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[UPD] Fined 5k - So the Hansen hit on Wingels..

Tom Sestito

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I really looked like he was going for a shoulder to shoulder hit. I'm perfectly happy with a 5k fine, as long as he's not considered a repeat offender after this.

He will be considered a repeat offender. That is really the point of the fine. Fines (which are limited to 5K) are obviously no more than a slap on the wrist to players earning in the millions. What the fine says is "Don't do it again, because next time we will get serious."

Hansen got a slap on the wrist because:

i) the hit was not late.

ii) he did not appear to leave his feet, despite claims to the contrary.

iii) he made initial (although only slight) shoulder to shoulder contact.

iv) although contact with the head was made, it was still only a glancing blow.

v) there was no intent

vi) Wingels is a known diver and he appeared to embellish in this case -- leaping in the air and spinning in the air after the hit, lying on the ice, and then trying to look dazed. If it was all legit he would not have returned to the ice a few minutes later. Understandably, none of the San Jose players, trainers, or medical staff bothered to help him.

So why did Hansen get anything?

Because every player has a responsibiity to avoid making principal contract with head. Making slight shoulder to shoulder contact first does not immunize again this call. If in doubt, the player needs to avoid the hit, which Hanson could have done.

Bottom line: I think a 5K fine was a good call. A 1 game suspension would have also been okay.

No evidence of an anti-Canuck conspiracy here.

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I have been wrong before, so correct me if I am, but Jannik was suspended in february of 2013 for his reaching punch on hossa. When determining repeat offender status isnt it 2 instances have to happen within 18 months, if my memory and math is correct Jannik would not qualify this time for repeat offender status.

I think you mean "reaching helmet grazing forearm".

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He will be considered a repeat offender. That is really the point of the fine. Fines (which are limited to 5K) are obviously no more than a slap on the wrist to players earning in the millions. What the fine says is "Don't do it again, because next time we will get serious."

Hansen got a slap on the wrist because:

i) the hit was not late.

ii) he did not appear to leave his feet, despite claims to the contrary.

iii) he made initial (although only slight) shoulder to shoulder contact.

iv) although contact with the head was made, it was still only a glancing blow.

v) there was no intent

vi) Wingels is a known diver and he appeared to embellish in this case -- leaping in the air and spinning in the air after the hit, lying on the ice, and then trying to look dazed. If it was all legit he would not have returned to the ice a few minutes later. Understandably, none of the San Jose players, trainers, or medical staff bothered to help him.

So why did Hansen get anything?

Because every player has a responsibiity to avoid making principal contract with head. Making slight shoulder to shoulder contact first does not immunize again this call. If in doubt, the player needs to avoid the hit, which Hanson could have done.

Bottom line: I think a 5K fine was a good call. A 1 game suspension would have also been okay.

No evidence of an anti-Canuck conspiracy here.

JamesB, did you hit the juice early tonight?

Most of your points are wrong. Watch the video again without the sauce.

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If that is a reference point, Keith should have been fined $20,000.....yeah, livin in the past & still hate that weasle.

$5k is the maximum fine without losing games. Keith was suspended 5 games which cost him just about $150k.

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compared to the Bartkowski hit Canucks seem always first up on the radar..hey DPS there are other teams doing worse crap 5K? you know they were holding back on that call (maybe a make up for that weak Hossa call)

Is someone on the DPS feeling guilty over the way Shanny's had been treatin' the 'Nucks since 2011? Have the winds of persecution really blown over? Is this a peace-offering after not stepping-up to do more to protect 'Nucks players from continued assaults,... like those take-out attempts on Matthias...twice?

They could also start fining players who deploy their own versions of "Messier's elbow" on other parts of the body....OR..has the addition of ex-head-hunter Pronger brought-in a new pair of eyes that gives the DPS a more lenient slant across the board now? Just waitin' to see where all of this will be trendin'. Has the 'old school' mentality returned?

Happy New Year, Canucks-fans! Be grateful for this small mercy ..but hope for the best - for the game we love & pray for the health & safety of its' players in 2015! :)

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I really looked like he was going for a shoulder to shoulder hit. I'm perfectly happy with a 5k fine, as long as he's not considered a repeat offender after this.

