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8 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

RIP Wall Street Bets.


Can't recall any other day I have seen that had the Dow +500 and so many stocks -30-60%

All the kids that were smart and got out started investing normal again, my stocks that all dropped last week are all getting back close to par again from a week and a half ago.  Hopefully it will continue being a nice steady climb from here on out.  


Got my homerun stock today so that was nice change :)

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3 hours ago, Lancaster said:

I've lost money in GME... but I just used "play money". 


It would really suck if someone really put their life savings.... but then again there are lots of people who also spend all their money at the casino too.  

At least for GME.... they can use the loss for future tax credits, lol.  

Reminds me of the time I was playing $5 blackjack hands with only $40 and the person beside me went to the ATM 4 times during the span I was there and withdrew $800 each time and kept loosing it. 

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5 minutes ago, Canadian said:

I’m jumping in on the GME and AMC buys today. First time into stocks, mostly doing it to avoid boredom through this month. Hoping it goes the moon. 

Looking to buy low now that the bubble has burst? And hoping it will still have an upswing?

I'm brand new at stocks too, so forgive me if this was sarcasm that went over my head.

If not, you might be better served to spend time reading some of these other folks' thoughts and opinions.

If you want to put money in right now - a good, safe, profitable first choice might be something like ARKK or any of the other ARK etfs. 

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5 minutes ago, nzan said:

Looking to buy low now that the bubble has burst? And hoping it will still have an upswing?

I'm brand new at stocks too, so forgive me if this was sarcasm that went over my head.

If not, you might be better served to spend time reading some of these other folks' thoughts and opinions.

If you want to put money in right now - a good, safe, profitable first choice might be something like ARKK or any of the other ARK etfs. 

Just jumping on the bandwagon for the giggles. Only throwing in a few hundred. 

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49 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:


Halted for volatility.


Just now, CBH1926 said:

I feel there will be a lot of bag holders with this one as well.

To be fair, the WSJ article doesn't mention anything new that the people following CCIV doesn't already know, although there does seem to be a negative spin on it.  

"A company with nothing but cash"... well yeah... that's what all SPAC's are.  Not a lie, but seems to imply that nothing else of value is provided for Lucid.  


Then they used some random Reddit user from the Netherland to try to "get a feel".  Trying to tie Reddit into this some way to somehow connect with what's happening with WSB.  And that Reddit user is only up 30%..... that's noob numbers... 


That being said, the longer this is taking does make me nervous a bit.  Of course, I did sell half my position in CCIV 2 days before the Lucid rumours came down the pipe.... I would be up a Ferrari right now if I didn't.  

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5 minutes ago, Lancaster said:


To be fair, the WSJ article doesn't mention anything new that the people following CCIV doesn't already know, although there does seem to be a negative spin on it.  

"A company with nothing but cash"... well yeah... that's what all SPAC's are.  Not a lie, but seems to imply that nothing else of value is provided for Lucid.  


Then they used some random Reddit user from the Netherland to try to "get a feel".  Trying to tie Reddit into this some way to somehow connect with what's happening with WSB.  And that Reddit user is only up 30%..... that's noob numbers... 


That being said, the longer this is taking does make me nervous a bit.  Of course, I did sell half my position in CCIV 2 days before the Lucid rumours came down the pipe.... I would be up a Ferrari right now if I didn't.  

Can you settle for a Porsche?

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NOK earnings reports come out tomorrow along with reports of their contracts and new enterprises for 2021 and to end 2020.  reported roughly 20 million units sold in phone sales (right?) over 100 5g contracts signed.  


They might miss their estimate by some accounts but should be good for 10-20 percent

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