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Thatcher Demko | #35 | G


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5 minutes ago, Qwags said:

Care to explain?



You (qwags), come into the conversation of a couple users entertaining he idea of a markstom trade with hypothetical implications of demko not signing. You then go on to claim "EVERYONE IS SO SURE DEMKO WON'T SIGN" based on a  conversation between 2 maybe 3 members. 


So if you actually think that, you have no clue what the hell you are talking about and i suggest everyone take whatever you have to say with a grain of salt. Amd if you dont actually think that why post it? 

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2 minutes ago, Gooseberries said:



You (qwags), come into the conversation of a couple users entertaining he idea of a markstom trade with hypothetical implications of demko not signing. You then go on to claim "EVERYONE IS SO SURE DEMKO WON'T SIGN" based on a  conversation between 2 maybe 3 members. 


So if you actually think that, you have no clue what the hell you are talking about and i suggest everyone take whatever you have to say with a grain of salt. Amd if you dont actually think that why post it? 

2 or 3 people? I've seen a lot more than that.

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2 hours ago, Qwags said:

Judging by the fact that people are suggesting we trade Markstrom to make room for Demko, tells me that Demko won't sign unless given an incentive to do so, that being a potential roster spot. Which is ridiculous.

So it's ridiculous that a potential franchise goalie would want to go to a team where he can see himself being the starter in a couple years?  What's so dumb about that?


What's really dumb is people actually thinking we can sign Markstrom to a lucrative long term deal in the summer and then expect Demko to be okay with a backup role for 5 years ala Schneider. That isn't gonna happen. And don't tell me he will have to earn the starter's job because if that is the case Demko can simply go back to school and become a UFA next summer and then pick the team that he feels will give him the best chance to be a starter in the least amount of time. I'm sure he understands he needs to play a year in the minors but he'll be 23 after he goes back to school and then spends an additional year in the minors, which is a perfect age for him to come out as at least a solid backup playing 30-35 games in his first year. 


Carey Price was playing over 40 games in his first year at age 20. What's to say Demko can't step in at 22 or 23 and do the same thing?  That's not gonna happen if Markstrom is signed long term and is playing lights out.  Tuukka Rask was also playing 45 games as a 22 year old.  John Gibson played over 40 games this year as a 22 year old.  Braden Holtby played 36 games as a 23 year old and he was a 4th round pick.  Michal Neuvirth is another 2nd round pick who played 48 games as a 22 year old. 

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17 minutes ago, Harvey Spector said:

So it's ridiculous that a potential franchise goalie would want to go to a team where he can see himself being the starter in a couple years?  What's so dumb about that?


What's really dumb is people actually thinking we can sign Markstrom to a lucrative long term deal in the summer and then expect Demko to be okay with a backup role for 5 years ala Schneider. That isn't gonna happen. And don't tell me he will have to earn the starter's job because if that is the case Demko can simply go back to school and become a UFA next summer and then pick the team that he feels will give him the best chance to be a starter in the least amount of time. I'm sure he understands he needs to play a year in the minors but he'll be 23 after he goes back to school and then spends an additional year in the minors, which is a perfect age for him to come out as at least a solid backup playing 30-35 games in his first year. 


Carey Price was playing over 40 games in his first year at age 20. What's to say Demko can't step in at 22 or 23 and do the same thing?  That's not gonna happen if Markstrom is signed long term and is playing lights out.  Tuukka Rask was also playing 45 games as a 22 year old.  John Gibson played over 40 games this year as a 22 year old.  Braden Holtby played 36 games as a 23 year old and he was a 4th round pick.  Michal Neuvirth is another 2nd round pick who played 48 games as a 22 year old. 

All of this. The likely scenario is we get Demko signed either during or after the World Championships, have him as the #1 in Utica next year as we wait for Miller's contract to expire, then bring him up to play with Markstrom for the 2017-18 season. 

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32 minutes ago, Harvey Spector said:

So it's ridiculous that a potential franchise goalie would want to go to a team where he can see himself being the starter in a couple years?  What's so dumb about that?


What's really dumb is people actually thinking we can sign Markstrom to a lucrative long term deal in the summer and then expect Demko to be okay with a backup role for 5 years ala Schneider. That isn't gonna happen. And don't tell me he will have to earn the starter's job because if that is the case Demko can simply go back to school and become a UFA next summer and then pick the team that he feels will give him the best chance to be a starter in the least amount of time. I'm sure he understands he needs to play a year in the minors but he'll be 23 after he goes back to school and then spends an additional year in the minors, which is a perfect age for him to come out as at least a solid backup playing 30-35 games in his first year. 


Carey Price was playing over 40 games in his first year at age 20. What's to say Demko can't step in at 22 or 23 and do the same thing?  That's not gonna happen if Markstrom is signed long term and is playing lights out.  Tuukka Rask was also playing 45 games as a 22 year old.  John Gibson played over 40 games this year as a 22 year old.  Braden Holtby played 36 games as a 23 year old and he was a 4th round pick.  Michal Neuvirth is another 2nd round pick who played 48 games as a 22 year old. 

