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[UPD] Fined 5k - So the Hansen hit on Wingels..

Tom Sestito

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Should of just put his shoulder into Wingels shoulder, still would have knocked him on his ass. Almost certain suspension IMO but It sure is getting tiresome watching the Sharks' theatrics every time they get hit.

How I feel too. I think it should be 1-2 games at most (he wasn't hurt and they seem to want to consider that....plus I'd suggest there was a fair bit of theatrics involved which should also be factored in. Don't want players using this to their advantage or playing to the cameras for added emphasis).

But the wheel of justice will be spun.... No baiting going on in this thread, right?

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He's a repeat offender (albeit the reasoning for it is ridiculous), and it was definitely a blindside hit.

I figure he gets 3 games due to his past, but he really only deserves 1.

Yeah, I think he deserves a game, and would accept 2. But knowing the league, it will probably be 3...just enough to convince me to keep my tinfoil hat.

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How I feel too. I think it should be 1-2 games at most (he wasn't hurt and they seem to want to consider that....plus I'd suggest there was a fair bit of theatrics involved which should also be factored in. Don't want players using this to their advantage or playing to the cameras for added emphasis).

But the wheel of justice will be spun.... No baiting going on in this thread, right?

I'm curious what you mean by this?

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Wingles is those types of guys that need to keep there head up. His head on this play was up ONCE he took the shot. Hansen I'm sure didn't intentionally try to hurt him. Hansen doesn't do that kind of dirty stuff. If he does get suspended I'm looking for 1 game. 2 games tops.


This is the kind of bull that should get you suspended. However league's going to screw this up.

Leads with the elbow, clearly attemtping to drive it into Matthias' head.

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Should of just put his shoulder into Wingels shoulder, still would have knocked him on his ass. Almost certain suspension IMO but It sure is getting tiresome watching the Sharks' theatrics every time they get hit.

he missed by a couple inches... it happens...hell kassian usually misses so bad he doesnt make contact at all... probably a 1 game suspension hit to the head, a couple inches to the right and it wouldve been a great hit...
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Ok so let me get out my calculator

Vancouver player: multiply deserving suspension by 5. So 5 x 0 = 0. In case of 0 game suspension for Vancouver player, please add 5 games because the player is on the canucks

So now we sit at 5 games

Against a California player +20 games what he actually deserves, because let's be honest we have to fix the nhl in favour of Cali teams.

Total suspension 25 games for Hansen for running into a diving Queen.

In my opinion wiggles is a diving POS. He stayed down making it look bad.

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Well the Shark Coach wasn't real happy,

He thought Hansen should have been out of the game

Hansen puts Wingels out and gets a 2 min. penalty.

SJS power play is #2 in the league and they did nothing with it, and to top it off,

Hansens scores on a breakaway after coming out of the box! :rolleyes:

A failed power play early in the second period was a pivotal moment. Rather than bearing down to make the Canucks pay for Jannik Hansens hit to the head of Tommy Wingels, the Sharks allowed Hansen to step out of the box and race in on a breakaway for the game-winning goal at 3:05 of the middle frame. It increased Vancouvers lead to 2-0.

Wingels later returned to the game (he wasnt made available to the media afterwards), but it was still a sequence that irked McLellan.

I didnt like the hit, I didnt like the fact that he came out of the box and scored the winning goal and got to play the rest of the night, he said. Those are breaks that can go for or against you, and it went against us tonight. That certainly wasnt the reason why we lost.


Hockey God's have been good to us this year. I think that's the 4th bull shit call that we've either scored shorthanded on or immediately after the power play.

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Wingels was playing the puck.
Hansen did not extend his arm or elbow.
Principle point of contact was partially chest and partially the head (50/50)
Hansen did not target the head.
Hansen's feet did not leave the ice.
There was a penalty issued on the play.
Hansen is a repeat offender.
Wingels did leave the ice but did return that game.

Should not be suspend-able but...

2-3 games is what he's looking at.

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I could see this getting a phone hearing but if it does all Hansen has to say is "remember how many games you gave Robidas? We remember." and hang up. There's no way Hansen's hit is worse. Additionally I'm enjoying the rage about a Canuck hit but nobody postgame has mentioned James Sheppard kneeing Richardson.

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McLellan didn't like the hit, which I suppose is fair...

I, OTOH didn't like the knee on knee that put Richardson out for a few shifts. Somehow, that one got swept under the rug, despite the fact that San Jose (as usual) got all of the power plays last night.

I've given up trying to guess what will be suspended in today's NHL. I thought the Robidas elbow was clear cut, so what do I know?

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