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[Article] Benning's not looking to trade


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We could unload a couple of albatross contracts and bring some young players up for down the stretch in games that matter (but not really when arent winning a cup or even coming close).

Those young guys could experience a playoff push and we could get premium value for those non-cap friendly contracts. Seems like we could collect picks for guys like Higgins, Matthias etc and open spots for Hunter and Jensen.

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Guest Dasein

Very happy to hear that Benning would rather stand pat

Where we're standing now and given the price at the deadline, that is the right thing to do

Benning would be nuts to take a guy out of the roster for a draft pick - that's just a slap in the face of our current players who are fighting for a playoff spot and have done so admirably through all the adversity

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I read the article easier i think he said "But the other thing is we’ve been really happy with our group, how on any given night they show up and compete. I really do like our team.”

Doesnt mean he's not looking for a trade. he not aggresively shopping for players

I also read the article and thought about posting it, but wondered if someone else already had. I guess not. Several of Benning's comments have made it to other threads, however,

The cost of rentals is high this year, with a lot for first round picks being traded for guys no better Burrows (coming back from injury) and not as good as Edler (coming back from injury). And, as Benning says, those picks are like gold. So it makes no sense for the Canucks to be buyers.

But the Canucks have committed themselves to trying to make the playoffs and that makes financial sense for the owners, as playoffs add a lot to the bottom line. And more fans come out during the playoff race as well.

So doing nothing is kind of compromise. It should be enough to keep ownership happy without selling out the future. A reasonable expectation is that the Canucks make the playoffs, lose in the round, and get picks in the middle of the 1st and 2nd rounds, barring later moves.

Personally, however, I think this is great chance to get another first round pick and/or picks in the 2nd and 3rd rounds and I am sorry the Canucks are apparently not doing it.

The Canucks have a lot of decent players and with guys coming back from injury will have more than they need. What they need is one or two more potential high end players --guys in the Horvat, Virtanen, and McCann category, and that means high draft picks. So I would like to trade one or two pretty decent players now to get a reasonable shot at getting high end players down the road. .

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Benning realizes that this team isn't one that will be contending for the cup. He is still going to try to keep this team as competitive as possible while building for the future so that our young guys are brought into a competitive environment. I am sure his decisions will change over the course of time however.

Example of a young guy brought into a competitive environment and it being successful.

Bo Horvat.

Horvat is not the only beneficiary of this.

I was originally upset knowing Benning wouldn't at the very least trade a guy like Higgins for second round pick but then I looked at the underlying numbers Higgins has, and they are quite impressive relative to the rest of the team.

(Numbers for forwards on the team)

1. Despite having the 2nd least offensive zone as starts as a forward, he has the most offensive zone finishes behind only to the Sedins + Burrows

2. Among forwards, Higgins is tied for first with Linden Vey for having the highest save percentage when they are on the ice. In other words, there is a higher chance that if an opportunity is given to the other team, that it will be saved. This means that the scoring chances are less likely to be good ones when higgins and vey hit the ice.

It seems like Higgins' game is rubbing off on the young Vey and teaching him to play a responsible game. Thank goodness none of us are running the team. These guys are not the Oilers management; they surround their players with veteran presence so they can develop well.

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Higgins will fetch a 2015 1st

In what world?

I wouldn't trade Higgins for anything less than a mid-2nd rounder and I doubt any team would offer that.

Much rather keep Higgins, for what he brings to the team and for his salary.

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"Benning said he likes the Canucks a lot more than he did five weeks ago, when the current injury crisis began with defenceman Kevin Bieksa’s broken hand and Richardson’s deep ankle bruise"

Bieksa has shown to be expendable to this club during his absence, He's always been an incredibly high risk, high reward defenseman but this year especially, he's shown to be all risk and very little reward. Bieksa's value to the Canucks at this point is restricted to what he brings in the room. He has always been a high risk, high reward d man and this year especially he's brought far more of the risk than the reward. With the ridiculous value asked of other d men this year, it should be a no brainer to move Bieksa to further our future. As mentioned by Freidman last deadline, Kevin has immense perceived value throughout the league and now is the time to capitalize on that value. Shrewd decisions need to be made to better this team moving forward, and moving Kevin is one of them. He would fetch a kings ransom going forward if we chose to move him now.d

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Not only the pursuit of additional picks with our apparent surplus.

Also targeting specific younger, faster, more skilled players(with reasonable contracts, on failing teams), & offering a 2, or even 3 player, for 1 package.

That's another alternative, where we shed excess similar 'tweeners, yet simultaneously could improve. Then if injuries affect our roster again, we can simply insert more youth from Utica(it's worked wonders, thus far).

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In what world?

I wouldn't trade Higgins for anything less than a mid-2nd rounder and I doubt any team would offer that.

Much rather keep Higgins, for what he brings to the team and for his salary.

Prices are high for rental players this draft with so little to choose from and so many contenders having holes to fill. Supply and demand rules. I think he could definitely fetch a first rounder in return. It would be a smart move, because even though he's a decent player, he's 31 turning 32 soon and he seems to have slowed his progress and may have even plateaud. Why not get something really good with an extremely deep draft this year when he still has value? Canucks got Garrison to waive his NTC. They can do the same for Higgins if they really wanted to.

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Higgins will fetch a 2015 1st

This is extreme homerism at it's finest. If you hadn't noticed, the trade frenzie has involved players that are UFA. Teams have been rumored to be unwilling to take on salary beyond this season and it has proven to be true. Yes players that are comparable to Higgins have gone for solid return( Fleischman, Bergenheim, Winnik) the difference is though, is that those players were all on expiring deals. Before Chris Higgins recent point streak, he was very much considered to be a boat anchor of a contract before his recent point streak. He is very much a solid shutdown third liner, that can produce in the right cirumstances, but the fact of the matter is is that he is in the age where most NHLers decline significantly. His usage has assuredly not gone unnoticed by other teams and his finishing ability given all of those opportunities will be impossible to overlook. He's also mediocre in the playoffs, and as such the Canucks would be foolish not to acquire an asset for him

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Horvat is not the only beneficiary of this.