Now that this was his second sanction, he is considered a multiple repeat offender. He was punished for on-ice behaviour, why wouldn't they consider that in the future. That's the whole point of the system. Keep screwing up and penalties get worse after each time.

*edit* whoops, just realized JamesB beat me to the punch with this responce.

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Now that this was his second sanction, he is considered a multiple repeat offender. He was punished for on-ice behaviour, why wouldn't they consider that in the future. That's the whole point of the system. Keep screwing up and penalties get worse after each time.

*edit* whoops, just realized JamesB beat me to the punch with this responce.

like stated above his first infraction was feb. 2013, the standard set is two instances within 18 months, so he was not considered a repeat offender under the new cba but he will be if he gets in trouble again within the next 18 months. You are correct in that even if he doesnt reoffend in the next 18 months his history can still be used in determining punishments for further infractions

The CBA also defines "repeat offender" at Section 5(d) of Exhibit 8:

"tatus as a "first" or "repeat" offender shall be re-determined every eighteen (18) months. For example, where a Player is suspended for the first time, he is a repeat offender if he is suspended again within eighteen (18) months of the first incident. If he is not suspended a second time within this eighteen (18) month period, he will no longer be treated as a repeat offender for disciplinary purposes

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I dont care what you say, the league has it in for Vancouver. Edler with the visor clip getting 3 games and Keith deliberately leaving the puck to turn and elbow Dank in the head gets 5 games? are u ***ing kidding me?

Five for a first offense is actually pretty heavy. Majority of first offenses are one to three games. Edlers three game was his second offense.

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Meanwhile Bartkowski still gets nothing for that Gionta hit.

DPS, you really blow.

I was also surprised that Stoner wasn't disciplined for his dangerous hit on Pacioretty. And this is coming froma long time Hab hater...

JamesB, did you hit the juice early tonight?

Most of your points are wrong. Watch the video again without the sauce.

Just watched it on sportsnet.ca

At no point does Hansen leave his feet. Take your own advice.

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Five for a first offense is actually pretty heavy. Majority of first offenses are one to three games. Edlers three game was his second offense.

Edler's wasnt even an attempt to hit the guy,...,he was bracing for possible impact - knowing that he was blocking Hertl's path to the puck - if it escaped him along the boards. Edler was making a logical hockey play that 100% of every NHLer polled,.. would probably make in that same situation. Hertl could both see & anticipate the collison. Hertl's visor was clipped when his progress was blocked & he attempted to dart around Edler's hulking shoulder/back. The helmut spun-off proving the lateral dodge by Hertl.

Keith had abandoned playing the game of hockey, altogether. He assaulted Daniel Sedin by elbowing him in the face/jaw. There was no attempt to play the puck, or the body, nor could the assaulted player anticipate this event happening & defend himself against it. Daniel's eyes were raised in the air searching for a puck. There were also elements of pre-meditation & retribution. A series of threats were levied against the victim minutes prior at the benches,... that threatened pay-back for a surprising hit that Keith received from Daniel along the boards to start the game...the kind of hit Keith could have anticipated but didnt expect from a mild-mannered Daniel Sedin who typically did fly-bys. Keith was neither hurt nor injured on that hockey-play. There was no penalty called & interestingly enough, ...Keith did not even elect to fight or challenge Daniel,... eye-ball to eye-ball. Instead,...Keith formed a plan to lynch him via a non-hockey play. NO player would ever anticipate being assaulted by a fellow union brother - in that fashion,.. nor in that particular instance.

Do you see the ridiculous discrepancy in these assessments of punishment by the DPS - now? Keith had clear intent to injure, on a non-hockey play, there was premeditation, there was retribution & vindictiveness involved(altho' he wouldnt own it & Shanny said he denied it). There was a severe injury. He was under-penalized in the game. Outrageously, a senior ref with a dubious history (OHalloran) let Keith remain in the game to be a continued distraction to Daniel's teammates. Daniel was the league scoring champion on one of Keith's chief-divisional rivals, was assaulted & put-out of commission mere weeks before the play-offs were to begin. The Canucks were a possible 1st round opponent of Keith's Hawks! Star-lynching MUST be severely discouraged... & considered to be a possible motive in this case, as well.