He's not entitled to anything, and like Jager says below, if he's worried that he won't be a starter 3-4+ years from now, then he has bigger issues. You can't invest all your earnings in one player because he has "franchise" potential. Everyone knows that goalies are voodoo. Think of Markstrom at 20 years old? Everyone was crowning him the next Lunqvuist and is now only pushing the No.1 position. Markstrom has still yet to play an entire season as a starter, so if Demko is that worried, then does he really truly believe in his abilities? 


You need to have goalie depth in your organization, and having competition will only make the two goalies better; it definitely made Cory Schneider a better goalie to play behind Luongo didn't it? Sure we lost both goalies, but maybe this time we don't offer up a 12 year deal to Markstrom.


9 minutes ago, Jägermeister said:

If Demko doesn't sign here because he's worried about not getting the starting job over Markstrom then good riddance.  That would say a lot about his character, and I would rather have a guy who wants to prove that he is deserving of a role rather than a guy who thinks he is entitled to it.

Of course, I don't think that this is the case at all.


Edited by junglesniper
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How do you know that playing behind Luongo didn't slow down Schneider's ascent? It's possible that he could have become a starter much earlier on a different team.


In any case just because a path worked out for Cody doesn't mean it will be the best path for Demko. We have seen young goalies like Mrazek, Vasilevsky, Gibson,  and Murray playing for their respective teams at a very young age. 


Ideally we keep both and run a tandem similar to Anaheim where we eventually trade Markstrom. But it will depend on how much Markstrom will want in his next contract.

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personally. I think it would be wise for Demko to consider taking a path similar to Schneider. look how he turned out. given time to develop and progress. if gillis hadn't screwed up with dealing his goaltending issues. perhaps we would still have Schneider or Luongo. if Demko proves that he can play at the NHL level. let him play. but I honestly think he's got a lot to learn still especially at the pro level before he makes a name for himself. markstrom was at one point the best goalie prospect not in the NHL for a long time. he's only getting it done now. 


demko would be wise not to rush himself in terms of development and progress. and the Canucks would be wise as well not to rush him. hope he signs with us soon. that would alleviate all the uncertainty and stress with this fanbase moving forward. since the off season. hadn't heard anything pertaining to the Canucks. very low key. probably because the playoffs are now on. haven't watched them at all. what's a good series to follow now? 

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58 minutes ago, Jägermeister said:

If Demko doesn't sign here because he's worried about not getting the starting job over Markstrom then good riddance.  That would say a lot about his character, and I would rather have a guy who wants to prove that he is deserving of a role rather than a guy who thinks he is entitled to it.

Of course, I don't think that this is the case at all.

agree......that said, unless he is exceptional, it will take him a good three years to develop and be ready for the NHL.  Most college goalies take a long time to get to that point.  I highly doubt Markstrom factors into his decision much.

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27 minutes ago, Toews said:

How do you know that playing behind Luongo didn't slow down Schneider's ascent? It's possible that he could have become a starter much earlier on a different team.


In any case just because a path worked out for Cody doesn't mean it will be the best path for Demko. We have seen young goalies like Mrazek, Vasilevsky, Gibson,  and Murray playing for their respective teams at a very young age. 


Ideally we keep both and run a tandem similar to Anaheim where we eventually trade Markstrom. But it will depend on how much Markstrom will want in his next contract.

Considering the first year he got call ups and games he wasn't that great at the NHL level I think his development was right on track. Maybe he could have had a bigger portion of starts at the end as he was starting to show he was ready, but considering he was also managing the cramping issue and all that and he did end up as good as he is, I'd lean to that slow progression being helpful.


Completely agree that we shouldn't just copy/paste Schneider's development path to Demko's though. Markstrom is not Luongo for instance (both in play and in contract) so we can adjust based on how both are doing. Certainly, we'd start Demko in the AHL next year and see how it goes from there.

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51 minutes ago, Jägermeister said:

If Demko doesn't sign here because he's worried about not getting the starting job over Markstrom then good riddance.  That would say a lot about his character, and I would rather have a guy who wants to prove that he is deserving of a role rather than a guy who thinks he is entitled to it.

Of course, I don't think that this is the case at all.

I think the suggestion was that he wouldn't sign if Markstrom had a long term contract signed. There can be a fair division of interests without there being a 'character' issue. Demko wants to put himself in the best position to be a starting tender in the NHL. Nothing wrong with that. He has a option to go UFA which might enhance that goal. The UFA route is no guarantee either. IMHO Markstrom has shown serious potential but does not have the #1 spot nailed yet.