I was originally upset knowing Benning wouldn't at the very least trade a guy like Higgins for second round pick but then I looked at the underlying numbers Higgins has, and they are quite impressive relative to the rest of the team.

(Numbers for forwards on the team)

1. Despite having the 2nd least offensive zone as starts as a forward, he has the most offensive zone finishes behind only to the Sedins + Burrows

2. Among forwards, Higgins is tied for first with Linden Vey for having the highest save percentage when they are on the ice. In other words, there is a higher chance that if an opportunity is given to the other team, that it will be saved. This means that the scoring chances are less likely to be good ones when higgins and vey hit the ice.

It seems like Higgins' game is rubbing off on the young Vey and teaching him to play a responsible game. Thank goodness none of us are running the team. These guys are not the Oilers management; they surround their players with veteran presence so they can develop well.

Same can be said for Dorsett to Horvat when Bo first started playing. Horvat is now all good without Dorsett which is great to see.

Same can be said with Matthias and Dorsett to Kassian in some extent. Now Kassian has gotten top 6 ice time, even with the Sedins.

These are some examples of how our veterans have been influencing our younger players.

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The big issue about trades is the pending CAP reduction. Many teams have their hands tied. Pending UFA's with lower hits have increased values.

There are still possible hockey deals. Tanev for a forward is a option IMHO. JB might hold off and make his deals going into the draft. He will have a better idea by then what UFA's he can sign. Canuck's probably make playoffs but a 1st round exit is also likely. More teams might be interested in Miller at that time as well.

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He should trade some UFA's and veterans. Look Mr Benning, this team does this every year. They show they can compete, but come playoffs the fuel from the veterans run out. (Eg Sanjose series)Teams like LA man handle the veterans! Seems, Benning is falling into the trap from this core, which we as fans have seen for far too long.

He should trade many UFA's and guys like Higgins.

Why we should trade for picks?

- a deep draft, which you don't want to miss out on.

This team this year has shown me how fragile they are. Bad goals, bad breakdowns, bad goal-tending, letting in 2 goals in less than a 5 minute span, less then 5 shots a period. Bottom line Benning has to understand, now is the time to get rid of some of the UFAs because this team will not being making noise in the playoffs.

Nashville - got way better

Chicago - got better

LA - got better

Minnesota - on fire

St louis- will get better

Ducks - will make a trade

Vancouver- same line up, hopefully they can pull a "miracle" otherwise its a 1st round exit for this team. Far too many times has this team been inconsistent this year.

Retool by selling some UFAs and hope some of the young utica guys can fill in. Canucks don't need a perfect record they need a decent .500 record to get into the playoffs, so you might as well grab some decent draft picks.

But the point is we will also get better by the return of much better players than these teams are signing. Burr, Bonino (just returned) Edler, Tanev, Bieksa, Richardson and more crucially Miller when he returns, not a bad bit of reinforcing there.

They have got where they are with the best they have so they add a player. We have got where we are with arguably a team with a third of the players our 2nd choice and many of these in defence.

Our guys should be fresh, not only for the run in but for the playoffs themselves if we in fact make the playoffs.

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"Benning said he likes the Canucks a lot more than he did five weeks ago, when the current injury crisis began with defenceman Kevin Bieksa’s broken hand and Richardson’s deep ankle bruise"

Bieksa has shown to be expendable to this club during his absence, He's always been an incredibly high risk, high reward defenseman but this year especially, he's shown to be all risk and very little reward. Bieksa's value to the Canucks at this point is restricted to what he brings in the room. He has always been a high risk, high reward d man and this year especially he's brought far more of the risk than the reward. With the ridiculous value asked of other d men this year, it should be a no brainer to move Bieksa to further our future. As mentioned by Freidman last deadline, Kevin has immense perceived value throughout the league and now is the time to capitalize on that value. Shrewd decisions need to be made to better this team moving forward, and moving Kevin is one of them. He would fetch a kings ransom going forward if we chose to move him now.d

Bieksa is an interesting player to bring up when it comes to the trade deadline. Kevin hasn't been our best d this year but for what he has brought to this organization and the way he speaks about it (going down with the ship, rock bottom etc.) I think he would rather play out his career in Vancouver. I think the organization owes him that with his loyalty to the club.

There is no questioning that Kevin has trade value and would be a very intriguing piece for any team heading into the playoffs. A first rounder + a decent prospect would likely be the return.

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In what world?

I wouldn't trade Higgins for anything less than a mid-2nd rounder and I doubt any team would offer that.

Much rather keep Higgins, for what he brings to the team and for his salary.

Higgins is going to have pretty similar value to Vermette who just got a late first and a prospect. It's not really crazy to think that Higgins would at least get us a late first. Something in the 22-30 range is pretty reasonable. I would rather keep him though as he is a steal for what he brings at his salary.

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I'll be honest, I'm disappointed he's not looking to unload a few veterans.

I was really hoping to see players like Richardson and Higgins to be unloaded in favor of 2nd/3rd round draft picks. I want this team to get younger and this is the optimal draft to do it in. I'm really hoping he is willing to let some of those contracts go before draft day because its not every year that a draft this deep comes along.

The team is getting younger but there needs to be a mix of vets. I don't want this team to be a virgin like the Oilers with no one to guide them. The team is in transition but its not going to overhaul and do an Edmonton Oiler's rebuild. Unload a player like Higgins but I would not get rid of Richardson with our awful faceoff percentage.

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