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Nikita Tryamkin | D


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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Watching Zadorov beast it in the playoffs and layout out guys at will makes me want Tryamkin back as soon as possible.  Tryamkin has like 2 inches and 35 pounds on Zadorov.  Imagine what Tree would be doing to those same players on Calgary and San Jose...

Squashing them like bugs...and I can hardly wait.

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2 hours ago, SilentSam said:

It’s seems a bit Oxy- Moronic to me,.  And please , that’s not to sound insulting...


.. “but you do that all the time, because it’s better for the bigger picture” .

  Tryamkin does for the same reason and you say it sends a selfish message. .  


I say it brings what was a young 21 -22 year old back as a 25 year old ready to be the Stallward Man of a Man that is ready to absolutely crush the men who would have taken advantage of his young impressionable young mind.


It is his career,.   I’m sure he is looking out for the best person involved.   He has Swagger,.  and there has been very little on this team,. It’s needed.  The sooner the better now.

I meant I do things I'm not contractually obligated to do because it's better in the bigger picture.......that's just being self aware and professional.  If I'd shown up to camp that out of shape, I would have been embarrassed to reject a two week training stint in Utica, regardless of what I'd negotiated into my contract.


Bo has swagger, because he's earned it and walks the walk.  Try has bravado.......big difference.


Again, I thought he had good potential to be an NHL top 4 dman had he stuck it out with his team and I hope he comes back in September.  If he doesn't, it's going to be another season of the media morons beating it to death.  They are, imo, better off trading his rights in that case.

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Just now, Wanless said:

To say you're beating a dead horse would give your commentary some sort of life.


You're really just beating the stuffing out of a stuffed horse here bud

Aren't we in the Tryamkin thread on a Canucks discussion board?  Isn't that what we're supposed to do?

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On 4/29/2019 at 5:35 AM, Goal:thecup said:

I'm guilty of that; maybe I fed the fire.

I posted a re-worded version of Baby Come Back (Hall & Oates?) a long time ago and there has been a lot of "jilted lover" talk here ever since.


"Niki come back

I won't be a fool no more

Niki come back

I was wrong and I just can't live without you"

(Or some such rot.)


But yeah, I didn't want him to go and wish he would come back.

And the sooner the better.

Think that 70's schmaltz was "Player"(1-hit wonder?) & yeah, t'was cheezy, AM-fare indeed.


But not as lame/corny as my attempt(somewheres up-stream this thread). I suggested Elton sauntering in to his dressing room(replete w/ his 80's MTV look), singing his Russki-inspired, heart-rending ballad:


Ohh Nikita we will never know

How to just clear out our own D-zone

We'll never know how good it feels to sign you(ohhh no!)

Hey what if Van's a pot-free home ?!


Elton would be in like a dirty shirt!



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2 minutes ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

#1 priority after the 1st pick has got to be for Benning to sign Tryamkin and bring him back to Van.


He is everything which the Canucks need... a big intimidating stay at home D who has reach, who can control the boards and can wheel out of his own end when the opportunity presents itself. 


His acquisition would immediately make life safer for EP, Boeser and the goalies.


Benning needs to sing this to Tryamkin.  

Edited by Alflives
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10 hours ago, SilentSam said:

He conditioned here for 4 weeks,  could have played at anytime. I watched him in pre-season and he really did not stand out as unfit.

Just my opinion but I think Desjardins made a bigger deal out of that than what it really was..  If I was a professional HockeyCoach, for one..  I would never throw a player to the wolves of journalists in this town, or under the bus..  which is what Desjardins did.

THAT.  Should have remained in the locker room.

THAT. Damage continues on, as it does almost 3 years after the fact..  with posters like ourselves still hashing it over.


Desjardins did damage. Labeled the kid.


I'm no WD fan, but Tryamkin was, visibly, in poor shape and wasn't even remotely in game condition and it showed.  WD did the right thing there, imo.  I don't think he threw him under the bus as much as he answered questions honestly when asked.........I agree he could have sheilded Try from scrutiny, but I think they wanted to treat him like every other player.


Ultimately WD is gone and Try didn't come back.........that tells me something.

