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Lucic still unapologetic after playoff behaviour

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I don't recall Lucic acting this way as a Vancouver Giant. He certainly was more mature when the Giants lost in the playoffs, and eventually won the Memorial Cup.

He also didn't resort to hacking a guy in the privates. I think he's a victim of believing everything the press and fans tell him in Boston.

It's ok to hate to lose. You may not like the guy you're playing against. But the lineup and handshake after a playoff series its tradition, and it supposed to show the best of hockey players. Not the worst.

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Our love-hate relationship with Lucic is ridiculous.

One of the best ever from Vancouver. Deserves way more respect than what we've shown.

Absolutely loved him as a Giant. You could tell he was going to be a horse. Silly the Canucks passed on him considering he was in their backyard and all.

Hate the Bruins though. So I'm part of the love-hate relationship as well I guess.

He deserves exactly the amount of respect he shows for the game, which is none. The guy's a disgrace to the city and I can't wait until his career is ended by either a lifetime ban or a serious injury.

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King Heffy,

Milan Lucic may be a meathead of the highest degree and somewhat of a douche, but he is not a disgrace to the city. He hasn't done anything to warrant that.

He got in a bar fight downtown.....like that doesn't happen a hundred times a week.

He beat the Canucks as a member of the Boston Bruins. They drafted him and developed his talent. Did he get away with a lot of garbage after the whistle? Sure. However, if you want to blame anyone for that, blame the referees.

He loves Vancouver and returns here every off season. Not exactly a disgrace.

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King Heffy,

Milan Lucic may be a meathead of the highest degree and somewhat of a douche, but he is not a disgrace to the city. He hasn't done anything to warrant that.

He got in a bar fight downtown.....like that doesn't happen a hundred times a week.

He beat the Canucks as a member of the Boston Bruins. They drafted him and developed his talent. Did he get away with a lot of garbage after the whistle? Sure. However, if you want to blame anyone for that, blame the referees.

He loves Vancouver and returns here every off season. Not exactly a disgrace.

People who wish for career ending injuries on players just because they play for rival teams are the REAL disgrace. Makes the rest of us here at CDC look like a bunch of cretins.

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King Heffy,

Milan Lucic may be a meathead of the highest degree and somewhat of a douche, but he is not a disgrace to the city. He hasn't done anything to warrant that.

He got in a bar fight downtown.....like that doesn't happen a hundred times a week.

He beat the Canucks as a member of the Boston Bruins. They drafted him and developed his talent. Did he get away with a lot of garbage after the whistle? Sure. However, if you want to blame anyone for that, blame the referees.

He loves Vancouver and returns here every off season. Not exactly a disgrace.

This is what people can't get over, and let go of. I think more than anything else, is what's fueling the hate for Lucic.

I like the chip on his shoulder he has. It inevitably gets him in trouble (and clearly unwanted attention when going back home), but someone's gotta have character.

People who wish for career ending injuries on players just because they play for rival teams are the REAL disgrace. Makes the rest of us here at CDC look like a bunch of cretins.

But it's so edgy!
"Just wish he'd DIE!"
Damn, I'm cool now. B)
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King Heffy,

Milan Lucic may be a meathead of the highest degree and somewhat of a douche, but he is not a disgrace to the city. He hasn't done anything to warrant that.

He got in a bar fight downtown.....like that doesn't happen a hundred times a week.

He beat the Canucks as a member of the Boston Bruins. They drafted him and developed his talent. Did he get away with a lot of garbage after the whistle? Sure. However, if you want to blame anyone for that, blame the referees.

He loves Vancouver and returns here every off season. Not exactly a disgrace.

Yeah, I'm proud to be from the same city as a piece of garbage that headshots goalies, spears people in the nuts, and threatens opponents in the handshake line...

The city would be better off if he kept his pathetic arse out of it.

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He was drafted by our recent Saviour GM Jim Benning...I would like to hear if Benning would take him back...

I have never understood why people get so uppity about what athletes say and do. They aren't good role models. Jerks, thugs, loudmouths, murderers, rapists, wife beaters, whores (except AC Green), rednecks, racists, drug dealers/users, cheaters, etc etc. I know that I just singled out a small minority of athletes but athletes are human and do stupid human things too.

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He was drafted by our recent Saviour GM Jim Benning...I would like to hear if Benning would take him back...

I have never understood why people get so uppity about what athletes say and do. They aren't good role models. Jerks, thugs, loudmouths, murderers, rapists, wife beaters, whores (except AC Green), rednecks, racists, drug dealers/users, cheaters, etc etc. I know that I just singled out a small minority of athletes but athletes are human and do stupid human things too.

The "Pontius Pilate Folk" are still having second thoughts on Benning .. there is a ripple of discontent evident just beneath the surface, as always.

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Yeah, I'm proud to be from the same city as a piece of garbage that headshots goalies, spears people in the nuts, and threatens opponents in the handshake line...

The city would be better off if he kept his pathetic arse out of it.

Actually the city would be better off if the cretins who tried to tear it apart after Game 7 kept their pathetic arses out of it.
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Our love-hate relationship with Lucic is ridiculous.

One of the best ever from Vancouver. Deserves way more respect than what we've shown.

Absolutely loved him as a Giant. You could tell he was going to be a horse. Silly the Canucks passed on him considering he was in their backyard and all.

Hate the Bruins though. So I'm part of the love-hate relationship as well I guess.

Just because someone's from Vancouver doesn't mean they deserve respect. You earn respect, through your actions, not an area coe.

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It begs the question, Deb:

This is a re-hash of a two-month old story and posters are using it for nothing more than to spew vitriol at a player, exactly as they did in the original thread. We even have one paragon of tolerance wishing for a career ending injury...

With all the "redundant" and "lacking substance" threads that get locked around here, why is this one allowed to continue? Has CDC not used up it's quota of "classless" comments?

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It begs the question, Deb:

This is a re-hash of a two-month old story and posters are using it for nothing more than to spew vitriol at a player, exactly as they did in the original thread. We even have one paragon of tolerance wishing for a career ending injury...

With all the "redundant" and "lacking substance" threads that get locked around here, why is this one allowed to continue? Has CDC not used up it's quota of "classless" comments?

It's allowed to continue because it is a Bruins hate thread and CDC needs at least one of these burning all the time. As for CDC "using up its quota of classless comments" I fear that will simply never happen as long as Steve Moore is alive. Or Brad Marchant for that matter.

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It's allowed to continue because it is a Bruins hate thread and CDC needs at least one of these burning all the time. As for CDC "using up its quota of classless comments" I fear that will simply never happen as long as Steve Moore is alive. Or Brad Marchant for that matter.

You guys are delusional that think that. Like really? I used to hate the Bruins just for that Finals run where they played so dirty but I admire how they play now. It's become evident they have a few dirtbags on their team but oh well, they have an amazing team.

...this isn't about "Bruins hate from Canucks fans" or anything like that cause the entire hockey world is talking about it. Seems more you guys are stuck in the past and assuming that's the case when it clearly isn't.

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