford, AV and Torts. I suggest that his

development was rushed because of a very weak Vancouver roster in 2006. No where near enough AHL time.

Fair or not I then blame the defensive coach, Bowness, for letting him flounder as his confidence went


As you suggest Edler is young enough that he fits into a Canuck rebuild where some of the older dmen

like Bieksa do not. He has a capability most hockey people would have a hard time giving up on. In

some ways we might be disappointed in Linden if he did. If a top 4 dman is moved I suspect Bieksa or

Garrison. The issue IMHO is Vancouver forward depth that could use what a trade would return but also the issue of how well Tanev has developed. Stanton is also part of that equation. He does not get enough

consideration. He had a great rookie season. His ppg before injury was in the top rookie mix for dmen.

Both Tanev and Stanton can handle more minutes. It becomes an issue of CAP, keeping 5 dmen who can play

top 4.

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Garrison missing the net is rather overblown here. The percentage of shots on net by our top 4 d-men...

Bieksa 72.9% (229 shots taken)

Edler 72.3% (246 shots taken)

Hamhuis 72.1% (208 shots taken)

Garrison 69.6% (260 shots taken)

To put that in perspective Edler hit the net roughly 5 times more than Garrison per 200 shots taken.

Sure. I still think Edler has a more accurate shot, that is he can pick his spots better than Garrison and not just get them "on net". Garrison is better suited for the 2nd unit PP where his heavy slapper is the main threat not so much the Sedins. Edler seems to readoff them better anyways

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So true. I first checked Garrisons percentage of shots on net by comparing to Ehrhoff when somebody said how much he's missed here because he "always" got the puck on net. Ehrhoff hit the net slightly less often than Garrison this past season. What was truly surprising was that Garrison hit the net more frequently this past season than Ehrhoff did in the 10/11 season when we led the league in scoring and had the best pp.

And yet his "pathetic" scoring percentage was tied with Edler as best among our top four. With Bieksa at 2.4% and Hamhuis at 3.3%. All four about half or less than their shooting percentage the previous season under AV with Garrison leading the top four with 8.5%. He also has previous seasons at 8.3% and 9.5%. Ehrhoff has only been above 7% twice in his career and has never hit 8% or higher. But I was actually talking about hitting the net, not putting in the net, which what so many have been complaining about regarding Garrison.

Btw, Ehrhoff's shooting was 3.7% this season. Is that good?

What's that, the facts show that Garrison really wasn't bad in both hitting the net and his ability to score comparatively? ::D

Elder has to go! Horrible play, Bi-Polar attitude, and admittited back issues that will never be 100%!!!! We must show that sh&@ won't fly


Couldn't help myself.

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As you suggest Edler is young enough that he fits into a Canuck rebuild where some of the older dmen

like Bieksa do not.

top 4.

The issue is the older defensemen only need to maintain their current level of play to be useful. Edler has to dramatically improve in order to justify an NHL roster spot, let alone earn his salary. While Bieksa isn't outstanding defensively, he's at least good enough that you can live with his defense considering all the other things he does. Edler's defensive coveragre over the last 2 seasons has been so terrible that no coach in their right mind would put up with it. Even worse, allowing Edler to play defense the way he does sets a terrible example for our younger players.

I think Bieksa is more likely to continue around his current level than Edler is to suddenly learn how to play defense.

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Thank you Baggins and nuckster33 for slapping the fools who think Garrison can't hit the net with some pretty basic stats. Hopefully that incorrect, and very annoying meme can finally be put to bed.

It will interesting to see what happens to the roster this off-season. Our D on paper look pretty solid but definitely are having some weird chemistry issues. I remember Hamhuis and Bieksa being solid together in 2010 to 2011 but in the last few years have been disasterous together. Bieksa normally is a bit adventurous but Hamhuis has not been his consistent self lately and I wonder how Edler's retention affects the pairings in the future.

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Sure. I still think Edler has a more accurate shot, that is he can pick his spots better than Garrison and not just get them "on net". Garrison is better suited for the 2nd unit PP where his heavy slapper is the main threat not so much the Sedins. Edler seems to readoff them better anyways

Yet the past statistics show otherwise. Other than his partial rookie season, where he scored 1 goal on 10 shots, Edler has a career high scoring percentage of 7.1%. The only time he's been above 7% since that partial season. The fact that Garrison has seasons at 8.3%, 8.5% and 9.5% would indicate he actually has the more accurate shot. Edlers career shooting percentage is 5.4% to Garrisons 6.5% but you're certainly welcome to believe what you want.

Edler should be better at reading off the Sedins as he's had years of playing behind them while Garrison has had rather limited time behind them. Given the way Edler has played the past two seasons he may be the one better suited to the 2nd pp unit where he's less likely to get burned on a bad pinch and has the oppositions 2nd unit defending against his shot.

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