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12 hours ago, SilentSam said:

I saw it differently at the start of THAT  season,. I did not see his conditioning as poor.

I must say that journalists have a way of compounding details into tragic story telling..


BUT The season before , when Tryamkin finished his KHL season and quickly jumped on a plane to get to Vancouver to play 10 games with us..

He flew and traveled for 26hrs from Yekaterinburg Russia,  to land in Vancouver, quickly dropped his luggage off at his hotel and made it to his first Canuck practice inside 3hrs of landing.

Journalists then said he looked slow and made “stories” about it.

In his first game with us, he got trapped on the ice , long shifting in the 2nd period,  about 3 or 4 icing calls had him trapped for about 3 or 4 consecutive mins...  and again the stories built up.

Everyone looks for faults,  that is The scrutiny that Journalists thrive on ..  I like to think we as fans see the bigger picture or upside that exists in a player.

 There is a bright light around this player,  above average skating, above average quickness and agility,  an above average strength, a great demeanour and sense of Team.

I embrace the fact he probably doesn’t like to fight,. He doesn’t have to.. but he does if nessesary..  

Tryamkin will help shape the Canucks when he arrives,  his Coach calls him a Man of Iron..   too bad WD didn’t give more accolades to this player.


Who cares . Are we still talking about why he isnt here ? What a waste of time . WD is gone . Lets talk about something more relevant. 

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10 hours ago, cuporbust said:

Who cares . Are we still talking about why he isnt here ? What a waste of time . WD is gone . Lets talk about something more relevant. 

Like how do we get him back instead of spending 7X$7m on Myers!

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On 4/30/2019 at 10:01 AM, SilentSam said:

I saw it differently at the start of THAT  season,. I did not see his conditioning as poor.

I must say that journalists have a way of compounding details into tragic story telling..


BUT The season before , when Tryamkin finished his KHL season and quickly jumped on a plane to get to Vancouver to play 10 games with us..

He flew and traveled for 26hrs from Yekaterinburg Russia,  to land in Vancouver, quickly dropped his luggage off at his hotel and made it to his first Canuck practice inside 3hrs of landing.

Journalists then said he looked slow and made “stories” about it.

In his first game with us, he got trapped on the ice , long shifting in the 2nd period,  about 3 or 4 icing calls had him trapped for about 3 or 4 consecutive mins...  and again the stories built up.

Everyone looks for faults,  that is The scrutiny that Journalists thrive on ..  I like to think we as fans see the bigger picture or upside that exists in a player.

 There is a bright light around this player,  above average skating, above average quickness and agility,  an above average strength, a great demeanour and sense of Team.

I embrace the fact he probably doesn’t like to fight,. He doesn’t have to.. but he does if nessesary..  

Tryamkin will help shape the Canucks when he arrives,  his Coach calls him a Man of Iron..   too bad WD didn’t give more accolades to this player.


I'm not sure how anyone could say he wasn't visibly in poor shape.  He was absolutely gassed after 20-25 seconds every shift when he got to Van.  I couldn't care less about journalists and I don't live in Van, so I don't listen to or read their drivel.  To me, it was glaringly obvious he came to camp completely unprepared for NHL hockey.


I agree, completely, that his return will have a huge impact on the dcorp.

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12 hours ago, cuporbust said:

Who cares . Are we still talking about why he isnt here ? What a waste of time . WD is gone . Lets talk about something more relevant. 

what else is there to talk about for a player who isn't in the org anymore?

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As I understand Tryamkin needs to make the first move regarding his current contract. So give the guy a signing bonus equal to the amount he must pay to his KHL team to get his release and bring him over. Let's hope Green doesn't want this youngster to be a fighter as was suggested to him. Play the game and level opponents with hard heavy hits and we'll all  be happy

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3 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

As I understand Tryamkin needs to make the first move regarding his current contract. So give the guy a signing bonus equal to the amount he must pay to his KHL team to get his release and bring him over. Let's hope Green doesn't want this youngster to be a fighter as was suggested to him. Play the game and level opponents with hard heavy hits and we'll all  be happy

Even more than that, enough to pay off the contract, get settled in Vancouver, and then some.

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