Keith had been fined a couple of times in his career for 'retribution' style assaults on other NHL players,...not simple recklessness or accidentally injuring a player. The assault by Keith was a glimpse into his character ...& this demented mentality of his has gone un-challenged or corrected as a result of the league NOT dealing with him harshly enough,..or training him better. For these MANY reasons, Keith should have been suspended MORE than 5 games for his assault on Daniel Sedin.

Instead -,...Keith would later carve-up the face & break the teeth of Jeff Carter in anger, during a play-off game. He swung a hockey blade into his victim's mouth from behind. Carter was also a star-player on a play-off opponent, at the time....and Keith got what? Wait for it! Yup ,...inexplicably - JUST 1 game! And - he was clearly a repeat offender!!! ( I guess, they didnt remember 1st timer Aaron Rome getting 4 games in a S-Cup Final for a hockey play hit-that was only minimally late!) The DPS quickly discounts Keith's intent to injure,..and deemed it only a reckless accident. Like, what made them so SURE..Keith's past HISTORY?!!!! The O-6 allegiances to members of the DPS & this acquired bias - saw them issue soft consequences for another,... very dirty deed, again. Keith will be learning nothing.. unless his own wife or kids shame the guy! Punishments like ^this from the league,...will only enable & ensure more disrespectful attitudes, more retributions & more victims..in Duncan Keith's wake.

In this century of accountability, safety standards & lawsuits,... The NHL should be raising the bar of expectations for its employees....not taking a step backwards by assigning people like 'Chris Pronger' to the DPS. I dont think anyone in this league will need to worry about the characters of either Hansen or Edler,... but they should be very concerned about playing the NHL-game beside the likes of Duncan Keith,.. lest they become yet another victim of his juvenile tantrums.

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In that last post, I take issue only with this: use of the diminutive does justice to neither the despicable acts nor the character that deliberately so engages.

^Fair comment.

Just wanted to demonstrate that I believe Keith to be a very immature man...in mind if not body,..and seeing as he plays for Team Canada & represents of our province abroad,...I really wish he would amend his ways, learn something about human decency & respect,...& grow-the-hell-up!

I thought father-hood might have a positive impact on him, ....but apparently not,....judging by those taunts he spewed at a hurt & concussed union brother (Backes) who was being escorted-oe ice by doctors & trainers. That post-game apology to Jeff Carter, the player he carved-up in the play-offs, was promising ....but more about self-preservation, I think. I will only curb my criticisms of Keith - when I finally hear some remorse or a little repudiation of this culture of violent-retribution that he has whole-heartedly embraced & deployed by despicable means, his entire career. He deliberately puts the careers & futures of his fellow union brothers at risk, to appease himself - when all they have done,.. is help bless him with an opportunity to make millions of $ playing a game.

I hope Daniel receives that public apology - someday,...and that Keith will then acknowledge him as a true gentleman of the sport. Keith's targettng of Daniel Sedin,...is akin to all of those other attempted star-lynchings of players like; Alfredsson, Yzerman, Modano, Linden, Kariya, Gretzky, Naslund, and others, that justly discreditted the careers of their head-hunters, too.

And - who here, really believes that Chris Pronger is the guy who'll properly advocate for a crack-down on antics like Keith's...or will he more than likely be the one to.. minimize, enable, excuse or over-look them instead?

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Do you see the ridiculous discrepancy in these assessments of punishment by the DPS

I see a ridiculous discrepancy in your view and reality. Edler abandoned going for the puck and went for a hit instead. He threw an illegal hit. Period. Keith getting 5 games for a first offense is a heavy penalty. Period. It's really just that simple. There's no conspiracy involved in those suspensions.

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Possible suspension threads on CDC are fun.

They're full of "wheel of justice posts" "canucks r hated by bettman"

Regarding the actual hit,


Hit to the head, but again it's been inconsistent this year. I don't think it's going to be suspended because they didn't suspend the bull Robidas pulled on Matthias.

A fine is what I expect - AT MOST, and I think it's fair.

What do you guys think? (insert "wheel of justice posts" "canucks r hated by bettman")




Left the room, missed it! Am I the only one that this happens too? I missed a tone of goals and great plays just because of leaving the room.

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