I would suggest that Demko signs and plays next year in Utica. Benning resigns Markstrom to a contract that protects Van in the event Demko uses his UFA option. Markstrom does not have enough cred to demand a NTC which in turn would allow Benning to move him if Demko shows well. If Demko does not sign by fall I suspect he uses his UFA option at season's end. He would not have much to lose by that time as Van would still be open to him as a UFA.  A character move would be telling Benning he was going UFA and leave Van with an option to trade his rights.

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4 hours ago, Toews said:


In any case just because a path worked out for Cody doesn't mean it will be the best path for Demko. We have seen young goalies like Mrazek, Vasilevsky, Gibson,  and Murray playing for their respective teams at a very young age. 


Ideally we keep both and run a tandem similar to Anaheim where we eventually trade Markstrom. But it will depend on how much Markstrom will want in his next contract.

Goalies aren't the same as players you tell them  "here are some NHL games" now perform, the position doesn't work like that. Even the goalies you have mentioned has spent 2 seasons in the AHL.


You don't rush goalies because it more of a mental game this a skill based game....


Edited by Gstank29
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move it along guys, he is not signing so what options do we have? also how much value does this guy realistically have? What teams in the market want a goaltender, is Benning that dumb that he would sell Demko to our rival. Seems he enjoys helping out Calgary alot? Hopefully Benning realizes Demko has to be moved and not to Calgary, because yes they need goaltending. I don't know what other teams need goaltending in the East. Realistically it will be a trade with Demko and more. 

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40 minutes ago, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

move it along guys, he is not signing so what options do we have? also how much value does this guy realistically have? What teams in the market want a goaltender, is Benning that dumb that he would sell Demko to our rival. Seems he enjoys helping out Calgary alot? Hopefully Benning realizes Demko has to be moved and not to Calgary, because yes they need goaltending. I don't know what other teams need goaltending in the East. Realistically it will be a trade with Demko and more. 

Man you gotta be the biggest downer on this board. 


He hasn't not signed. So chill until a decision is made. What's the point in worrying in something that may or may not happen. 

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39 minutes ago, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

move it along guys, he is not signing so what options do we have? also how much value does this guy realistically have? What teams in the market want a goaltender, is Benning that dumb that he would sell Demko to our rival. Seems he enjoys helping out Calgary alot? Hopefully Benning realizes Demko has to be moved and not to Calgary, because yes they need goaltending. I don't know what other teams need goaltending in the East. Realistically it will be a trade with Demko and more. 

Lol, calm down there chicken little.


I'm a real Nucks fan, so my vision is us winning the lottery and being treated to watching Thatch and Matthews both make nice impressions at the tournament. Then they come to training camp absolutely jazzed to be in Vancouver. My vision has nothing to do with Calgary.


so freakin sick of this negativity. This is as fantastic a time to be a Canucks fan as ever. If for some insane reason Thatcher walks, he'll regret it. We'll be a good team in a handful of years, and he'll be handed the keys to the kingdom after the proper grooming (which likely won't even take long). Otherwise, we'll resign Marky to a 3-4 year deal at a reasonable rate (he has no leverage). If his play wavers, maybe we target an older guy like a Bobrovsky  or something.


I chose to see the many positives taking place this offseason. The kid is smart and deserves to make the call on his own education. If he just straight up doesn't like our city/team colours, he can walk the hell on anyways.

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12 minutes ago, nergish said:

Lol, calm down there chicken little.


I'm a real Nucks fan, so my vision is us winning the lottery and being treated to watching Thatch and Matthews both make nice impressions at the tournament. Then they come to training camp absolutely jazzed to be in Vancouver. My vision has nothing to do with Calgary.


so freakin sick of this negativity. This is as fantastic a time to be a Canucks fan as ever. If for some insane reason Thatcher walks, he'll regret it. We'll be a good team in a handful of years, and he'll be handed the keys to the kingdom after the proper grooming (which likely won't even take long). Otherwise, we'll resign Marky to a 3-4 year deal at a reasonable rate (he has no leverage). If his play wavers, maybe we target an older guy like a Bobrovsky  or something.


I chose to see the many positives taking place this offseason. The kid is smart and deserves to make the call on his own education. If he just straight up doesn't like our city/team colours, he can walk the hell on anyways.

dear mr nergish, 


my post was only asking for a back up plan if Demko doesn't sign. And I mentioned hopefully our management doesn't trade him to our rivals because that would suck! So can you let me know what the alternatives are if he doesn't sign? What's his realistic value?

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48 minutes ago, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

dear mr nergish, 


my post was only asking for a back up plan if Demko doesn't sign. And I mentioned hopefully our management doesn't trade him to our rivals because that would suck! So can you let me know what the alternatives are if he doesn't sign? What's his realistic value?

I'd say there's almost nothing we can do if he doesn't sign. His value will be next to nothing given that he has total say over where he ends up and hasn't played a single game of pro hockey. Like a 6th for his rights at best.


There is no backup plan. It's one more year of Miller, then Marky takes the reigns. If he's not good enough, we'll have to trade for a starter. Probably somebody older, 28-33ish (like a Bobrovsky, as I said).

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